


1. 雇 [gù]雇 [gù]出钱让人为自己做事:~工。~主。~用。~员。~佣。~请。租赁交通运输工具:~车。……





汉语拼音:gù nóng



农村中的无产阶级。如中国旧 时农村中的长工、月工、零工。他们一般全无土地和农具,有些有极小部分的土地和农具,完全或主要 依靠出卖劳动力为生。



  1. 指旧时农村中的长工、月工、零工等。

    毛泽东 《怎样分析农村阶级》:“工人(雇农在内)一般全无土地和工具,有些工人有极小部分的土地和工具。工人完全地或主要地以出卖劳动力为生。” 郭沫若 《奴隶制时代·奴隶制的下限在春秋战国之交》:“ 秦 时已有雇农,称为‘佣耕’。 陈涉 便曾为人佣耕。” 艾青 《献给乡村的诗》:“想起除了身体和衣服之外什么也没有的雇农们……他们终年劳苦,从未得到应有的报酬。”



  1. He had been a simple farmer, but his character made him a leader.


  2. He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner.


  3. The elderly man, a landless farmer in Haryana state, is a proud father of his first child.


  4. The tenant struggled for the alleviation of conditions of rent, the worker for improvement of conditions of labor.


  5. The landlord thought that he could come over the farm hands one way or another. But he was grossly mistaken.


  6. Women farmworkers near Ghanzi, Botswana, still go into the bush to gossip and snack on wild plants.


  7. Pressed on all sides, the tenant finally admitted that he was sleeping with the landlord's daughter.


  8. Dressed AS a peASant, I made friends with a farmhand in the village.


  9. Relatives of the tenants who had starved to death met the landlord at the entrance to the village and beat him severely.


  1. 雇农,农业工人

    farm worker

  2. 雇农出生于他的腿部。

    His legs the peasants.

  3. 苦力和雇农已经不存在了。

    Coolies and farm labourers have disappeared.

  4. 庄稼人, 种地的人雇农农场工人。

    Farm upon ones own land farmhand n.

  5. 您这个引起相关的雇农的地图。

    You've associated this trigger with the Peon on your map.

  6. 雇农因欠地主债当抵债苦工。

    Such a worker bound in servitude to a landlord creditor.

  7. 他是个雇农,他供不起儿子上学。

    He was a farmhand. He could not afford to send his son to school.

  8. 雇农因欠地主债当雇工者,抵债苦工

    Such a worker bound in servitude to a landlord creditor.

  9. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。

    He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner.

  10. 经过拿破仑战争之后,雇农的境遇进一步恶化。

    After the Napoleonic wars, the situation for farm labourers worsened further.

  11. 贫雇农打江山坐江山的口号是错误的。

    The slogan, the poor peasants and farm labourers conquer the country and should rule the country, is wrong.

  12. 贫雇农打江山坐江山得口号是错误得。

    The slogan, the poor peasants and farm labourers conquer the country and should rule the country, is wrong.

  13. 同租雇农分享财产的两个或多个佃农之一

    One of two or more tenants sharing property

  14. 在容克庄园中,雇农仍然处于半农奴的地位。

    In the manor of Junker, the farmers were still in semiserf status.

  15. 贫农,雇农以及想出去见世面得青年踊跃要求参军。

    Pauperized tenants, landless peasants, adventureseeking boys flocked to join him.

  16. 贫农,雇农以及想出去见世面的青年踊跃要求参军。

    Pauperized tenants, landless peasants, adventureseeking boys flocked to join him.

  17. 所谓农村无产阶级,是指长工,月工,零工等雇农而言。

    By rural proletariat we mean farm labourers hired by the year, the month or the day.

  18. 不这样做,贫雇农就会陷于孤立,土地改革就会失败。

    Otherwise, the poor peasants and farm labourers will find themselves isolated and the land reform will fail.

  19. 他不过是个普通的雇农,但他的品格使他当上了负责人。

    He had been a simple farmer, but his character made him a leader.

  20. 此等雇农不仅无土地,无农具,又无丝毫资金,只得营工度日。

    Having neither land, farm implements nor funds, they can live only by selling their labour power.

  21. 它曾经是虐待自己雇农而臭名昭著的地主刘文彩的家产。

    It once belonged to Liu Wencai, a landowner supposedly notorious for illtreating his tenant farmers.

  22. 不仅是贫雇农, 往往连中农甚至小地主也都投入了斗争。

    In this not only thethe middle farmers and even the small landlords often participated.

  23. 这位老翁是哈雅纳邦的一名雇农,这是他的第一个孩子。

    The elderly man, a landless farmer in Haryana state, is a proud father of his first child.

  24. 我打扮成农民模样,和村里一位雇农交上了朋友。

    Dressed as a peasant, I made friends with a farmhand in the village.

  25. 必须将贫雇农的利益和贫农团的带头作用,放在第一位。

    The interests of the poor peasants and farm labourers and the forward role of the poor peasant leagues must be our first concern.


  1. 问:雇农拼音怎么拼?雇农的读音是什么?雇农翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雇农的读音是gùnóng,雇农翻译成英文是 the labour employed by a landlord




农村中的无产阶级。一般全无土地和生产工具,有些只有极少的土地和生产工具,完全或主要以出卖劳动力为生 。是农村中最穷最受压迫剥削的阶层。如中国建国前的长工 、零工等。雇农受地主或富农的苛重剥削,劳动时间长、工资少、职业不固定,迫切要求革命。所以雇农是工业无产阶级在农村最忠诚的同盟军,是中国新民主主义革命的主力军 。土地改革后,雇农分得了土地,这个阶层也随之消失。