







汉语拼音:xīn jiāo









  1. 新近结交的朋友。

    《诗·小雅·伐木序》“燕朋友故旧也” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“旧则不可更释,新交则非贤不友。” 唐 戴叔伦 《感怀》诗之一:“新交意虽密,中道生怨尤。” 清 黄遵宪 《乡人以余远归争来询问赋此志感》:“旧识新交遍天下,可如亲戚话依依。”

  2. 谓新近结交。

    柯岩 《快活的小诗·心事》:“慢慢地把新交的朋友带回了家。”



  1. We both felt painfully sensible that between us and these people there was an iron barrier, which could not be removed by our new friend.


  2. If the offer is rejected, it would not be a disaster for SGX.


  3. He plans to return to New York after graduation, but spends most of his time at school with his new Midwest friends.


  4. A. His new friend girlfriend, has no wonder broken faith.


  5. I can't stick my new boyfriend anymore; he likes to be stuck with me every minute.


  6. But it is unrealistic to expect SGX to be able to know what the fund flows will be into our market or determine their sustainability.


  7. What do you think of her new boyfriend?


  8. Though the Singapore Exchange has benefited from growing Asian capital inflows, others have made greater strides.


  9. It is useful to note that SGX has made a considered decision not to make profit forecasts, estimates or projections.


  1. 我和他是新交。

    I got acquainted with him only recently.

  2. 照我新交得网友所说

    According to my new friend the net,

  3. 照我新交的网友所说

    According to my new friend the net,

  4. 我们非常想见到你新交的男朋友。

    We're dying to meet your new boyfriend.

  5. 我新交了一个活泼可人的女友?

    I've got myself a smashing new girlfriend?

  6. 我新交了一个活泼可人的女友?

    I've got myself a smashing new girlfriend?

  7. 我新交了一个活泼可人的女友?

    I've got myself a smashing new girlfriend?

  8. 把你新交得男朋友带来给我们看看。

    Do get your new boyfriend round to see us.

  9. 把你新交的男朋友带来给我们看看。

    Do get your new boyfriend round to see us.

  10. 今晚你不妨把你新交的男朋友带来。

    You might bring your new boyfriend over this evening.

  11. 不要厌弃旧朋友,而只喜欢新交的朋友。

    Do not ignore old friends, and take delight in new ones.

  12. 他离开了自己新交的朋友,回归黑道生涯。

    He returned to the fringe life, leaving his newfound friends behind.

  13. 他可以介绍谁认识这位他新交的朋友呢?

    Who could he witness to about his newly found friend?

  14. 我本来应该新交了一个朋友, 而不是失去了一个朋友。

    I could've made a friend than I lost one.

  15. 此类天使一开始看起来就像你新交的铁哥们。

    This angel starts out looking like your new best friend.

  16. 这孩子怕交新朋友。

    The kid shrinks from making new acquaintances.

  17. 她对交新朋友很犹豫。

    Shes hesitant about making new friends.

  18. 她对交新朋友感到犹豫。

    She is hesitant about making new friends.

  19. 我们每周一都得交新的战术计划。

    We turn in each week's game plans and new plays on mondays.

  20. 您可以开始交新的和令人兴奋的朋友。

    You can start making new and exciting friends.

  21. 你是不是问我有没有交新的女朋友是吗?

    Do you ask me if I have a new girlfriend?

  22. 她老待在家里, 从不交新朋友她似乎非常胆怯。

    She stay at home all the time and never make any new friend she seem to is afraid of her own shadow.

  23. 为了解决困难他主动提出帮他们交新房子的定金。

    To help matters along, he offered to pay the deposit on the new house for them.

  24. 你和你的新邻居交朋友了没有?

    Have you made friends with your new neighbours yet ?

  25. 你愿意同这个新学生交朋友吗?

    Would you like to cotton up to the new student?

  26. 你与你的新邻居交上朋友了吗?

    Have you made friends with your new neighbours?

  27. 不管你喜欢与否, 你得接受新的交税法。

    Whether you like it or not, you will have to live with the new tax law.

  28. 针对该问题提出一种新的交互式本体除错方法。

    Aiming at this problem, this paper proposes an interactive method for Ontology debugging.

  29. 针对该问题提出一种新得交互式本体除错方法。

    Aiming at this problem, this paper proposes an interactive method for Ontology debugging.

  30. 练英语、学新知、交朋友。

    Practice English, learn new things and make friends.


  1. 问:新交拼音怎么拼?新交的读音是什么?新交翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新交的读音是xīnjiāo,新交翻译成英文是 new friend; just get acquainted

  2. 问:新交感酚拼音怎么拼?新交感酚的读音是什么?新交感酚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新交感酚的读音是,新交感酚翻译成英文是 neophryne

  3. 问:新交通系统拼音怎么拼?新交通系统的读音是什么?新交通系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新交通系统的读音是xīn jiāo tōng xì tǒng,新交通系统翻译成英文是 new transport system

  4. 问:新交易巷一号拼音怎么拼?新交易巷一号的读音是什么?新交易巷一号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新交易巷一号的读音是,新交易巷一号翻译成英文是 One New Change



xīn jiāo 1.新近结交的朋友。《诗·小雅·伐木序》“燕朋友故旧也” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“旧则不可更释,新交则非贤不友。” 唐 戴叔伦 《感怀》诗之一:“新交意虽密,中道生怨尤。” 清 黄遵宪 《乡人以余远归争来询问赋此志感》:“旧识新交遍天下,可如亲戚话依依。” 2.谓新近结交。 柯岩 《快活的小诗·心事》:“慢慢地把新交的朋友带回了家。”