


劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……





汉语拼音:gōng xūn








  1. 见“ 功勋 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 功勛 ”。《周礼·夏官·司勋》:“王功曰勋。” 郑玄 注:“辅 成王 业若 周公 。”后泛指为国家建立的功绩勋劳。

    《汉书·王莽传上》:“揆公德行,为天下纪;观公功勋,为万世基。” 唐 杜甫 《前出塞》诗之五:“我始为奴僕,几时树功勋。” 巴金 《<爝火集>后记》:“人的生命是有限的,然而为人民立下的功勋却将与世长存。”

  3. 指有功勋的人。

    《汉书·五行志上》:“贤佞分别,官人有序,帅由旧章,敬重功勋。” 唐 王昌龄 《塞下曲》之四:“功勋多被黜,兵马亦寻分。”



  1. na.
  2. exploit;meritorious service;feats;outstandingly meritorious deed (

  3. down for the nation)

  1. 不朽的功勋

    immortal deeds.

  2. 十字功勋奖章。

    And the Distinguished Service Cross.

  3. 银质预备役功勋奖章。

    Decoration for Merit for Reserve Service Silver.

  4. 建立不可磨灭的功勋

    perform meritorious deeds never to be obliterated

  5. 金质预备役功勋奖章。

    Decoration for Merit for Reserve Service Gold.

  6. 立下了不朽的功勋

    have performed immortal feats

  7. 功勋奖章授予勤劳智慧者

    Exploit medals award to hardworking and wisdom people

  8. 奖章上刻有功勋卓越的字样。

    The medal bears the inscription'For distinguished service'.

  9. 在他的外交生涯中他功勋卓著。

    He has made distinguished services in his diplomatic career.

  10. 由于功勋卓著,今天授予二等功。

    Today awarded posthumous order of conspicuous merit, second class.

  11. 因为获功勋别人正浴血奋战在沙

    Whilst others fight to win the prize, and sail thro bloody seas

  12. 这些双胞胎有很多得功勋, 所有得英雄。

    The exploits of these twins are many, and all heroic.

  13. 这些双胞胎有很多的功勋,所有的英雄。

    The exploits of these twins are many, and all heroic.

  14. 他在历次战斗中都立下了功勋。

    In all previous battles he has achieved glorious victories.

  15. 他在历次战斗中都立下了功勋。

    In all previous battles he has achieved glorious victories.

  16. 俄罗斯功勋艺术家, 列兵美术学院教授。

    Russia exploits artist, professor of Repin Academy of Fine Arts.

  17. 不要去企求奖赏, 为了你高贵的功勋。

    Do not go begging reward for your noble deeds.

  18. 固定功勋使用的在嗅气味包的时候,赌博。

    Fixed the packet sniffing exploit used when gambling.

  19. 因陀罗最显赫的功勋是他和维他的战斗。

    Indra's most notable exploit was his battle with Vritra.

  20. 他是一位屡建功勋的屏藩忠臣。

    He is a loyal official who has made some great contributions.

  21. 他是一位屡建功勋的屏藩忠臣。

    He is a loyal official who has made some great contributions.

  22. 那时很多人曾出去争取荣誉和建立功勋。

    In those days many men went away to win honour and glory.

  23. 在他的铁甲上, 有个银质的功勋十字章。

    On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor.

  24. 褒奖对功勋行为得官方表彰, 尤指在军事服务

    An official commendation for meritorious action, especially in military service

  25. 褒奖对功勋行为的官方表彰,尤指在军事服务

    An official commendation for meritorious action, especially in military service.

  26. 我希望以化大地为地狱作为登上天堂的功勋。

    I hope to merit Heaven by making earth a hell.

  27. 可以说反证法为数学所建立的功勋是不可磨灭的。

    Mathematics can be said to be required to build on the achievements is indelible.

  28. 我们确信,你和你部下勇敢的士兵将建立不朽的功勋。

    We are sure that you and your brave men will perform a deed of lasting fame.

  29. 她不曾手持钢枪在战场上驰骋,建立不朽的功勋。

    Gangqiang her hand on the battlefield never ride the establishment of immortal exploits.

  30. 他在一生中为党、国家和人民建立了不朽功勋。

    He had got the immortal feats to the Party, the State and the People in his life.


  1. 问:功勋拼音怎么拼?功勋的读音是什么?功勋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:功勋的读音是gōngxūn,功勋翻译成英文是 feats

  2. 问:功勋章拼音怎么拼?功勋章的读音是什么?功勋章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:功勋章的读音是gōng xūn zhāng,功勋章翻译成英文是 Medal of Merit



“功勋”是个多义词,它可以指功勋(词语解释), 功勋(中国文化出版社出版图书), 功勋(电视剧《功勋》)。