







汉语拼音:yán rè








  1. 犹炎暑。气候极热。

    汉 班婕妤 《怨歌行》:“常恐秋节至,凉风夺炎热。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·逸民》:“朝为张天之炎热,夕成冰冷之委灰。” 唐 杜甫 《寄杨五桂州》诗:“五岭皆炎热,宜人独 桂林 。” 宋 陆游 《六七月之交山中凉甚》诗:“城市方炎热,村墟乃尔凉。” 巴金 《寒夜》二九:“炎热增加他的痛苦,喧哗更像在火上添油。”

  2. 指温度高。


  3. 比喻权贵。

    清 刘大櫆 《赠资治大夫吴府君墓表》:“平生不趋走炎热……足跡未尝入官府。”

  4. 比喻热闹。

    清 李渔 《凰求凤·伙谋》:“风运太蹊蹺,后庭炎热,前院萧条。”



  1. That allows sunlight to provide indoor lighting and to help heat the home or to keep the sun out in hotter times of the year.


  2. There is nothing better than to help yourself to a cold drink in hot summer.


  3. The horse moved slowly in the heat, and had to be goaded on by his master.


  4. In this I did not fall on the land, the hot weather but always cannot stop the heart inside that autumn, it is heart of a knot.


  5. Heat is the weather continued to maintain the excessive heat may also be accompanied by high humidity.


  6. Arrested on a hot summer's day, he was taken to Beijing's Taicheng Prison, wearing nothing but a shirt and thin trousers.


  7. His mind clothed it in an image of a strong blinding sun sending hot rays down and he was standing in the midst of vast crowd of men.


  8. The best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun (or any hot confined place) and drink fluids regularly.


  9. The computer lab was one of the best places to hang out on 100-degree F. afternoons in Austin, Texas.


  1. 炎热的七月

    a roasting July.

  2. 炎热的夏日

    a summer day that sizzled.

  3. 有些地方炎热。

    In some it is hot.

  4. 日中的炎热

    midday heat.

  5. 炎热的八月

    a flaming August.

  6. 炎热让人受不了。

    The heat was intolerable.

  7. 沙漠中极其炎热。

    The heat in the desert was extreme.

  8. 我已习惯于炎热。

    I have got accustomed to scorching.

  9. 炎热依旧没有减缓。

    Still the heat didn't let up.

  10. 一个炎热的夏日

    a roasting hot summer day

  11. 都是炎热和潮湿。

    It's always hot and humid.

  12. 我被炎热窒息了。

    I am suffocated by the intense heat.

  13. 天气非常炎热闷人。

    It's extremely hot and muggy.

  14. 白天的炎热消失了。

    The day's heat faded into balminess.

  15. 你们国家气候炎热吗

    Is the climate hot in your country

  16. 去年的夏天十分炎热。

    Summer was almost tropical last year.

  17. 夏天的天气炎热湿润。

    The climate in the summer is hot and humid.

  18. 直到半夜,炎热才缓解。

    The heat did not relax until midnight.

  19. 炎热使一些人无精打采。

    Heat makes some people listless.

  20. 好一个炎热的夏日!

    What a torrid summer day!

  21. 夏天天气炎热, 白昼悠长。

    Summer is hot and the days are long.

  22. 炎热的夜晚最佳编剧

    Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium In the Heat of the Night

  23. 夏天是个炎热的季节。

    Summer is a hot season.

  24. 她因炎热而感到难受。

    She is suffering from the heat.

  25. 我不习惯炎热的天气。

    I am not used to the hot weather.

  26. 炎热使青草都枯萎了。

    The heat shrivelled up the grass.

  27. 他习惯了炎热的天气。

    He is used to the tropical weather.

  28. 抑闷炎热潮湿的天气。

    oppressively hot and humid weather.

  29. 今年的八月十分炎热。

    August was almost tropical this year.

  30. 这里一年四季都炎热。

    All the year round is torridity here.


  1. 问:炎热拼音怎么拼?炎热的读音是什么?炎热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炎热的读音是yánrè,炎热翻译成英文是 scorching hot

  2. 问:炎热的拼音怎么拼?炎热的的读音是什么?炎热的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炎热的的读音是,炎热的翻译成英文是 flaming

  3. 问:炎热干旱区拼音怎么拼?炎热干旱区的读音是什么?炎热干旱区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炎热干旱区的读音是yán rè gān hàn qū,炎热干旱区翻译成英文是 hot arid zone

  4. 问:炎热气候混凝土浇筑拼音怎么拼?炎热气候混凝土浇筑的读音是什么?炎热气候混凝土浇筑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炎热气候混凝土浇筑的读音是yán rè qì hòu hùn níng tǔ jiāo zhù,炎热气候混凝土浇筑翻译成英文是 hot-weather concreting



炎热--- 通常用来指天气。气温过高、湿度减少都可造成天气炎热。人在炎热的环境下,会造成心烦气躁,憋闷的感觉