







汉语拼音:zhì rè








  1. 炽热。

    清 杨炳 《农夫叹》诗:“日如火,火繖初张避犹可;日如汤,炙热之势不可当。” 巴金 《将军集·五十多个》:“他走进一家铁匠铺,拿起一个大铁锤,向着一块炙热的红铁打下去。”



  1. The only trouble was that the patrol overshot its endpoint by a half kilometre and soon found itself walking directly into the sun's glare.

  2. Life is clearly out of the trees survive, however, the hot patch of fiery red, but did not decrease with the passage of life.

  3. An air, like the heat of the Sun yet cold as the confidence of a killer, surrounds Daniel.

  4. Like the sun like the sun, if sea water as love, lost passion as if youll be looking back, feeling back to the youth age.

  5. A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother.

  6. Some were caused by lightning in a storm; others, perhaps, by the hot material which came out of a volcano.

  7. It was as necessary for my soul after its rigorous repression during my infancy as are the monsoon clouds after a fiery summer.

  8. Hot summer, hazy, mixed interpolation seems endless illusion, passion in the heart of the neon summer surge of, don't take a dust!

  9. He does not own Sanchu the dazzling light of love , will not be allowed to own burning hot flame of love .


  1. 炙热的午间太阳

    The torrid noonday sun.

  2. 在炙热的太阳下

    under a flaming sun

  3. 我炙热地想念你。

    I just miss you like sear.

  4. 血, 血得炙热, 血得湿润, 血得闪亮。

    The hotness of it, the wetness, the brightness.

  5. 血,血的炙热,血的湿润,血的闪亮。

    The hotness of it, the wetness, the brightness.

  6. 炙热得阳光烘乾了地面。

    The hot sun parched the ground.

  7. 炙热的阳光烘乾了地面。

    The hot sun parched the ground.

  8. 炙热空气中,风渐行渐止。

    When wind stops, from the hot and burning sky.

  9. 他在炙热的太阳下曝晒。

    He's grilling himself under a hot sun.

  10. 夏天到了,白昼漫长而炙热。

    It's summer, and the days are long and hot.

  11. 但后火比爱更炙热。

    And fire burns hotter than love.

  12. 炙热的太阳把我们烤焦了。

    The scorching sun grilled us.

  13. 炙热得太阳把我们烤焦了。

    The scorching sun grilled us.

  14. 直到宇宙还是炙热密实的状态

    back to when the universe was hot and dense and very different.

  15. 事实上,有些是炙热,有些只是微热。

    In reality, some are redhot and others are only lukewarm.

  16. 炙热烤焦了她手臂上的汗毛。

    The heat scorched the fine hairs on her arms.

  17. 当炙热的阳光随着太阳西沉时。

    When the sun goes down with a flaming ray.

  18. 在炙热的阳光下行走令人疲倦。

    Walking in the burning sunshine makes people wearisome.

  19. 炙热得土地再一次变得勃勃生机。

    Once again, parched earth is transformed into an exuberance of growth.

  20. 乾燥,炙热的埃及气候帮助遗体保存。

    The arid, baking climate of Egypt helps in preservation.

  21. 第二项任务, 他们得走过炙热得木炭。

    For the second task, they had to walk over hot coals.

  22. 我的灵魂像是饱受着炙热烙铁的折磨。

    Burns like an iron in the back of my mind.

  23. 我得灵魂像是饱受着炙热烙铁得折磨。

    Burns like an iron in the back of my mind.

  24. 生存在炙热和干燥的沙漠中是困难的。

    Survival is difficult in the hot, dry desert.

  25. 而是深沉的意志,恢弘的想象,炙热的情感。

    It is the matter of the will, a quality of imaginations, a vigor of emotions.

  26. 炙热的土地再一次变得勃勃生机。

    Once again, parched earth is transformed into an exuberance of growth.

  27. 她对每个人都投以炙热的目光。

    From rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes.

  28. 它可以在寒冷的冬季和炎热的夏天炙热。

    It can be cold in the winter and blazing hot in the summer.

  29. 第二项任务,他们得走过炙热的木炭。

    For the second task, they had to walk over hot coals.

  30. 他们从中找到了一种炙热不退的乐趣。

    They find a keen and lasting pleasure in it.


  1. 问:炙热拼音怎么拼?炙热的读音是什么?炙热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炙热的读音是zhìrè,炙热翻译成英文是 As hot as fire; also used to describe passiona...


