







汉语拼音:zhuó rè








  1. 炽热。

    鲁迅 《野草·死后》:“那芦席就被掀去了,又立刻感到了日光的灼热。” 邹韬奋 《大众生活社致北平全体学生的一封信》:“每一颗灼热的心,在现在都爆射出要求御侮救亡的愤火。”

  2. 犹激烈。

    峻青 《黎明的河边》七:“灼热的枪声停止了,风吹散了飘在堤上的硝烟。”

  3. 焦急。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·嫦娥》:“﹝ 宗子美 ﹞意翁必媒定之,而翁归若忘,心灼热,隐以白母。”

  4. 犹煎迫。




  1. The scorching-hot lava also carved teardrop-shaped islands into the surface, which are visible near the edges of these plains.


  2. Heartburn is usually linked to gastric acid that reaches the esophagus when a weak muscle does not close as it should after swallowing.


  3. Then, the soon-to-be must burn his eyes out with a heated magic blade, so as to contain the spirit of the demon inside of him.


  4. Without the air to stop some of the sun's heat, every part of the earth would be burning hot when the sun's rays strike it.


  5. I remember that what I smoked was much easier to smoke than marijuana. There was no burning in my throat nor in my lungs.


  6. The sun was too hot and the light was too bright and the pain was like a white fire up the sides of my face, and in my eyes.


  7. Let your thoughts, let your expression of those thoughts . . . give out a glow of Light that allows others to FEEL warmth to their soul.


  8. My swollen feet felt as if I'd been walking across hot coals.


  9. It's highly unlikely that such a world would retain an atmosphere, since the searing hot gases would rapidly escape into space.


  1. 灼热的情感

    burning passions.

  2. 灼热的骄阳

    a scorching, pitiless sun.

  3. 阳光灼热逼人。

    The sun was blazing hot.

  4. 我有胃灼热

    I've got heartburn

  5. 沙漠灼热的沙粒

    the sultry sands of the desert.

  6. 灼热的余烬, 木炭等

    glowing embers, charcoal, etc

  7. 营火剩下的灼热余烬

    the glowing ashes of the campfire

  8. 柔和的灯光如此的灼热。

    Soft light thus of scorching hot.

  9. 灼热得闪光发绿光。

    A glowing gleam glowing green.

  10. 灼热的闪光发绿光。

    A glowing gleam glowing green.

  11. 在灼热的炉子前忙碌

    to slave over a hot stove

  12. 人们被滚滚灼热烧焦。

    People were scorched by wave of the searing heat.

  13. 舞蹈、恋歌和灼热的欢乐!

    Dance and Provencal song and sunburnt mirth!

  14. 用或似用灼热的铁打标记

    to mark with or as if with a hot iron

  15. 苍天之明眸时而过于灼热

    The eye of heaven shines

  16. 将蘑菇, 本菇灼热取出。

    Blanch button mushrooms and Honshimeji mushrooms till done.

  17. 把灼热的金属锻造成匕首

    Beat the glowing metal into a dagger.

  18. 灼热得阳光炙烤着光秃秃得大地。

    The fierce sun parched the bare earth.

  19. 灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。

    The fierce sun parched the bare earth.

  20. 我已经感觉体内的灼热了。

    I can already feel it burning inside of me.

  21. 爱情地灼热赛过千万团地火。

    Love warms more than a thousand fires.

  22. 爱情哒灼热赛过千万团地火。

    Love warms more than a thousand fires.

  23. 灼热的蒸汽管烫伤了他的手。

    He seared his hand on a hot steam pipe.

  24. 金属在熔炉里发出灼热的光。

    The metal glowed in the furnace.

  25. 金属在熔炉里发出灼热得光。

    The metal glowed in the furnace.

  26. 灼热得太阳把木板晒得弯曲了。

    The hot sun warped the boards.

  27. 灼热的阳光,摇曳的椰林,碧蓝的海水。

    Scorching sunshine, swaying coconut trees, blue sea.

  28. 当你佝偻着, 在灼热的炉栅边

    And beding down beside the glowing bars

  29. 大量灼热的种子注入亚连的身体。

    Large amount of hot seeds were spilled into Allen.

  30. 爱情得灼热赛过千万团地火。

    Love warms more than a thousand fires.


  1. 问:灼热拼音怎么拼?灼热的读音是什么?灼热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热的读音是zhuórè,灼热翻译成英文是 scorching

  2. 问:灼热力拼音怎么拼?灼热力的读音是什么?灼热力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热力的读音是zhuó rè lì,灼热力翻译成英文是 intensity of incandescence

  3. 问:灼热地拼音怎么拼?灼热地的读音是什么?灼热地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热地的读音是,灼热地翻译成英文是 glowingly

  4. 问:灼热的拼音怎么拼?灼热的的读音是什么?灼热的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热的的读音是,灼热的翻译成英文是 baking

  5. 问:灼热减量拼音怎么拼?灼热减量的读音是什么?灼热减量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热减量的读音是zhuó rè jiǎn liàng,灼热减量翻译成英文是 ignition loss

  6. 问:灼热表面拼音怎么拼?灼热表面的读音是什么?灼热表面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热表面的读音是zhuó rè biǎo miàn,灼热表面翻译成英文是 hot surface

  7. 问:灼热试验拼音怎么拼?灼热试验的读音是什么?灼热试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热试验的读音是zhuó rè shì yàn,灼热试验翻译成英文是 ignition test

  8. 问:灼热身管拼音怎么拼?灼热身管的读音是什么?灼热身管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热身管的读音是zhuó rè shēn guǎn,灼热身管翻译成英文是 burning barrel

  9. 问:灼热性红斑拼音怎么拼?灼热性红斑的读音是什么?灼热性红斑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热性红斑的读音是zhuó rè xìng hóng bān,灼热性红斑翻译成英文是 erythema ab igne

  10. 问:灼热火山云拼音怎么拼?灼热火山云的读音是什么?灼热火山云翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热火山云的读音是zhuórèhuŏshānyún,灼热火山云翻译成英文是 nuee ardente

  11. 问:灼热足综合征拼音怎么拼?灼热足综合征的读音是什么?灼热足综合征翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灼热足综合征的读音是zhuó rè zú zōng hé zhēng,灼热足综合征翻译成英文是 burning feet syndrome



灼热拼音zhuó rè词义状态词。像火烧着、烫着那样热:(~的炼钢炉)