




1. 区 [qū]2. 区 [ōu]区 [qū]分别:~分。~别。地域:地~。~划。〔~~〕小,细微:如“~~小事”。行政区划单位:省级自治~。市辖~。区 [ōu]姓。……



汉语拼音:jiāo qū








  1. 城市周围在行政管辖上隶属于这个城市的地区。



  1. DEGREES is how much hotter Manhattan is on average than surrounding suburban areas.


  2. Something of this size, he reckons, would destroy two rooms in a suburban dwelling. Or a synagogue.


  3. The lawn has become so much a part of the suburban landscape that it is difficult to see it as something that had to be invented.


  4. Yes, each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep.


  5. TWO years ago, it took three weeks and a state of emergency to end the riots in France's troubled banlieues.


  6. Graham grew up outside of Pittsburgh, where his father, a physicist, designed nuclear reactors and his mother raised Graham and his sister.


  7. She was an ex whore who owned a beautiful Home on the outskirts of the city. The mistress of a sea captain now.


  8. Back in the U. S. , it seems every time I'm out running errands in my suburban New Jersey town I spot at least one person wearing pajamas.


  9. On the outskirts of every city I saw, there was a veritable forest of apartment blocks under construction.


  1. 在…的郊区

    on the outskirts of...

  2. 他住在北京郊区。

    He lives in the Beijing suburbs.

  3. 听说你搬到郊区去了?

    I heard you are moving to the suburb, right?

  4. 他们搬出了城市,搬进了郊区。

    They moved out of the city and into the suburbs.

  5. 城里太吵,不如住在郊区。

    The city is too noisy – it's better living in the suburbs.

  6. 他打算在郊区买一套别业。

    He intends to buy a villa in the suburbs of the city.

  7. 他们在靠近伦敦的郊区定居。

    The located in a suburb close to London.

  8. 我们住在城市的某个新郊区。

    We live in one of the new additions outside of town.

  9. 火化场一般都在郊区,离墓园不远。

    Crematories are generally in the suburbs, not far from a cemetery.

  10. 这些建筑甚至在城市郊区都是很坚固的。

    The buildings are all substantial even on the outskirts of city.

  11. 这个城市将郊区融入公共交通的整体规划。

    The city would like to integrate the suburbs in the public transportation plans.

  12. 我们正在参观边远郊区的一个被四周林木严实地包围着的秀丽小镇。

    We were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt.

  13. 15岁的乔纳森·希和16岁的迈克尔·特兰两人都在蒙哥马利·布莱尔中学学习。该校离华盛顿不远,位于马里兰州的银泉市郊区。

    Jonathan Hee, 15, and Michael Tran, 16, attend the same suburban high school, Montgomery Blair in Silver Spring, Md., outside Washington.

  14. 在大阪市郊区一条很不起眼的老街上有一座简陋的木屋。这是一个很容易被现代日本人遗忘的角落。

    The simple wooden house sits in an unremarkable old neighborhood in an Osaka suburb, the kind of place people forget still exists in modern Japan.

  15. 于是,他来到西雅图,在一家摆满计算机的车库中工作。这个车库就是杰夫与麦肯齐的新家──在西雅图郊区贝尔维尤租的一套两居室房子──的一部分。

    He moved to Seattle to work in the computer-filled garage of the modest two-bedroom home that Jeff and MacKenzie had rented in Bellevue, a Seattle suburb.

  16. 从我们家到公司是很远的交通路段。但是在郊区生活也有它的价值,更好的空气,更便宜的房价,还有天上的星星真的可以看到。

    It’s a long commute from my house to the office, but living in the suburbs is well worth it. Cleaner air, cheaper housing and you can actually see the stars in the sky.


  1. 问:郊区拼音怎么拼?郊区的读音是什么?郊区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区的读音是jiāoqū,郊区翻译成英文是 suburbs

  2. 问:郊区住宅拼音怎么拼?郊区住宅的读音是什么?郊区住宅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区住宅的读音是jiāo qū zhù zhái,郊区住宅翻译成英文是 country house

  3. 问:郊区公园拼音怎么拼?郊区公园的读音是什么?郊区公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区公园的读音是jiāo qū gōng yuán,郊区公园翻译成英文是 suburban park

  4. 问:郊区客流拼音怎么拼?郊区客流的读音是什么?郊区客流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区客流的读音是jiāo qū kè liú,郊区客流翻译成英文是 suburban passenger flow

  5. 问:郊区巴士拼音怎么拼?郊区巴士的读音是什么?郊区巴士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区巴士的读音是jiāoqū bāshì,郊区巴士翻译成英文是 Intercity Bus

  6. 问:郊区故事拼音怎么拼?郊区故事的读音是什么?郊区故事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区故事的读音是,郊区故事翻译成英文是 Suburgatory

  7. 问:郊区月票拼音怎么拼?郊区月票的读音是什么?郊区月票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区月票的读音是jiāo qū yuè piào,郊区月票翻译成英文是 suburban monthly ticket

  8. 问:郊区线路拼音怎么拼?郊区线路的读音是什么?郊区线路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区线路的读音是jiāo qū xiàn lù,郊区线路翻译成英文是 suburban line

  9. 问:郊区铁路拼音怎么拼?郊区铁路的读音是什么?郊区铁路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区铁路的读音是jiāo qū tiě lù,郊区铁路翻译成英文是 suburban railway

  10. 问:郊区镇区拼音怎么拼?郊区镇区的读音是什么?郊区镇区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区镇区的读音是jiāo qū zhèn qū,郊区镇区翻译成英文是 suburban township

  11. 问:郊区住宅区拼音怎么拼?郊区住宅区的读音是什么?郊区住宅区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区住宅区的读音是jiāo qū zhù zhái qū,郊区住宅区翻译成英文是 suburb

  12. 问:郊区载波线拼音怎么拼?郊区载波线的读音是什么?郊区载波线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊区载波线的读音是jiāo qū zài bō xiàn,郊区载波线翻译成英文是 rural party line



“郊区”是个多义词,它可以指郊区(长治市郊区), 郊区(梧州市原下辖区), 郊区(开封市矿区), 郊区(株洲市原下辖区), 郊区(阳泉市郊区), 郊区(洛阳市原下辖区), 郊区(学术定义), 郊区(佳木斯市郊区), 郊区(铜陵市矿区), 郊区(蚌埠市原下辖区)。