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1. 耶 [yé]2. 耶 [yē]耶 [yé]文言疑问词,相当于“呢”或“吗”:“独不怜公子姊~?”。是~非~?。古同“爷”,父亲。耶 [yē]〔~稣〕基督教的创始人。……
汉语拼音:yē sū
希腊文的音译。基督教所信奉的救世主,称之为基督。据《新约》载,是上帝(天主)的独生子,为拯救世人而降生于 犹太 伯利恒 。
清 尤侗 《外国竹枝词》:“音声万变都成字,试作 耶穌 十字歌。” 老舍 《老张的哲学》第十五:“黑色门心,漆着金字,左边是‘上帝言好事’,右边是‘ 耶稣 保平安’。”
Now when He heard this, He said, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who are ill.
耶稣听见,就说,强健的人用不著医生,有病的人才用得著。When the Lord chose His twelve disciples, it was "that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach" (Mark Hi. 14).
耶稣拣选十二个门徒,就是「要他们常和自己同在,也要差他们去传道。」(可三14);And immediately Jesus, realizing in Himself that power had gone out of Him , turned around in the crowd and said, Who touched My garments ?
耶稣里面顿觉有能力从自己身上出去,就在群众当中转过身来,说,谁摸我的衣服?。The Bible lifts our eyes to see that all creation proclaims the glory of God, who has showered His grace and love on us through Christ.
圣经开启我们的眼睛,让我们看见,所有的受造之物都在述说上帝的荣耀。藉著耶稣基督,上帝将他的恩典和慈爱浇灌在我们身上。Then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked him. Dressing him in an elegant robe, they sent him back to Pilate.
希律和他的兵丁就藐视耶稣,戏弄他,给他穿上华丽衣服,把他送回彼拉多那里去。For the Jews had already agreed that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.
因为犹太人已经商议定了,若有认耶稣是基督的,要把他赶出会堂Did not Christ tell Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18: 36)? Which of these seven words is so hard to understand?
耶稣基督没有对圣比拉多说:“我的王国不是这个世界”(约翰福音18:36)?这十个字难道如此难于理解吗?And they came out of the tombs after His resurrection and entered into the holy city and appeared to many.
到耶稣复活以后,他们从坟墓里出来,进了圣城,向许多人显现。He took seriously the Muslim idea of a dialogue based on the commands of Jesus of Nazareth to love God and one another.