







汉语拼音:shēng chū






  1. 犹出生。

    《三国志·魏志·武帝纪》:“﹝ 曹嵩 ﹞官至太尉,莫能审其生出本末。”



  1. Between them, as music of the link between the notes, mutual constraints in the produce rhythm, tempo in the form of charm.


  2. But Jat celebrated the birth of the surviving son with a feast for villagers and said he will try for more children.


  3. Friends like tea Delicate water, In a few tea, Suddenly produce a few silk green, And the dry leaves, In a very short period of time.


  4. "Who art thou? " said the Giant, and a strange awe fell on him, and he knelt before the little child.


  5. I was about to leave when the thought struck me that I should stay and cross-examine Meher Baba - stump Him with direct questions.


  6. Thus they grew irritated with this old man who did not seem able to do anything but just hold his lanthorn up.


  7. His mother Emma, a business support executive, said he was living proof that the limit on abortion should be reduced from 24 weeks.


  8. Chloe studies these tickets with a sense of unreality, as if she is watching herself on a movie set, frowning for the camera.


  9. This will produce a kind of sad, but the sadness is not to prevent her to start, the new time will be music repeat, repeat the story!


  1. 我不能凭空生出钱来。

    I cant simply conjure up the money out of thin air.

  2. 外阴唇上生出小尖尖?

    Is small needle born on vulva lip ?

  3. 一个女人生出了一个牛头。

    A woman gave birth to a calf's head.

  4. 匍匐茎节上生出的根。

    A root arising from the node of a prostrate stem.

  5. 这样的老妇会生出蛆虫。

    Women this old give birth to a maggot.

  6. 血管瘤血管组织生出的恶性肿瘤

    A malignant tumor arising from vascular tissue.

  7. 在春天,灌木生出了新叶。

    In spring the bush put forth new leaves.

  8. 她心里渐渐生出了内疚感。

    A feeling of guilt began to stir in her.

  9. 她们仍然生出了健康的孩子

    and still gave birth to a healthy child.

  10. 他内心生出一阵恶毒的嫉妒。

    A dark jealousy stirred in his bosom.

  11. 辩论是生出真理火花的铁砧。

    Discussion is the anvil upon which the spark of truth is struck.

  12. 我的心里生出了一股厌恶。

    Am I the hearts of the offensive surge.

  13. 玉米杆上生出许多小玉米。

    There are many baby corns on one corn stalk.

  14. 同种类型的茎上生出的侧茎。

    Branchlateral stem arising from another stem of the same form.

  15. 我怎么会生出这样一个儿子?

    How the hell did I come to have such a son?

  16. 当希望变得渺茫的时候生出希望。

    to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.

  17. 繁重的劳动使他的双手生出茧子来。

    Heavy work callused his hands.

  18. 我油然生出一阵对幸福的强烈渴望。

    I felt a brief intense ache of happiness.

  19. 那条狗不能重新生出失去的尾巴。

    The dog can not regenerateits lost tail.

  20. 那条狗不能重新生出失去得尾巴。

    The dog can not regenerateits lost tail.

  21. 有谁会为生出那样的人感到自豪?

    How can anyone be proud of giving birth to someone like that ?

  22. 有谁会为生出那样得人感到自豪?

    How can anyone be proud of giving birth to someone like that ?

  23. 不知不觉中他的头上已生出了白发。

    His hair had silvered before he realized it.

  24. 没有一个孩子是自己要求被生出来得。

    No child asks to be born.

  25. 多恩爱的夫妻,他们会生出可爱的孩子的

    Oh nice couple. They'll have cute kids.

  26. 我怎么会生出这样一个势利的儿子!

    How the devil did I come to have such a snob FOR a son?

  27. 而非从产道生出时,这有可能发生

    rather than being delivered through the birth canal.

  28. 在小孩生出前, 妇女要怀孕十个月。

    A woman is pregnant for ten months before a child is born.

  29. 在小孩生出前,妇女要怀孕九个月。

    A woman is pregnant for nine months before a child is born.

  30. 漂亮妈妈生出的漂亮女儿则会有不同的行为。

    Attractive daughters of attractive mothers would behave differently, she said.