




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:mài jiā






  1. 指卖方,卖主。

    樊增祥 《批复盛合禀词》:“以后抽收行用炭斤,只准向卖家抽取,不得取之买家。”



  1. No doubt you know an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand seller's business.


  2. The company requires would-be vendors to provide business-registration documents to set up storefronts on the site.


  3. so for that sort of usage buyers of even the lead-acid model should be able to make it home for an overnight recharge.


  4. Let me know what you think about this, as I can't sell the original for what I paid for it.


  5. Both feel pressure from the crowd of undecided traders that surrounds them, ready to jump in and snatch away their bargain.


  6. The trouble was that Paulson needed buyers of the CDO, in order that it could be a seller.


  7. Asked why the bank did not use Merrill Lynch, the BofA spokesperson said: "We did it as a party to party transaction. "


  8. TwoTweet isn't designed to replace shopping carts for larger sites, since you can only sell one item at a time with the system.


  9. Mr. Pluhowski said the company plans to assess the economic impact of the disruption and will compensate sellers.


  1. 他是卖家。

    He's the seller.

  2. 就是卖家评价。

    It's the user reviews.

  3. 卖家想尽量卖贵点。

    A seller wants to sell as expensively as possible.

  4. 许多卖家都是被迫的。

    Lots of sellers are forced.

  5. 卖家希望卖的越高越好。

    Sellers want to sell expensively as possible.

  6. 那家杂货铺兼卖家用电器。

    The grocery store has a side line of household appliances.

  7. 他为了吸毒,开始斥卖家产。

    Addicted to the drug, he began to sell the real estate.

  8. 他为了吸毒,开始斥卖家产。

    Addicted to the drug, he began to sell the real estate.

  9. 从前, 有一个买家和一个卖家。

    Once upon a time there were a buyer and a seller.

  10. 我们还委托饰品以大卖家。

    We also consign jewelry to ebay powersellers.

  11. 我们正寻找急于出售的卖家。

    We are looking for desperate sellers.

  12. 装成卖家?当他们的药头?

    Sell to them? We supply them?

  13. 这位卖家目前没有出售物品。

    I mainly sell greenstone and Paua Jewellery.

  14. 你的估价单被卖家回绝了。

    Your estimate was rejected by the seller.

  15. 你的估价单被卖家回绝了。

    Your estimate was rejected by the seller.

  16. 此人从不跟卖家联络, 也不付款!

    This Lady is a nonpayment buyer!

  17. 所产生得费用应由卖家承担。

    Expenses arising thereof shall be borne by the SELLER.

  18. 所产生的费用应由卖家承担。

    Expenses arising thereof shall be borne by the SELLER.

  19. 有些卖家是白人,另一些则是黑人。

    Some of them were held by white hands, others by black hands.

  20. 他从卖家那里收取回扣很多年了。

    He's been taking kickbacks from vendors for years.

  21. 新规更多考虑到卖家的方便程度。

    More new regulations account the seller's convenience.

  22. 新规更多考虑到卖家得方便程度。

    More new regulations account the seller's convenience.

  23. 假如有的话,那就是卖家多手了钱。

    If have, that sells the home much hand namely money.

  24. 供货商与经销商的关系是卖家与买家的关系。

    The relationship between supplier and distributor is just like saler and buyer.

  25. 保留价是卖家愿意接受的最低价钱。

    Reserve Price is the lowest price you will accept to sell your item.

  26. 技术持续地赋予权力给消费者和卖家。

    Technology continues to empower both the consumer and seller.

  27. 您还可以清除任何您发送给卖家的消息。

    You can also clear any messages you have sent to the sellers.

  28. 因此,卖家倾向于保持安静,直到太迟为止。

    So sellers tend to keep quiet until too late.

  29. 我开始是靠卖家鸽致富的,他解释道。

    I first became rich selling homing pigeons, he explained.

  30. 他的大卖家现在是一个射击游戏的商家。

    His big seller right now is a marshmallow shooter.