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1. 撒 [sā]2. 撒 [sǎ]撒 [sā]放开,发出:~手。~网。~谎(说谎)。~气。尽量施展或表现出来:~刁。~奸。~娇。~欢儿。~野。~酒疯。姓。撒 [sǎ]散播,散布,散落:~种(zhóng )。~播。把酒端平,别~了。姓。……
汉语拼音:sā jiāo
明 张四维 《双烈记·引狎》:“专会撒娇使性,那管我债重家倾。”《红楼梦》第五七回:“你瞧瞧!这么大了,离了姨妈,他就是最老道的,见了姨妈,他就撒娇儿。” 鲁迅 《<朝花夕拾>·后记》:“孩子对父母撒娇可以看得有趣,若是成人,便未免有些不顺眼。”
She looked a little like what he said she was as, holding the candle sideways, she tried to smile away the seriousness of her words.
从她的脸上看,她倒真的有点儿像他说的那样在撒娇了,她努力想微笑起来,免得她说的话太严肃。I think I will be like as a child pu jin your arms, she jiao with you to let you back to childhood.
我想我一定会像孩儿般地扑进你怀抱里,跟你撒娇,让你回到童年。And she was put out, a pair of coquetry appearance, in the juvenile seems to really know, love hate.
而她却又摆出了,一副撒娇的模样,在少年看来真是哭笑不得,爱恨不已。You are my girl, I spoiled it should be, and I should be very clear that you are only in it for me like a baby.
你是我的女孩,对我撒娇是应该的,而我应该很清晰的发现你仅仅是在对我撒娇而已。Because you talk in a coquettish manner just like a little girl. It must have come under someone's influence.
因为你说话全是小妞儿撒娇的作风,准是受了什么人的熏陶。I can't act spoiled to you and ask you to do this or that any more.
我再也不能对你撒娇,要你做这做那了。It likes you quite a lot. It seems to want to be babied a little .
相当亲密呀,似乎想对你撒娇的样子。I remember I liked the previous headstrong, always doing things his temper, and now seems to temper the previous vehicle has left.
犹记得以前的我喜欢撒娇,总是由着自己的性子做事,而现在仿佛以前的性子也随车而去。Your cat is not just being affectionate, it is trying to make things smell better.