







汉语拼音:chì rè








  1. 极热,温度极高。

    吴辰旭 《周恩来总理永垂不朽》:“您把笑声投进炽热的炉膛,钢花怒放,铁水奔流!”

  2. 热烈。

    巴金 《春天里的秋天》十:“为什么在我的身边,在爱人的身边,在爱情炽热的时候,却只想回家去哭?” 秦牧 《<长河浪花集>序》:“从许多同志炽热的眼光中,你都可以体会到这种无声的语言。”

  3. 烧热。

    蔡东藩 《五代史演义》第七回:“外用炭火炽热,令他煨毙。”



  1. 'Well, let's have it, then, ' said the Mole, after he had waited patiently for a few minutes, half-dozing in the hot sun. . .


  2. Think you are every moment of happiness, as if you everything I have, a passionate took out his heart to give you custody.


  3. I was directly behind our Tunisian guide when he began to adjust his turban for protection against the blazing Saharan desert sun.


  4. for part of the day he went into the court - yard , seated himself on a stone with his head bare and exposed to the blazing sun.


  5. her eyes flashed like emeralds. Between her red lips, red eyebrows, and red hair, Vanity was an incandescent thing, glowing.


  6. Perhaps one of them is Khal Drogo, sitting on his fiery stallion in the night lands and smiling down on me.


  7. Specifically, summer flowers - may bracts susceptible to wind down, the summer sun too hot, is often darken.


  8. Blowtorch: a portable burner for mixing gas and oxygen to produce a very hot flame, used for soldering, welding, and glass blowing.


  9. UP ON THE MOUNTAINS the midday sun glared fiercely, but down in the valley near the swift-running stream it was cool and still.


  1. 炽热的爱情

    ardent love.

  2. 炽热的感情

    flaming passions.

  3. 最炽热的恋情

    relationship of our time.

  4. 它极度的炽热。

    It's incredibly hot.

  5. 火焰散发出炽热。

    The fire gave out a fierce heat.

  6. 炽热的, 极感兴趣的

    Keenly excited and interested.

  7. 炽热的,极感兴趣的。

    Keenly excited and interested.

  8. 热情的强烈的炽热的

    fervent feeling or showing strong and warm feeling

  9. 阳光炽热, 大地干燥。

    The glow of the sun dries up the vast land.

  10. 阳光炽热,大地干燥。

    The glow of the sun dries up the vast land.

  11. 炽热烤焦了木头。

    The intense heat charred the wood.

  12. 一段炽热的风流韵事

    a torrid love affair

  13. 激情感情的炽热强度

    Fiery intensity of feeling.

  14. 火焰含有炽热的气体。

    Flames consist of incandescent gases.

  15. 自然抗性之炽热头盔

    Fervent Helm of Nature Resistance

  16. 你是炽热明亮的太阳。

    You're the sun so hot and bright.

  17. 炽热的火球冲上天空。

    Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.

  18. 他曾炽热地爱过她。

    Once he had loved her passionately.

  19. 这盏灯达到了炽热状态。

    The lamp was incandesced.

  20. 这盏灯达到了炽热状态。

    The lamp was incandesced.

  21. 烧得炽热得煤往往发出闪光。

    Glowing coals spankle often.

  22. 爱情地炽热胜过千万团地火。

    Love warms more than a thousand fires.

  23. 炽热, 热情热情, 热烈的状态或性质

    The condition or quality of being fervent.

  24. 充满我血脉的炽热何时曾

    When did the heats which my veins fill

  25. 以我炽热燃烧的心为誓言。

    Use my heart which burn greatly for the vow.

  26. 烧得炽热的煤往往发出闪光。

    Glowing coals spankle often.

  27. 尽管火焰已灭,余烬仍然炽热。

    The embers were still incandescent although the flames had disappeared.

  28. 年轻人的头脑是轻浮的, 年轻人的心是炽热的。

    Young heads are giddy, and young hearts are warm.

  29. 夏日把炽热的阳光泻进山谷。

    Summer pours warm sunlight into the valleys.

  30. 太阳好象一直炽热的照耀着。

    The sun seemed to shine with a steady glare.


  1. 问:炽热拼音怎么拼?炽热的读音是什么?炽热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炽热的读音是chìrè,炽热翻译成英文是 red-hot

  2. 问:炽热地拼音怎么拼?炽热地的读音是什么?炽热地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炽热地的读音是,炽热地翻译成英文是 fierily

  3. 问:炽热的拼音怎么拼?炽热的的读音是什么?炽热的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炽热的的读音是chì rè de,炽热的翻译成英文是 red hot

  4. 问:炽热光膜拼音怎么拼?炽热光膜的读音是什么?炽热光膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炽热光膜的读音是chì rè guāng mó,炽热光膜翻译成英文是 incandescent screen

  5. 问:炽热程度拼音怎么拼?炽热程度的读音是什么?炽热程度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炽热程度的读音是chì rè chéng dù,炽热程度翻译成英文是 degree of incandescence

  6. 问:炽热火山灰流拼音怎么拼?炽热火山灰流的读音是什么?炽热火山灰流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炽热火山灰流的读音是chì rè huǒ shān huī liú,炽热火山灰流翻译成英文是 hot ash flow

  7. 问:炽热电子阴极拼音怎么拼?炽热电子阴极的读音是什么?炽热电子阴极翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炽热电子阴极的读音是chì rè diàn zǐ yīn jí,炽热电子阴极翻译成英文是 hot electron cathode


