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《医宗金鉴·杂病心法要诀·肿胀总括》谓肿胀有脉胀,有肤胀。亦用以形容身体虚胖。 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“ 曾皓 ,看来至多不过六十五,鬓发斑白,身体虚弱,肿胀的黄脸上微微有几根稀落惨灰的短须。”
So I am trying to get rid of the water on the knee right now and get rid of the swelling, and I think I'm going to be fine then.
所以我试图引出膝盖内的积水和摆脱肿胀,我想我马上就会变好的。There is no break but he took a knock to the leg and the membrane covering the bone is swollen.
这不用休息,但是他的腿被碰撞过一次后,骨头的薄膜已经肿胀。The Mayor appeared at the door. He had shaved the left side of his face, but the other side, swollen and in pain, had a five-day-old beard.
市长出现在门口,左侧的脸刮过了,另一侧因为肿胀疼痛,已经五天没有刮胡子了。She was an older woman, sitting at the edge of the bed, struggling to put socks on her swollen feet.
她上了年纪,正坐在床边费力的往她那肿胀的脚上穿袜子。Here, we present the case of a woman who suffered from acute dyspnea and right cheek and neck swelling during molar extraction.
一位年轻女性于拔臼齿时突然发生呼吸困难及脸颊肿胀;The joint is not swollen at the moment, but the Austrian will rest for a couple of days and go back to training on Thursday morning.
关节病不再肿胀,但是奥地利人要休息几天,并且在周二回复随队训练。The swelling is often mistaken for a bone prominence.
这类肿胀常被误认为是一种骨隆突。It pulsated in her hand like an animal and almost weeping with grateful ecstasy she pointed it into her own wet, turgid flesh.
它在她手里有节奏地一收一缩,象一只动物。几乎因为感激的狂喜而哭了,她把它对准进入她自己的湿地,肿胀的肉里。Around the time of its eruption, the person may experience itching, fever, swelling, severe pain and a burning sensation.
在长出水疱时,患者可体验到发痒、发热、肿胀、剧烈疼痛和烧灼感。肿胀本是两个概念,肿是肿,胀是胀。肿多与肾脏关系密切,肾脏本是水火之脏,左为肾,重在精液,津液之容之。右之命门,是人之生命之本源,主真火所藏,人之身阴阳的盛衰,水道畅达,人体躯干就不会肿。水液潴留,泛滥肌肤,多表现以头面、眼睑、四肢、腹背、甚至全身性肿为特征的一类病症。 胀是指腹部大如鼓的一类病症,严重者如鼓又名鼓胀。临床以腹大胀满,绷急难忍,呼吸不利,或呼多吸少,皮色苍黄、或晦暗,脉络显露为特征,亦故名肿胀,也难分清是肿是胀,所以通称肿胀。 但是,外伤也可引起肿和痛,我们今之所谈由内伤引起的肿。 在《内经》中称为“水”,并根据不同症状分为“风水肿”“石水肿”“涌水肿”。