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1. 荒 [huāng]荒 [huāng]年成不好,收成不好:~年。灾~。防~。备~。长满野草,或无人耕种:~芜。~地。开~。废弃:~废。~疏。~置。业精于勤,~于嬉。冷落偏僻:~村。~郊。~落(luò)(a.荒凉冷落;b.荒疏衰退)。~颓……
错误的,不合情理的:荒~。~论。~传(chuán )。~误。差错:失之毫厘,~以千里。……
汉语拼音:huāng miù
宋 苏辙 《论冬温无冰札子》:“兼其人物凡猥,学术荒谬,而寘之太常礼乐之地,命下之日,士人无不掩口窃笑。” 明 袁宏道 《冯琢庵师》:“舍师不言,更有谁可言者?故敢不避荒谬,直陈肤见,惟师矜其愚而教之。” 清 戴名世 《老子论上》:“其尤荒谬不通者,轮迴生死之説,而愚人信之。” 瞿秋白 《赤俄之归途》一:“自然有些‘初出茅庐’的办事人,无经验,会有错误,甚至於荒谬。”
But I recently discovered that monitoring heart rate and breathing during sleep is not such a ridiculous idea after all.
不过,最近我发现,在睡觉时监测心跳与呼吸,并不是那麽荒谬的想法。Boris Vian is usually categorized as an existentialist, who wrote only one absurd play, Empire Builders.
一般包里斯.魏庸被归類为存在主义者,只写了一齣荒谬剧:《帝国缔造者》。The personal training industry as a whole was still in its infancy at this point, so this idea seemed ridiculously far-fetched, at best.
在这一点上,私人培训业作为一个整体还处在起步阶段,所以这个想法充其量很是荒谬牵强。The passion for the absurd can grow only in a man who has exhausted everything, yet is still capable of undergoing awesome transfigurations.
为荒谬而生的激情最适合滋长于耗尽一切的人,它仍旧能令人惊慌失色。You know I think if I see another piece of nonsense about me and Dennis I think I will. Erm. Lets see. Fall asleep.
你知道吗。我想如果我再看见另一篇关于我和丹尼斯的荒谬报道﹐我想我会。呃。让我想想。入睡。No doubt this point of view is ridiculous.
这观点无疑是很荒谬的Robinson smiles, as if to admit the absurdity of a man jumping into a bear fight. But in his eyes there's a hint that he might have done it.
罗宾逊满脸的笑容,好像承认了人类竟然参加狗熊的混战是多么的荒谬,但在他的眼神中,我分明看到他好像确实参与了战斗。Money is just a commodity, and it is quite ridiculous to put the blame on a non-living object when things go wrong.
金钱只是一种商品,而当事情一旦出错,就把责任归咎于一个没有生命的物体上,这是如此的荒谬不合逻辑!and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of life.