




1. 区 [qū]2. 区 [ōu]区 [qū]分别:~分。~别。地域:地~。~划。〔~~〕小,细微:如“~~小事”。行政区划单位:省级自治~。市辖~。区 [ōu]姓。……



汉语拼音:shì qū








  1. 商业区。

    宋 欧阳修 《投时相书》:“某不佞,疲软不能强筋骨,与工人、田夫坐市区,服畎亩,为力役之劳。” 明 宋濂 《凝道记·秋风枢》:“ 晋 人有好利者,入市区焉,遇物即攫之。” 清 刘大櫆 《漱润楼记》:“ 桐城 县治之东百二十里,曰 双溪镇 ,其地皆市区,商贾米盐之所凑集。”

  2. 城市中人口及房屋建筑比较集中的地区。与“郊区”对言。



  1. I cannot quite remember the name of that hill in Paris, but there is a story in the artist village that I will never forget.


  2. But during a morning spent wandering alone round the shops of downtown, near the Roman amphitheatre, I encountered nothing but kindness.


  3. Hall said he has flown into Congonhas airport, and said he recalls that it has a very short runway and is located in a dense urban area.


  4. The new Center is located in an ideal place in the downtown area, away from traffic congestion and near several vegetarian restaurants.


  5. We got a fine new downtown baseball stadium, Minute Maid Park, and a new basketball arena.


  6. In terms of selling price, the prices of high-end apartments with good locations are going to be increased a little bit.


  7. Trying to stay calm, I raced across town and made it to his office within 15 minutes.


  8. The company is equipped with a service vehicles to standby, may realize the downtown area of Shanghai round-the-clock to household services.


  9. Did not know temporarily has buys the urban district map, hoped that my reply has the help to you, wishes your good luck.


  1. 市区离机场很远。

    Downtown is far from the airport.

  2. 我的房子远离市区。

    My house is far away from downtown.

  3. 我的办公室在市区的另一边。

    My office is on the other side of town.

  4. 我们将乘有轨电车从市区到公园。

    We'll tram it to the park from the city.

  5. 游行队伍在他的带领下穿过市区。

    He led a demonstration through the city.

  6. 三座炼钢厂将被建在市区北部。

    Three steel factories will be settled within the extent of the north district of the city.

  7. 新的公寓将让更多青年人来到市区。

    The new apartments will help bring more young blood downtown.

  8. 所有的女士们都决定第二天早上去市区。

    All of the ladies decided to go downtown the next morning.

  9. 你们的选址离市区太远了,交通不方便。

    Your chosen address is so far away from downtown, so the access for traffic is quite inconvenient.

  10. 环境部门加大力度改善环境,市区降尘量明显下降。

    The fall of dust has obviously reduced since environmental protection departments determined to improve the environment.

  11. 我从没注意到自己的办公室离市区有多远。

    I never realized how far my office is from downtown.

  12. 我们市的四郊发展很快,和市区的差异越来越小。

    Our suburb has had rapid development, and is more and more similar to the downtown area.

  13. 昨晚2000人聚集在市区广场参加一个简单的追悼会。

    Last night 2,000 people filled the town's main square for a simple memorial service.

  14. 城市交通条令规定:农用三轮车不得进入市区主干道。

    According to city traffic regulations, farm tricycles are forbidden to drive on the main roads of urban districts.

  15. 市政府明令禁止摩托车在市区上路,彻底推行摩托车禁行令。

    The city government states clearly that motorcars are not allowed to drive in the city proper. It carries out the driving ban thoroughly.

  16. 我把我市区的房子以很好的价格租给了一对年轻夫妻。

    I leased my downtown house to a young couple at a good price.

  17. 纽约市区有个地段座落着很多著名的贸易公司和银行。

    In downtown New York, there is a belt of land housing many famous financial firms and banks.

  18. 不论是市区,还是上顶上,缆车都不失为一种独具特色的交通工具。

    The Cable Car provides a unique form of transport from the city to the peak of the mountain.

  19. 亚利桑那红雀队赢得世界大赛后的那个周日,有成千上万的人都涌到了市区。

    Hundreds of thousands of people came downtown the Sunday after the Cardinals won the World Series.


  1. 问:市区拼音怎么拼?市区的读音是什么?市区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区的读音是shìqū,市区翻译成英文是 urban area

  2. 问:市区拼音怎么拼?市区的读音是什么?市区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区的读音是shìqū,市区翻译成英文是 city district

  3. 问:市区的拼音怎么拼?市区的的读音是什么?市区的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区的的读音是,市区的翻译成英文是 cantonal

  4. 问:市区伸延拼音怎么拼?市区伸延的读音是什么?市区伸延翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区伸延的读音是shì qū shēn yán,市区伸延翻译成英文是 urban sprawl

  5. 问:市区住宅拼音怎么拼?市区住宅的读音是什么?市区住宅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区住宅的读音是shì qū zhù zhái,市区住宅翻译成英文是 urban dwelling

  6. 问:市区保存拼音怎么拼?市区保存的读音是什么?市区保存翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区保存的读音是shì qū bǎo cún,市区保存翻译成英文是 urban conservation

  7. 问:市区公园拼音怎么拼?市区公园的读音是什么?市区公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区公园的读音是shì qū gōng yuán,市区公园翻译成英文是 urban park

  8. 问:市区卫生拼音怎么拼?市区卫生的读音是什么?市区卫生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区卫生的读音是shì qū wèi shēng,市区卫生翻译成英文是 urban hygiene

  9. 问:市区土地拼音怎么拼?市区土地的读音是什么?市区土地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区土地的读音是shì qū tǔ dì,市区土地翻译成英文是 urban land

  10. 问:市区地图拼音怎么拼?市区地图的读音是什么?市区地图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区地图的读音是shì qū dìtú,市区地图翻译成英文是 Downtown Map

  11. 问:市区扩展拼音怎么拼?市区扩展的读音是什么?市区扩展翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区扩展的读音是shì qū kuò zhǎn,市区扩展翻译成英文是 urban growth

  12. 问:市区拥挤拼音怎么拼?市区拥挤的读音是什么?市区拥挤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区拥挤的读音是shì qū yōng jǐ,市区拥挤翻译成英文是 urban congestion

  13. 问:市区改建拼音怎么拼?市区改建的读音是什么?市区改建翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区改建的读音是shì qū gǎi jiàn,市区改建翻译成英文是 urban renewal

  14. 问:市区旅游拼音怎么拼?市区旅游的读音是什么?市区旅游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区旅游的读音是shì qū lǚyóu,市区旅游翻译成英文是 City Tour

  15. 问:市区浓度拼音怎么拼?市区浓度的读音是什么?市区浓度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区浓度的读音是shì qū nóng dù,市区浓度翻译成英文是 urban concentration

  16. 问:市区装饰拼音怎么拼?市区装饰的读音是什么?市区装饰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区装饰的读音是shì qū zhuāng shì,市区装饰翻译成英文是 urban decoration

  17. 问:市区铁路拼音怎么拼?市区铁路的读音是什么?市区铁路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区铁路的读音是shì qū tiě lù,市区铁路翻译成英文是 urban railway

  18. 问:市区划分令拼音怎么拼?市区划分令的读音是什么?市区划分令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区划分令的读音是shì qū huà fēn lìng,市区划分令翻译成英文是 zoning ordinance

  19. 问:市区旅游区拼音怎么拼?市区旅游区的读音是什么?市区旅游区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区旅游区的读音是shì qū lǚyóu qū,市区旅游区翻译成英文是 City Tour Ticket

  20. 问:市区污染源拼音怎么拼?市区污染源的读音是什么?市区污染源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:市区污染源的读音是shì qū wū rǎn yuán,市区污染源翻译成英文是 urban area pollution source





【英语】urban words