







汉语拼音:chéng shì








  1. 人口集中、工商业发达、居民以非农业人口为主的地区,通常是周围地区的政治、经济、文化中心。

    《韩非子·爱臣》:“是故大臣之禄虽大,不得藉威城市。” 宋 苏轼 《许州西湖》诗:“但恐城市欢,不知田野愴。” 丁玲 《松子》:“他们只好在许多人后面乞讨着,走过了一些无人的村镇,也走过了一些贫乏的城市。”



  1. "There are city centres around the world in which no one seems to be a full-time resident, " he notes.


  2. In the winter, a heavy fog filled the sky above, and many planes were forced to turn back without dropping off the needed supplies.


  3. It has been a very important question that debates endlessly again all the time what kind of development paths of urbanization China took.


  4. London is Europe's most expensive city, but bargains are easy to find if you know where to look.


  5. Use the Salary Wizard at Salary. com to find out how much speech pathologists currently earn in your city.


  6. "I'm just happy to be back here and the city is what brings me back and I know this city deserves a winner, " he said.


  7. City is a famous historical and cultural city northeast is the only one with the name of the country to the city.


  8. As he visited many cities before he came to Hefei, he thought he knew some "hidden rules" in this line.


  9. Live in the heart of New York City, Chicago, Boston or another major city for at least a year.


  1. 变乡村为城市


  2. 多美的城市!

    How beautiful this town is!

  3. 所有的大城市

    all big cities

  4. 是城市媒气吗?

    Is gas installed?

  5. 城市面貌日见改善。

    The city looks better and better every day.

  6. 公园位于城市中心。

    The park is located in the center of the city.

  7. 大城市里贫富悬殊。

    In big cities there's a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

  8. 蛞蝼在城市并不常见。

    Mole crickets are rare in cities.

  9. 这座城市即将沦陷。

    The fall of the city was imminent.

  10. 这座城市环境优美。

    The city is in a beautiful situation.

  11. 饱受战争蹂躏的城市

    a city trampled on by war

  12. 公交是城市的窗口。

    Public transportation is the window of a city.

  13. 战争摧毁了许多城市。

    War left many cities destroyed.

  14. 我不熟悉这座城市。

    I'm new to this city.

  15. 城市街头随处可见城市雕塑。

    Sculptures can be seen everywhere in the city.

  16. 他指挥着这座城市。

    He has cognizance over the city.

  17. 这座城市充满了活力。

    The town was full of life.

  18. 大雪覆盖了整座城市。

    The city is covered by snow.

  19. 她决定离开那座城市。

    She decided leaving the city.

  20. 有这个城市的地图吗?

    Do you have a map of the city?

  21. 我住在城市周边地区。

    I live on the edge of the city.

  22. 这个城市下起了冰雹。

    Hail was hurling down on the city.

  23. 大雪席卷了整座城市。

    The heavy snowfall swept snow in the city.

  24. 低压带将来到这个城市。

    A depression will set in over the city.

  25. 城市的灯光逐渐暗下去。

    Lights were dimming throughout the city.

  26. 城市的面貌改观了许多。

    The city has already taken on quite a new look.

  27. 结果是城市的环境恶化。

    The result is that the city environment has deteriorated.

  28. 滚滚热浪席卷了整个城市。

    The ferocious heat clamped down on the city.

  29. 曼彻斯特城市队险胜Arsenal

    Manchester City edges Arsenal.

  30. 这是东部最大的城市。

    This city is the largest in the east.


  1. 问:城市拼音怎么拼?城市的读音是什么?城市翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市的读音是chéngshì,城市翻译成英文是 city

  2. 问:城市化拼音怎么拼?城市化的读音是什么?城市化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市化的读音是chéngshìhuà,城市化翻译成英文是 to become urban, to grow, to grow and develop....

  3. 问:城市病拼音怎么拼?城市病的读音是什么?城市病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市病的读音是chéngshìbìng,城市病翻译成英文是 Social problems that come from urbanization, in...

  4. 问:城市贫民拼音怎么拼?城市贫民的读音是什么?城市贫民翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市贫民的读音是chéngshìpínmín,城市贫民翻译成英文是 the part of urban population that is poor and wit...

  5. 问:城市学拼音怎么拼?城市学的读音是什么?城市学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市学的读音是chéng shì xué,城市学翻译成英文是 urbanology

  6. 问:城市性拼音怎么拼?城市性的读音是什么?城市性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市性的读音是chéng shì xìng,城市性翻译成英文是 urbaniam

  7. 问:城市法拼音怎么拼?城市法的读音是什么?城市法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市法的读音是chéng shì fǎ,城市法翻译成英文是 urban law

  8. 问:城市的拼音怎么拼?城市的的读音是什么?城市的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市的的读音是,城市的翻译成英文是 city

  9. 问:城市群拼音怎么拼?城市群的读音是什么?城市群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市群的读音是chéng shì qún,城市群翻译成英文是 urban group

  10. 问:城市雾拼音怎么拼?城市雾的读音是什么?城市雾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市雾的读音是chéng shì wù,城市雾翻译成英文是 town fog

  11. 问:城市中区拼音怎么拼?城市中区的读音是什么?城市中区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市中区的读音是chéng shì zhōng qū,城市中区翻译成英文是 midtown

  12. 问:城市中心拼音怎么拼?城市中心的读音是什么?城市中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市中心的读音是chéngshì zhōngxīn,城市中心翻译成英文是 Downtown

  13. 问:城市中心拼音怎么拼?城市中心的读音是什么?城市中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市中心的读音是chéng shì zhōng xīn,城市中心翻译成英文是 urban center

  14. 问:城市之光拼音怎么拼?城市之光的读音是什么?城市之光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市之光的读音是Chéngshì zhī Guāng,城市之光翻译成英文是 City Lights

  15. 问:城市之声拼音怎么拼?城市之声的读音是什么?城市之声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市之声的读音是chéngshìzhīshēng,城市之声翻译成英文是 The Voice of the City, written by Oliver Wendell Hol...

  16. 问:城市交通拼音怎么拼?城市交通的读音是什么?城市交通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市交通的读音是chéng shì jiāo tōng,城市交通翻译成英文是 urban traffic

  17. 问:城市人口拼音怎么拼?城市人口的读音是什么?城市人口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市人口的读音是chéngshìrénkǒu,城市人口翻译成英文是 urban population

  18. 问:城市价值拼音怎么拼?城市价值的读音是什么?城市价值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市价值的读音是chéng shì jià zhí,城市价值翻译成英文是 urban value

  19. 问:城市住房拼音怎么拼?城市住房的读音是什么?城市住房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市住房的读音是chéng shì zhù fáng,城市住房翻译成英文是 town house

  20. 问:城市作战拼音怎么拼?城市作战的读音是什么?城市作战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:城市作战的读音是chéng shì zuò zhàn,城市作战翻译成英文是 Urban Warfare



“城市”是个多义词,它可以指城市(北京电视台财经频道电视节目), 城市(苏打绿歌曲), 城市(张悬歌曲), 城市(地理学的名词), 城市(2010年上海世博会歌曲), 城市(杂志名), 城市(城市标识), 城市(清华大学出版社出版图书)。