







汉语拼音:hán jiàn







  1. 信件。

    郭希仁 《从戎纪略》:“文牘函件,每日无虑五六十起。” 阿英 《流离》:“得到一通紧急的函件,我们不得不在今天离开此地了。” 孙犁 《澹定集·幸存的信件序》:“烧毁朋友的函件,是理所当然,情有可原,谁也不会以为非礼的。”



  1. Motorola said in December that completion of the deal had been delayed because it had not received Chinese government approval.


  2. your in-box at least once a day and prioritize the contents. Deal with routine correspondence promptly instead of allowing it to pile up.


  3. I was in charge of the office in a general way. I supervised three other girls and also took care of the company''s correspondence.


  4. Specific correspondence relating to any section identified within Section 3 of this procedure will be filed in the corresponding section.


  5. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent message form one garage to the other.


  6. Establish and implement project specific commercial procedures, particularly regarding claims, insurance, correspondence and notifications.


  7. cultures do not hesitate to use modern techniques of e-mail, cassettes, and television to promote their cause.


  8. The formal exchange of letters between the Financial Secretary and the Monetary Authority is a response to this recommendation.


  9. Council accepted and DLA implemented the recommendation of a revised letter of acknowledgement.


  1. 函件验关费

    customs clearing fee on correspondence.

  2. 未付资费函件

    unpaid correspondence.

  3. 垃圾函件过滤器

    twit filter.

  4. 未答覆的函件

    unanswered letters.

  5. 投寄选举函件通知书

    notice of posting of election communication

  6. 投寄选举函件证明书

    certificate for posting of election communication

  7. 他们已确认收到函件。

    They have acknowledged receipt of the letter.

  8. 对我们函件尖刻的答复

    a tart reply to our letter

  9. 确认函件可在即日签发

    Confirmation letter will be issued on the same day

  10. 学校里是否教授商业函件

    Is commercial correspondence taught at the school

  11. 这些函件的分析见增编1。

    An analysis of these communications can be found in Addendum1.

  12. 这些函件得分析见增编1。

    An analysis of these communications can be found in Addendum1.

  13. 英文电子函件写作特点研究

    Descriptive Study on Composition Features of English Electronic Mail

  14. 胡适顾维钧往来函件辑录

    Selected Letters between Hu Shih and V. K. Wellington Koo

  15. 没有收到对上述函件的答复。

    No response has been received to these communications.

  16. 表明你得函件由总经理办理。

    Mark your letter for the attention of the managing directors.

  17. 对漫游计算机的电子函件广播

    Electronic Mail Broadcasts to a Roaming Computer

  18. 函件分拣封发计算机管理系统

    Computer Managed System of Correspondance Sorting and Encapsulation

  19. 回信时请注明我方函件编号。

    Please quote our reference when replying.

  20. 已经准备好了三套销售函件。

    Three sets of sales letters have been prepared.

  21. 将这函件放入文卷总档中。

    Put this letter in the main file.

  22. 请在所有函件中标明这个编号。

    Quote this reference number in all correspondence.

  23. 正式照会实质上是正式得个人函件。

    A Formal Note is essentially a formal personal letter.

  24. 正式照会实质上是正式的个人函件。

    A Formal Note is essentially a formal personal letter.

  25. 他给我一封简要的私人函件。

    He sent me a laconic private message.

  26. 秘书处将发送正式函件, 详述这些安排。

    Official correspondence will be sent by the Secretariat to amplify these arrangements.

  27. 函件使用了看上去正式的世行信笺。

    Officiallooking Bank letterhead was used.

  28. 我们之间的通信只限于几封商业函件。

    Our correspondence is limited to a few commercial letters.

  29. 帕特丽夏,你签完那些筹款的函件

    Patricia!When you're done signing those fundraising letters.

  30. 她修改了函件的措辞,使它更规范一些。

    She rephrased the letter to give it more formality.


  1. 问:函件拼音怎么拼?函件的读音是什么?函件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:函件的读音是hánjiàn,函件翻译成英文是 letters; mail; correspondence

  2. 问:函件命令拼音怎么拼?函件命令的读音是什么?函件命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:函件命令的读音是hán jiàn mìng lìng,函件命令翻译成英文是 Letter Order