如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 万 [wàn]2. 万 [mò]万 [wàn]数目,十个一千:~户侯(中国汉代侯爵的最高一级,享有万户农民的赋税。后泛指高官)。喻极多:~物。~方(a.指全国和世界各地;b.指姿态多种多样)。日理~机。气象~千。极,很,绝对:~~。~……
汉语拼音:wàn guó
《易·乾》:“首出庶物,万国咸寧。”《史记·东越列传》:“今小国以穷困来告急天子,天子弗振,彼当安所告愬?又何以子万国乎?” 唐 杜甫 《垂老别》诗:“万国尽征戍,烽火被冈峦。” 明 李梦阳 《赠何舍人赍诏南纪诸镇》诗:“日月重悬万国朝,雷雨赦过羣方悦。” 章炳麟 《驳康有为论革命书》:“以一人之詔旨立宪,宪其所宪,非大地万国所谓宪也。” 郭沫若 《水平线下·到宜兴去》:“国际资本家万矢一的地倾向着我们这个还在资本制度以前的 中国 ,把我们 中国 已经作为了万国的商场,彼此在这儿互相争逐了。”
The LORD will scatter you among the peoples, and only a few of you will survive among the nations to which the LORD will drive you.
耶和华必使你们分散在万民中。在他所领你们到的万国里,你们剩下的人数稀少。The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.
魔鬼又领他上了高山,霎时间把天下的万国都指给他看,Finances will be released in a greater measure to be able to allow the Body of Christ to disciple nations.
财富将被更大量的释放出来,好使基督的身体能训练万国作主的门徒。Held in London in 1851, the Great Exhibition introduced new inventions like an early form of the fax machine and the voting machine.
在那次万国博览会上引介了早期的传真机和计票机等新发明。On holidays he would take his wife to the House of All Nations and hire a room for the night. Every room was appointed in a different style.
每逢假日他便带太太到万国宫租一个房间过夜,每间房子的式样都迎然不同,他太太很喜欢那儿。Red stands for passion flowing in the blood, red is like the melody for the age of excitement, red is the everlasting color of many a flag.
“红”是血管里流动的活力热情,“红”是激荡人心的时代旋律,“红”是万国旗帜中的永恒色彩。Color flags of many nations, Fluttering towards the wind, Foreign language and capital, Pouring into China like flood.
万国彩旗,迎风招展,外语外资,涌入中华。And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
妇人生了一个男孩子、是将来要用铁杖辖管万国的.〔辖管原文作牧〕他的孩子被提到神宝座那里去了。The world's navies are trying to stop pirates. But will shooting them solve this growing maritime problem?