







汉语拼音:qù shì








  1. He gave no further details about the cause of her death but said all six babies were healthy and receiving the best of care.


  2. She also had to deal with legal battles over the disputed subjects of her plays. Her latest musical was a failure on Broadway.


  3. Frau Schmidt: Ever since the Captain lost his poor wife he runs this house as if he were on some of his ships again. Whistles, orders.


  4. Daughter of Eliza Parker and Robert Smith Todd, pioneer settlers of Kentucky, Mary lost her mother before the age of seven.


  5. Among all the possessions my mother brought home after my grandmother died was a pile of love letters which had been kept in a biscuit tin.


  6. Translator's note: At the time this was written, Mr. Bastiat knew that he was dying of tuberculosis. Within a year, he was dead.


  7. Historian and activist Howard Zinn died a little over a year ago, and his voice is sorely missed.


  8. A sick Melanie surrenders to her illness. Scarlett watches Ashley cry for his wife and sees how silly her feelings for him are.


  9. In nineteen eighty-one, at the age of thirty-eight, he died in a car crash on his way to a performance.


  1. 琼的母亲去逝以后我尽力劝慰她。

    I tried to comfort Jone after her mother's death.

  2. 琼得母亲去逝以后我尽力劝慰她。

    I tried to comfort Jone after her mother's death.

  3. 这时,国王梵摩达去逝了,王子成为了国王。

    In due time, King Brahmadatta died and his son became king.

  4. 她母亲去逝后, 她决定重新开始新生活。

    She decided to turn over a new leaf after her mother's death.

  5. 今年6月,她因心脏病发作而去逝,享年86岁。

    She died in June of a heart attack at the age of eightysix.

  6. 姑姑去逝时, 他流了几滴假惺惺的眼泪。

    He showed his crocodile tears when anut died.

  7. 听到乔治突然去逝的消息,我感到惊愕。

    I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death.

  8. 他父亲过早的去逝,使他跟上帝的信仰脱节。

    His father's untimely death disjointed his faith in god.

  9. 他寿命很长,日子过得很幸福,最后安详去逝。

    He lived a long, happy life, and died peacefully, a very rich man.

  10. 她听到儿子去逝的消息时并未显得悲哀。

    She displayed no sign of emotion when she was told of her son's death.

  11. 两年后,梅。韦斯特在加州的家中去逝,享年87岁。

    Two years later, Mae West died at her home in California. She was eightyseven.

  12. 现在他长大了而且搬出去住很久了。我丈夫去年也去逝了。

    Now he is grown and long gone, and my husband died last year.

  13. 之后研究人员以公开的死亡统计 找出参与者中去逝的人

    And then they used public death records to find out who died.

  14. 好莱坞传奇演员与政治活动家查尔顿赫斯顿去逝, 享年84岁。

    Legendary Hollywood actor and political activist Charlton Heston has died at the age of 84.

  15. 她90岁时去逝, 并不是老死, 而是从楼梯上摔下来头部受伤而死。

    She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but from head injury when she fell down a flight of stairs.

  16. 坟墓都到哪儿去了, 逝去已久?

    Where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago?

  17. 男孩们都到哪儿去了, 逝去已久?

    Where have all the young men gone, long time ago?

  18. 女孩们都到哪儿去了, 逝去已久?

    Where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?

  19. 妈妈因病去逝早,爸爸与她相依为命。

    Her mother died of illness early with her father.

  20. 他很快就挥霍掉了他在父亲去逝时得到的财产。

    He soon made away with the fortune which he had gained on his father's death.

  21. 逝去的青春

    a spent youth.

  22. 可时机早已逝去

    And time is long overdue

  23. 太阳逝去的国土

    With The Realm Of A Dying Sun

  24. 一次青春的逝去。

    Elapsed time of youth.

  25. 逝去时光难追还。

    Time lose we cannot win.

  26. 重温那逝去的欢乐,

    To revisit past scenes of delight

  27. 她向往她逝去的青春。

    She sighed for her lost youth.

  28. 变得模糊消失,逝去

    To lose clarity or definitionfade away.

  29. 总有些传奇必定逝去。

    Some legends are meant to die.

  30. 岁月在不知不觉中逝去。

    The years slipped by.