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汉语拼音:chū shēng
柯岩 《追赶太阳的人》一:“她那样紧张地倾身向前,眼睛焦灼而专注,我想她一定看见了出生和死亡,看见了向她呼唤的病人。” 毛泽东 《<中国农村的社会主义高潮>的按语》十七:“社会主义这样一个新事物,它的出生,是要经过同旧事物的严重斗争才能实现的。”
唐 范摅 《云溪友议》卷三:“ 卢 梦觉,召庙祝,令别置神母位,常饌出生一分,公宴则闕。”
His parents tried to get him to concede that he was a little boy born in a hospital, but he would become grave and refuse.
他的父母想要让他承认,他只不过是一个在医院里出生的小男孩,不过他总是会一本正经地加以否认。What would be best for you is quite beyond your reach: Not to have been born, not to be, to be nothing.
最能给你幸福的事你永远都享受不到:那就是从未出生过,不存在,什么也不是。I use my birth date as the secret number of my account, and my husband uses his birth date as the secret number of his account .
我使用我的出生日期作为我的帐户密码。我丈夫使用它的出生日期作为他的帐户密码。But, if you're anything like me, that's one thing you're very glad to have gotten under your belt the first week of your life.
不过你要是让我说的话,我还是很乐意在我出生后的一周里就把那个问题解决掉的。Our receptionist has been pregnant for nine months and is now staying in a maternity ward, waiting for the birth of her first baby.
我们的接待人员已经怀孕九个月了,现在住在产科病房,等待她的第一个孩子出生。But he never forgot the land of his birth, or the duty to share his fortune with others.
但是他不曾忘记他的出生的土地,或责任到部份他的财富与其他。Also significant was the fact that in 1847, just one of ten Philadelphia blacks had been born in slavery.
同样重要的事实是,1847年在费城,只有十分之一的黑人是出生在奴隶制下。Over the years, she heard many stories from her parents about the city where she was born.
数年来,父母给她讲了许多关于她出生的城市的故事。Considering that she's been searching for this doll since the moment Ondine was born, a hundred and thirty dollars is not so much to spend.
既然她从翁蒂娜出生那天就开始寻找这么一个娃娃了,130美元的价格也不算离谱了。出生,chū shēng,泛指一切生命的产生。人是纵向降生的,以此区别于横向出生(畜生)的动物。《礼运》中有记载:人以纵生,贵於横生。指人是纵向降生的。以此区别于横向出生的动物。“……按禽、兽、艸、木皆天地所生,而不得为天地之心;惟人为天地之心。故天地之生此为极贵。天地之心谓之人,能与天地合德……”这是我们人与生俱来已具备灵性、具备高等意识的明显特征。此是人的性。【英译】Birth(calvingin livestock and some other animals,whelpingin carnivorous mammals) is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring. The offspring is brought forth from the mother. Different forms of birth are oviparity, vivipary and ovovivipary.【基本解释】胎儿从母体中生出来。