


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……





汉语拼音:shī shí








  1. 事物失其本来状态。

    《易·泰》:“翩翩不富,皆失实也。” 孔颖达 疏:“犹众阴皆失其本实所居之处。”

  2. 不合乎事实。

    《韩非子·显学》:“ 孔子 曰:‘以容取人乎,失之 子羽 ;以言取人乎,失之 宰予 。’故以 仲尼 之智而有失实之声。” 汉 王充 《论衡·正说》:“《五经》皆多失实之説。” 宋 曾巩 《劝学诏》:“至於学官,其能明於教率而详於考察,有得人之称,则待以信赏;若训授无方而取舍失实,亦将论其罚焉。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈故四·崇祯纪事》:“《崇禎纪事》, 吴郡 姚宗典 所著,其中纪载多失实。”



  1. It could have been a simple mistake or misunderstanding, for which he surely wouldn't have been discharged.


  2. MEAL may not , and has no obligation to, update the Material or correct any inaccuracy which subsequently becomes apparent .


  3. Judges eventually ruled in the website's favor because there was no evidence to suggest the posts were not genuine.


  4. The newspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about him.


  5. But any attempt to credit a massive political shift to a single factor -- technological, economic, or otherwise -- is simply untrue.


  6. At the low end it feels right, but I feel like there should be a fuzzy top limit on how many items a real-life shopper ever buys.


  7. Where the peel is capable of slewing relative to the carriage, a further inaccuracy in the detection of the workpiece position arises.


  8. However, a spokesperson for David Beckham said there was no truth in the story.


  9. All this runs against the principle of accuracy and authenticity.


  1. 传闻失实。

    The rumour was unfounded.

  2. 报道失实。

    The report was inaccurate.

  3. 报导失实。

    The report gave a false picture of the situation.

  4. 失实之报导

    inaccurate report.

  5. 欺诈的失实陈述

    Fraudulent Misrepresentatio

  6. 疏忽的失实陈述

    negligent misrepresentation

  7. 新闻动态失实问题浅析

    On the Dynamic Inconsistence with the Facts in News Reporting

  8. 报纸因刊载失实, 登报道歉。

    The newspaper printed an apology for the error.

  9. 报告因完全失实而被驳回。

    The report was dismissed as totally false.

  10. 论信息披露失实的民事救济

    On Civil Almsgiving when the Information Disclosed Inconsistent with the Facts

  11. 我希望指出你的失实之处。

    I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.

  12. 火灾统计失实问题的现状及对策

    The state of false fire statistics and its solutions

  13. 英国对华倾泻垃圾报道严重失实

    Report of British Dumping Refuse to China was Seriously False

  14. 他对报纸失实的报道进行了抨击。

    He attacked the newspaper for false reporting.

  15. 统计数据失实的历史考察与体制分析

    A Historical Investigation and System Analysis of Inaccuracy in Statistical Data

  16. 报纸对那起事故作了失实的报导。

    The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the accident.

  17. 报纸对那起事故作了失实得报导。

    The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the accident.

  18. 协助, 教唆或参与前述的隐瞒或失实陈述,

    aids, abets or is privy to any such concealment or misrepresentation as aforesaid,

  19. 已经很清楚,将军得到的情报是严重失实的。

    It became clear that the general had been badly misinformed.

  20. 造成新闻失实的原因很多,主要是主观原因。

    There are a lot of reasons for causing news to be inconsistent with facts, most are subjective reasons.

  21. 为避免伤害某人的感情而说出的失实陈述。

    Untrue statement that is made to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

  22. 本条例旨在修订有关无意的失实陈述的法例。

    To amend the law relating to innocent misrepresentations.

  23. 尽管如此,贝克汉姆的发言人称该报道失实。

    However, a spokesperson for David Beckham said there was no truth in the story.

  24. 隐性失实和显性失实同样违背了准确性、真实性原则。

    All this runs against the principle of accuracy and authenticity.

  25. 社会保险缴费工资总额失实的原因及对策分析

    Analyzing the reason for the amount of wages calculated for social insurance inconsistent with the fact and the solution way

  26. 大量失实的报道称阿姆斯特朗拒绝提供证据。

    It had been widely and erroneously reported that Armstrong had refused to give evidence.

  27. 这项调查显示英国经济正在复苏的想法是失实的。

    This survey gives the lie to the idea that Britain is moving towards economic recovery.

  28. 酸液滤失实验数据处理方法的几点认识

    Treatment method of experimental data of acidizing fluid filtration

  29. 核数师是负责在核数师报告中报告所有遗漏或失实陈述。

    The auditor is responsible for reporting all omissions or misstatements in the auditors report.

  30. 他什么也不肯对新闻界说,因为他怕说的话报道失实。

    He wouldn't say anything to the press because he feard being misreported.


  1. 问:失实拼音怎么拼?失实的读音是什么?失实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失实的读音是shīshí,失实翻译成英文是 be false

  2. 问:失实症拼音怎么拼?失实症的读音是什么?失实症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失实症的读音是,失实症翻译成英文是 Derealization

  3. 问:失实记录拼音怎么拼?失实记录的读音是什么?失实记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:失实记录的读音是shī shí jì lù,失实记录翻译成英文是 blind entry



失实 shī shí 〖insistentwiththefacts;unfound;false;incorrect;erroneous;misleading〗与事实不符的 例子:报道失实 滥竽充数中的滥也是失实的意思