







汉语拼音:kāi gōng









  1. 工厂开始生产。

    毛泽东 《不要四面出击》:“我们要合理地调整工商业,使工厂开工。”

  2. 土木工程开始修建。



  1. However yesterday he did not have shooting. When he saw reporters at the hotel, he hurried away unlike his usual attitude.


  2. "If they're trying to become a mistress, they won't take a condom when they go to meet this man, " she said.


  3. That item expect to prepare to work to have already is ready ago currently, starting construct then in a year.


  4. Petrochemical plants that would continue to run for the duration of the holidays would have to secure feed stocks this week, he said.


  5. The Walkie-Talkie building, work on which started in January and is due to be completed in 2014, is a joint venture with Canary Wharf Group.


  6. After, she made another phone call to Mr Lan, a professional plougher to ask him to start work for her on the same day.


  7. "It was impossible to sell any stock because the plant had not started and produced electricity as promised, " he said.


  8. Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity.


  9. I bounced out of bed, told my husband what I was up to, asked for his support, and got to work.


  1. 大家开工吧

    Let's get to it.

  2. 我们开工吧

    Let's get to work.

  3. 已经开工了。

    The construction has begun.

  4. 我们还要开工

    We're going to work.

  5. 新厂开工了。

    The new factory has gone into operation.

  6. 好啦各位,开工

    All right, everybody, let's shoot.

  7. 本年新开工面积

    Floor Space Started in This Year

  8. 开工以及营建许可

    construction permit

  9. 开工和竣工日期

    Start and Completion of Construction Work

  10. 水库工程开工了。

    Construction of the reservoir has started.

  11. 可以两只手开工

    have two dominant hands.

  12. 大量新房今年开工。

    A large number of new housing starts this year.

  13. 否则我们不能开工。

    We can't begin work.

  14. 石油钻塔现全面开工。

    The oil rig is now fully operative.

  15. 麦克,我们该开工了。

    Mike,we're on the clock.

  16. 超超临界机组开工建设。

    Ultra supercritical generators in Phase III has started.

  17. 不过今天一定得开工!

    But it's imperative that the girls should call off the strike today!

  18. 休息完毕, 小强。开工吧。

    Breaks over, Roach. Lets go.

  19. 或者我们等六月再开工

    Or we could wait till June.

  20. 图为开工动员大会现场。

    The kickoff cere mony.

  21. 好了,15分钟后继续开工

    All right. 13 minutes and we're back to work.

  22. 赶紧的,我们得赶紧开工了。

    Now hurry up. We need to get cracking here.

  23. 开工,那本日记长什么样?

    So, what does this diary look like?

  24. 开工,那本日记长什么样?

    So, what does this diary look like?

  25. 他们原定于什么时候开工?

    When are they supposed to start?

  26. 焦炉固体燃料烘炉开工

    Roasting and Starting of the Coke Oven Using Solid Fuel

  27. 新机场的修建已经开工。

    Work has begun on the construction of the new airport.

  28. 三先生限定今天要开工。

    Mr. Wu has made today the deadline for the end of the strike.

  29. 一些海水淡化厂已经开工。

    A number of desalinization plants are already in operation.

  30. 参加产品质量认证开工会。

    Take part in Kick off meeting for product qualification approval.


  1. 问:开工拼音怎么拼?开工的读音是什么?开工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工的读音是kāigōng,开工翻译成英文是 go into operation; start

  2. 问:开工期拼音怎么拼?开工期的读音是什么?开工期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工期的读音是kāi gōng qī,开工期翻译成英文是 under-stream period

  3. 问:开工不足拼音怎么拼?开工不足的读音是什么?开工不足翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工不足的读音是kāi gōng bù zú,开工不足翻译成英文是 working under capacity

  4. 问:开工典礼拼音怎么拼?开工典礼的读音是什么?开工典礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工典礼的读音是kāi gōng diǎn lǐ,开工典礼翻译成英文是 ground-brenking ceremony

  5. 问:开工时间拼音怎么拼?开工时间的读音是什么?开工时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工时间的读音是kāi gōng shí jiān,开工时间翻译成英文是 commencement time

  6. 问:开工条件拼音怎么拼?开工条件的读音是什么?开工条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工条件的读音是kāi gōng tiáo jiàn,开工条件翻译成英文是 conditions for commencement of works

  7. 问:开工不足工厂拼音怎么拼?开工不足工厂的读音是什么?开工不足工厂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工不足工厂的读音是kāi gōng bù zú gōng chǎng,开工不足工厂翻译成英文是 undercapacity plant

  8. 问:开工期间维修拼音怎么拼?开工期间维修的读音是什么?开工期间维修翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开工期间维修的读音是kāi gōng qī jiān wéi xiū,开工期间维修翻译成英文是 on-stream maintenance

