




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:biàn fà






  1. 结发为辫。古代某些少数民族有此发式。因亦以“编髮”借指蛮夷。

    《尚书大传》卷二:“ 武丁 内反诸己,以思先王之道,三年编髮重译来朝者六国。”《史记·西南夷列传》:“北至 楪榆 ,名为 嶲 、 昆明 ,皆编髮,随畜迁徙。”

  2. 指蛮夷的发辫。

    《汉书·终军传》:“若此之应,殆将有解编髮,削左衽,袭冠带,要衣裳,而蒙化者焉。” 颜师古 注:“编读曰辫。” 鲁迅 《热风·随感录四十二》:“拖大辫,吸鸦片,也正与土人的奇形怪状的编发及吃 印度 麻一样。”

  3. 犹总发。谓童年。

    《旧唐书·孙伏伽传》:“在 东都 城内及 建德 部下,乃有与陛下积小故旧,编髮友朋,犹尚有人败后始至者。”



  1. Contract specific registers are created to control manufacturing documentation generated and issued by the Drawing office and PED.


  2. The Lasso Tool should not be used when using a laptop to file pictures.


  3. In my judgment, the most important changes are the codification of the mission of VOA in our charter. . .


  4. Do you have a long double braided hair hand?


  5. I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,


  6. Encoding and Transmitting System of Meteorological Telegraph


  7. Methods of Editing and Sending Message for Automatic Weather Station Breaks Down


  8. Study on Papers Carried by ACTAMATHEMATICASINICA(Chinese edition)


  9. A Study of Necessity and Feasibility on Line Science and Technology Periodical


  1. 新华社编发了大会消息。

    The Xinhua News Agency released dispatches about the conference.

  2. 你有没有长了一双会编发的手?

    Do you have a long double braided hair hand ?

  3. 自动气象站出现故障编发报文的几种方法

    Methods of Editing and Sending Message for Automatic Weather Station Breaks Down

  4. 套索工具在使用笔记本电脑来编发图片时不允许使用。

    The Lasso Tool should not be used when using a laptop to file pictures.

  5. 另据指出,秘书处将编发公约草案评注订正本。

    It was also noted that the Secretariat would prepare and distribute a revised version of the commentary to the draft convention.

  6. 编发航危报几个问题的探讨

    Explanation of several problems on editing and transmitting weather telegrams for airline

  7. 同时对编发机构、起解期限的不同也做了简要论述。

    Meanwhile to the different agencies, deadline also gives a brief discussion.

  8. 你给全家每人都用钩针编织了一个星球大战发报机。

    You crocheted Star Trek communicators for the whole family.

  9. 将头发中分, 两边都编成法式辫子, 发梢在低处挽成一个发髻。

    Part hair down the middle, French braid both sides, and twist the ends into a low bun.

  10. 假发编织术

    hair weaving.

  11. 假发是用长纤维编成的。

    Wigs were woven of long fibres.

  12. 他们喜欢解松编紧的发辫。

    They like to loosen tight braids.

  13. 她乌黑的秀发已被母亲编成辫子

    Her lovely black hair braided by her mother

  14. 发送方汇编加密数据,并将其发送。

    The sender encodes the data by scrambling it, and then sends it on.

  15. 整编的资料有降水,蒸发,水位,流量和泥沙。

    The compiling items include precipitation, evaporation, water stage, discharge and sediment.

  16. 当局还出版了一份法律汇编,供普遍分发。

    The authorities have also published a compendium of laws for general distribution.

  17. 军队卫生装备优化编配决策支持系统的研发

    Development of Decision Support System on Optimized Allocation of Military Health Equipment

  18. 编辑在编后中阐发了这则新闻背后的道理。

    The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue.

  19. 编辑在编后中阐发了这则新闻背后得道理。

    The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue.

  20. 编辑在编后中阐发了这则新闻背后的道理。

    The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue.

  21. 有一次我发了言,这些小的调整项目汇编干净。

    Once I made these small tweaks the project compiled clean.

  22. 把头发编成很紧的发辫更不容易受阳光损伤。

    Wearing your hair in a tight braid makes it less vulnerable to the sun.


