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This fish was proved to be the largest fish that have even been caught in Spain. It needs at least 4 people to raise it up.
经证实,这条鲶鱼是西班牙捕捉到的最大鱼类,需要4个人才能抬起来。However, prices continued to drop as supply increased, and before too long even ordinary mortals could afford this catfish.
但是,价格不断下滑,因为供应增加,并太久连凡人可以负担这条大鲶鱼。If you catch one, cut through his skin around the neck, then you can pull off the skin like a sock.
如果抓到一只鲶鱼,从脖子周围割破他的皮肤,你就可以像一只袜子那样脱下他的皮肤。in nearby Joachim Creek last summer, they did not eat it, for fear of contamination.
卡洛的丈夫琼去年夏天在附近的小河里抓到了一条大鲶鱼,但他们怕污染没敢吃。Three days ; the pigmentation is a bit darker , and the fry starts to look a bit like a catfish .
三天;色素是有点暗,和南联盟开始看有点像鲶鱼。Subjecting January included how researchers in the State of Mississippi have identified tens of thousands of genes in catfish.
杂志一月期的主题包括密西西比州的研究者已识别了上万组鲶鱼基因。Under the direction of her husband and son, she strive with the fish about half an hour and landed it successfully.
在丈夫艾伦和儿子亚瑟的指导下,她与这条鲶鱼搏斗了30多分钟,最终将其拖上岸。When hand fishing is used to fish for catfish in the United States, it is referred to as noodling.
当手钓在美国被用来钓鲶鱼时,它又称为徒手抓。The fishermen sell them to local fish-processing plants, which then export the catfish to Colombia and other countries, he said.