







汉语拼音:shōu gōng








  1. (在田间或工地上干活的人)结束工作。

    艾芜 《还乡记》:“我们早点收工,大家回去!” 管桦 《山谷中》:“我们收工吃过饭回来的时候,已经是夜晚了。”



  1. Since the storm was drawing near, the navvy decided to call it a day.


  2. Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig.


  3. Mr Johnson painted his house all morning; then he called it a day and went to the movies.


  4. She stopped and posed for a moment and then politely asked that they wrap it up for the night, so she could walk on the street in peace.


  5. You think you can just throw some cash at us, huh? We'll forget everything, call it a day ?


  6. On top of that, the producer and director didn't want me to work too hard so they let me finish up after filming a couple of shots.


  7. We could consider that free will and just call it a day, but there's plenty of reason to believe the story isn't so simple.


  8. roy: six months? ? geez, why not just Cast a few divinations to determine their guilt and call it a day.


  9. Days passed, the elderly are 18 holes on a day call it a day, so the 18-hole golf course on the site as a standard.


  1. 水果采收工

    fruit picker.

  2. 然后完事收工

    and call it a day.

  3. 他们日落时收工。

    They stopped work at sunset.

  4. 你何不就此收工?

    Why do not you call it a day?

  5. 修复好,然后收工。

    fixing it locally and then stopping their work.

  6. 到收工的时候了。

    It's time to pack up.

  7. 收工的时间到了。

    It was time to pack up.

  8. 我们收工回家吧。

    Let's wrap up the job and go home.

  9. 他们在傍晚收工了。

    They knocked off at nightfall.

  10. 我想收工回家了。

    I think I'll call it a day and go home.

  11. 工人们已经收工离开了。

    The workmen have already packed up and left.

  12. 听我说,我一点钟收工。

    Listen, I finish at one.

  13. 我觉得我们该收工了

    I think we should wrap it up here.

  14. 我们收工看电影去吧!

    Let's call it a day and go to the movies.

  15. 咱们计算一下人数收工吧。

    Let's tell the noses and call it a day.

  16. 停电让我们不得不收工了。

    The blackout forced us to call it a day.

  17. 停电让我们不得不收工了。

    The blackout forced us to call it a day.

  18. 谁知道我什么时候才能收工。

    Who knows when I'll be done.

  19. 咱们早点收工去看球赛吧。

    Let's knock off work early and go to the football game.

  20. 乔, 我今天下午要早点收工。

    Joe, I'm going to knock off work early this afternoon.

  21. 时间快要到了,我们该收工了。

    I'm afraid time is running over; we'll have to end it now.

  22. 他们每天上工早收工晚。

    They started work early and finished late every day.

  23. 摘葡萄者萄萄酒生产者或采收工

    A producer or harvester of wine grapes.

  24. 好的,各位,让我们收工回家吧。

    Okay, everybody! Let's wrap it up and go home.

  25. 我们收工后,正好能赶上喝下午茶。

    We off work in time for tea.

  26. 洗手间也收工了,我说餐厅已经收工啦。

    Bathroom is closed, too. I said, the restaurant is closed.

  27. 也许收工以后,我可以教你跳探戈。

    Maybe after work, I could teach you the tango.

  28. 今天的时间到了,我们就此收工吧。

    Time is up for today and we have to leave off here.

  29. 这组人已收工并离开了工地。

    The team has downed tools and walked off the site.

  30. 这组人已收工并离开了工地。

    The team has downed tools and walked off the site.


  1. 问:收工拼音怎么拼?收工的读音是什么?收工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:收工的读音是shōugōng,收工翻译成英文是 finish work and pack up




拼音:shōu gōng含义:指工作完毕或下班!