











汉语拼音:xiǎng lái xiǎng qù







  1. 谓反复地多方思考。

    《花月痕》第七回:“﹝ 采秋 ﹞痴痴呆呆,想来想去,直到一下鐘, 贾氏 进来几次,催他去睡,才叫 红豆 和老妈服侍睡下。”《文汇报》1981.11.16:“什么事呢?想来想去,还是那个象征着世界排球技术最高水平的金杯。”



  1. He's the one Casey was trying to set me up with, and even though I rejected, it might be still worth a try.


  2. I can think, five thousand years of Chinese history, I am afraid that with only one of Mao Zedong described as a "hero. "


  3. So the pair did the only thing they could think of: They went to see Paul Graham at his house in Cambridge, Mass. , near Harvard Square.


  4. I thought it over again and again, I have never been doing business with this bank, I have no idea how this RMB90 comes.


  5. He thought that Hubbard was "brilliant in so many ways, " and that the failing must be his.


  6. After much deliberation lot of people think of the meaning of life is to eat, drink and nurturing the next generation does not do?


  7. I've thought it over and over, and decide to be a good host, meet the people from all over the world with smile.


  8. Quitting is a matter of using your own willpower, 'When you want to stop you just stop; no need to think about it'.


  9. He was holding the silver, wrestling for a long time, After much deliberation, and finally came up with themselves as the best method.


  1. 我仍在想来想去, 是去还是不去。

    I am still debating the tradeoffs between going or not going.

  2. 总之, 想来想去除了赚没的赔。

    In short, in addition to mull over the money not paid.

  3. 想来想去,我觉得这主意还是欠妥。

    You know what? I think this was a bad idea.

  4. 想来想去竟然没有什么东西值得做。

    Afeter a lot of thinking, he couldn't figure out anything worth doing.

  5. 想来想去, 觉得我们收税是没有错的。

    After much deliberation, we feel that the tax is not wrong.

  6. 他想来想去,总算想出了一个好主意。

    He thought it over and over and finally hit upon a good idea.

  7. 我想来想去,怎么也想不起我们叫什么名字。

    I thought and thought; our names would not come to my mind.

  8. 我一直在思考我失去了什么, 想来想去也只有你。

    I keep thinking I lost something I look down and it's only you.

  9. 想来想去,我不肯找她去了。我应当自己担着自己的苦处。

    After mulling it over, I decided not to go to her.

  10. 我想来想去,还是觉得称你为讲故事的人比较妥当。

    So I think what I'll do is just call you a storyteller.

  11. 姑娘的父母想来想去, 告诉大妈, 他们的女儿, 胸前有块胎痣。

    After much deliberation the girl's parents, told the aunt, their daughter, chest pieces mole.

  12. 想来想去,最终的结果是,你得和维克托一起上那架飞机。

    It all adds up to one thing.

  13. 我一直想去来着。

    I've been dying to go there.

  14. 我一直想去来着。

    I've been dying to go there.

  15. 我是来出差的,但我也想去游览。

    It's a business trip. but, I also want to do some traveling.

  16. 每当我醒来的时候, 我就想去做运动。

    I like to exercise as soon as I wake up.

  17. 我倒想去度假,可是抽不出时间来。

    Id love to go on holiday but I cant afford the time.

  18. 去吧, 说有人从吉默吞来想见见她。

    Go, and say some person from Gimmerton desires to see her.

  19. 我真想去,但我一个来自美国的朋友来这看我。

    I'd really like to, but the problem is my friend from America will come to see me.

  20. 我们正想去郊游, 天公不作美, 不料下起雨来了。

    We were thinking of an outing, but the the gods were against us and it began to rain.

  21. 谢谢捧场和点评。想来大马士革现在也好不到那里去。

    Primo, thank you for your nice comments. This is old town of Damascus.

  22. 另一个冬日, 来去匆匆, 在巴黎或罗马。而我想回家, 让我回家。

    Another winter day has come and gone away, in either Paris or Rome.

  23. 既然已经没有来看北方佬的危险,苏伦就想去拜访邻居。

    Now that there was no danger of Yankees, Suellen wanted to go calling on the neighbors.

  24. 既然已经没有来看北方佬得危险,苏伦就想去拜访邻居。

    Now that there was no danger of Yankees, Suellen wanted to go calling on the neighbors.

  25. 东京也是所有人都想去的地方,所以近几年来极端拥挤。

    Tokyo is the Mekka, the place everyone wants to live. And so in recent years, its become overpopulated to the extreme.

  26. 你为什么把我硬拽到北京来,我想去新疆。

    Why did you drag me off to Beijing! I wanted to go to Xinjiang.

  27. 美娜想去哪里来着?

    Where did Mina want to go?

  28. 你想去我家来个鸳鸯戏水吗

    You want to go back to my place and do it in the shower?

  29. 每个人都窜来窜去想弄更多的票。

    Everyone is scrambling, jostling for position, and trying to beg for more tickets.

  30. 每个人都窜来窜去想弄更多得票。

    Everyone is scrambling, jostling for position, and trying to beg for more tickets.