







汉语拼音:zhǒng tòng







  1. 指炎症的一般症状。

    宋 袁褧 《枫窗小牍》卷上:“此数者备,然后为真,服之有奇验,肿痛拘挛皆可已。” 清 陈士铎 《石室秘箓·逆医法·论双蛾》:“喉门肿痛,痰如锯不絶,茶水一滴不能下嚥。”



  1. If you experience any numbness, tingling or have wounds or abnormalities of any kind, see a podiatric physician immediately.


  2. Take a teaspoonful of organic honey with a sprinkling of turmeric every two hours to ease sore throats or for colds and flu.


  3. Gingival swelling and pain that have inflammation of the oral pathogens themselves more, thus increasing the risk of cross contamination.


  4. Honeysuckle: clear the fire throat, clearing away heat and toxic material ( for sore throat, tonsillitis significant effect ).


  5. The solid-cystic tumor of the pancreas is an uncommon, low-grade malignant tumor occurring exclusively in young women.


  6. Meal after meal drinks clearance fire Let me go home to worry about sore throat and eat it more fun.


  7. Typical clinical presentation is sudden oligoanuric acute renal failure, and hematuria, with a painful and swollen renal allograft.


  8. Also another sign would be if your normally happy baby is occasionally cranky and crying (swollen gums can cause pain).


  9. HSV is a viral infection that causes blisters and sores, usually around the mouth and nose.


  1. 膝关节肿痛该怎么办?

    How should knee joint gall do ?

  2. 治疗牙龈肿痛的方法?

    Treat the method of gum gall?

  3. 她的大拇指肿痛难忍。

    Her thumb is painfully swollen.

  4. 鼻衄,牙痛,咽喉肿痛,前臂痛。

    Epistaxis, toothache, sore throat, pain in the arm.

  5. 牙龈肿痛怎么治疗效果最好?

    How does gum gall treat the effect best?

  6. 咽喉肿痛是感染发生的信号。

    This tells you an infection is on its way.

  7. 任何关节发炎或肿痛的疾病

    an inflammatory disease characterized by a rash with joint swelling and fever

  8. 你们有什么给嘴唇肿痛的药?

    Have you also got something suitable for sore lips

  9. 他有发烧,筋骨肿痛和常常咳嗽。

    He has had hacking cough for weeks.

  10. 长尽头牙引起牙龈肿痛怎么办啊?

    How does long end tooth cause gum gall to do ?

  11. 那些药能治疗喉咙经常肿痛的啊?

    Can those medicine treat throat often of gall ah

  12. 芒硝冰袋冷敷减轻创伤肿痛的研究

    Effect of cold compress of mirabilite ice pack on relieving the swelling pain of wound

  13. 肿痛之处容易磨破,骄矜之人容易树敌。

    As sore places meet most rubs, proud folks meet most affronts.

  14. 大量繁重的工作使她的伤口肿痛发炎。

    A plenty of heavy work angered her wound.

  15. 变得肿痛、擦伤或疼痛她的大拇指肿痛难忍。

    To become irritated, chafed, or sore. Her thumb is painfully swollen.

  16. 她的大拇指肿痛难忍。他的阴囊有不痛的肿大。

    Her thumb is painfully swollen. He has had painless swelling in his scrotum.

  17. 目的探讨更有效的减轻创伤肿痛的冷敷方法。

    Objective To discuss the more effective method to relieve the swelling pain of wound.

  18. 腿部骨折,打了石膏板以后还是肿痛不止!

    Leg ministry fracture, gall still is after hitting plasterboard more than!

  19. 泽兰合剂治疗四肢骨折早期肿痛的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Early Swelling Pain of Fracture of Limbs Treated by Zelan Mixture

  20. 我这两天上火,咽头肿痛,得去看医生呢。

    I've been suffering from excessive internal heat recently and my throat hurts. So I really have to see the doctor.

  21. 沙尘暴回来了。这意味着我马上就要嗓子肿痛头疼了

    Yellow dust has returned again, which means I’ll probably be getting a sore throat and a headache very soon.

  22. 还饶有兴趣地弯着腰看汤姆那只肿痛的脚趾,

    and bent over the toe with absorbing interest

  23. 更大的肿痛意味着对神经更大的压力, 从而导致更加疼痛。

    More swelling means greater pressure on the nerves, which causes more pain.

  24. 用于治疗跌打损伤、淤血肿痛,以及各种皮肤感染疾病。

    For bruises, bruising, swelling and pain and various skin diseases.

  25. 本视频将教给你怎样在家中护理肿痛的牙龈。

    This is an educational video on how to gently care for swollen gums at home.

  26. 本方可促进痔术后创面愈合,减轻患者术后肿痛的发生。

    This may promote wound healing after hemorrhoid to reduce postoperative complications in patients with the occurrence.

  27. 外用于疮疡肿痛或溃破久不收口,口腔炎,牙龈炎,咽炎。

    External use on inflammation of the mouth cavity, periodontitis, wounds from cut not healing, and pharyngitis.

  28. 骨科消肿止痛酒治疗闭合性小腿骨折局部肿痛的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Gu Ke Xiao Zhong Zhi Tong Jiu on Treating Local Edema and Pain in Closed Lower Leg Fracture

  29. 于是这孩子急忙把他那只肿痛的脚趾头从被子里搬出来,

    So the boy eagerly drew his sore toe from under the sheet

  30. 用于火毒内盛所致的疔疮痈肿初期, 咽喉牙龈肿痛, 口舌生疮。

    It is used for initial stage of furuncle and carbuncle, swelling and pain of throat and gum, ulceration in mouth and on the tongue.


  1. 问:肿痛性心包炎拼音怎么拼?肿痛性心包炎的读音是什么?肿痛性心包炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肿痛性心包炎的读音是zhǒng tòng xìng xīn bāo yán,肿痛性心包炎翻译成英文是 neoplastic pericarditis




【注音】:zhǒng tòng
