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白绢:素~。江平如~。把生丝、麻或布帛煮熟,使柔软洁白:~漂(“漂”,漂白)。反复学习,多次操作:~习。~笔。~操。训~。~功。经验多,精熟:老~。熟~。干(gàn )~。~达(阅历多而通达人情世故)。姓。……
汉语拼音:xiū liàn
After he left, she had to practice on her own for quite a while.
等他离开后,很长时间里她不得不自己修练。I used to be a bit confused about the differences between different teaching approaches.
我以前会迷惘于太多不同的修练法门…For me, it feels good to be practising Ashtanga Yoga in what I understand to be the most traditional method.
对我而言在我知道许多传统的方法,八支瑜伽的修练是较有益的Hof may be the only non-Tibetan to have mastered this technique.
霍夫可能是唯一精通此修练的非西藏人。After practicing supreme yoga, the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters Samadhi.
在修练无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。Indeed, the practice of Ashtanga Yoga has most probably remained the same for thousands of years in the form that we still follow today.
当然,今日所修练的八支串联瑜伽,与数千年前的形式仍是相同的。Since Peter Senge(1990) proposed that "The fifth Discipline" , the Learning Organization grows vigorously so far.
学习型组织自从PeterSenge提出「第五项修练」(1990)以来,就蓬勃发展至今。Last time I mentioned I would talk about why I advocate 'Xiaocheng English' i. e. improving oral English through individual cultivation.
上次我提到,我提倡‘小乘英语’,即通过个人的修练来提高英语口语水平。The body will automatically become more flexible and more powerful, but it takes time.