


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà nù









  1. Investors seem to be worried that the wrath of American officialdom will ruin BP.


  2. Privacy advocates howled, while the F. T. C. and regulators in Europe said they were looking into the matter.


  3. 11But they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus.


  4. 34 And his master became angry and delivered him to the torturers until he would repay all that was owed.


  5. He was infuriated by the policeman's rough treatment of his wife.


  6. Slept all day so that I could annoy my captors with sleep depriving, incessant pleas for food at ungodly hours of the night.


  7. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.


  8. Typical Use: He was infuriated by the policean's rough treatment of his wife.


  9. Will was receiving treasure's letter to the mother is able to put forward to the Chiang family help, liu fang great anger.


  1. 使某人大怒

    to infuriate somebody.

  2. 小姐大怒,拂袖而去。

    Young lady bate, in a huff.

  3. 最后,他大怒而去。

    It ended in his going off in a rage.

  4. 使某人大怒, 发狂等

    work sb into a rage, frenzy, etc

  5. 他的傲慢使我大怒。

    His arrogance sent me into a rage.

  6. 使某人大怒, 发狂, 哈哈大笑

    send sb into a rage, a frenzy, fits of laughter

  7. 如任何人和他作梗, 他即大怒。

    If anyone crosses him, he gets very angry.

  8. 母亲因我迟回家而大怒。

    Mother got maddened with my coming home late.

  9. 他可能会大怒, 骂她是荡妇。

    He could have gotten angry, called her a whore.

  10. 这位老人因受轻视而大怒。

    The old man was boiling over with rage at finding himself ignored.

  11. 没有理由为这件事如此大怒。

    There's no reason to get all bent out of shape over this.

  12. 他大怒起来,挥拳殴打那家伙。

    He became furious and pitched into that fellow with fists.

  13. 父亲得知我弄坏了汽车大怒。

    My father went straight up in the air when he heard I damaged the car.

  14. 他因警察粗鲁对待他太太而大怒。

    He was infuriated by the policemans rough treatment of his wife.

  15. 你只要一提到工作他就大怒。

    He gets into a terrible rage if you just mention work.

  16. 这些侮辱性得话惹得他大怒起来。

    The insulting remarks stung him to a rage.

  17. 这些侮辱性的话惹得他大怒起来。

    The insulting remarks stung him to a rage.

  18. 这些污辱性的话惹得他大怒起来。

    The insulting remarks stung him to a rage.

  19. 他大怒,挥起双拳向沃勒打去。

    He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists.

  20. 我当时大怒, 但努力克制着没有发火。

    I was very angry at the moment, but I managed to fight it down.

  21. 吉人见了大怒,便去跟朋友论理。

    Auspicious person saw bate, go following friend logic.

  22. 我对不公平大怒 像坑洞一样愤怒。

    My rage at injustice waxed hot as the pits.

  23. 烟草公司知道了这种消息一定会大怒。

    This sort of information is like a red rag to a bull for the tobacco companies.

  24. 手听了大怒, 要联合众部位讨伐膝。

    The hand listened bate, should combine numerous place expeditionary genu.

  25. 皇上大怒, 责备他们犯了欺君之罪。

    This caused the emperor to fly into a rage and he accused the carriers of disrespect for the emperor.

  26. 一想到这种不公平之事她便大怒。

    She flamed with rage at the very thought of such injustice.

  27. 少女大怒再胡扯,我就捏碎你的蛋!

    Girl bate Talk nonsense again, I with respect to crumb your egg!

  28. 这样得话招得她大怒, 气得她说不出话来。

    Such conversations infuriated her so much that she couldn't speak.

  29. 医生大怒, 站起来拉住小伙子, 举手就要打。

    Doctor bate, stand up play a boy, raise one's hand is about to hit.

  30. 王便大怒, 起来离开酒席往御园去了。

    The king got up in a rage, left and went out into the palace garden.


  1. 问:大怒拼音怎么拼?大怒的读音是什么?大怒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大怒的读音是Dànù,大怒翻译成英文是 to be foaming at the mouth