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《后汉书·党锢传序》:“学中语曰:‘天下模楷 李元礼 ,不畏强御 陈仲举 ,天下俊秀 王叔茂 。’”《三国志·吴志·吴主传》:“招延俊秀,聘求名士, 鲁肃 、 诸葛瑾 等始为宾客。” 宋 朱熹 《<大学章句>序》:“及其十有五年,则自天子之元子、众子,以至公、卿、大夫、元士之适子,与凡民之俊秀,皆入太学。” 朱德 《新农村》诗:“后起青年多俊秀,秋高试马壮而肥。”
宋 叶适 《学校》:“ 崇观 间,以俊秀闻於学者,旋为大官。” 陶成章 《浙案纪略》:“创建 求是书院 ,招俊秀生徒,研究中西科学。”
元 杨文奎 《儿女团圆》第四折:“如此般蠢坌身子、麄奘腰枝,却生的这般俊秀的孩儿。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部十一:“她莫名其妙地望了他一眼,看他俊秀的面孔上满是笑容。” 朱德 《过五指山》诗:“幽谷多俊秀,草木尽峥嶸。”
明 代庶民纳粟入国子监者之称。
清 代汉族官吏无出身者之称。
《清会典·吏部四·文选清吏司》:“凡官之出身有八……无出身者, 满洲 蒙古 汉 军曰閒散, 汉 曰俊秀。”
Junsu: It would be a lie if I said I'm not jealous, right? *laughs* My ideal type is someone with a nice laugh, a reliable woman.
俊秀:说不妒忌是骗人的不是吗?哈哈我的理想型是要有美丽的笑容,可以信任的女人。Peony as she was not nor yao Yan as dazzling peach, but it has a handsome, rustic, tranquil demeanor and charm.
她虽没有牡丹那样雍容华贵,也没有桃花那样夭艳夺目,但却有着一种俊秀、质朴、安谧的风范与魅力。Inside the door stood a girl. She had white skin, a pretty face, black eyes, long eyelash, and was looking in surprise.
一个亭亭玉立的少女出现在门里边,洁白的皮肤,俊秀的脸庞,黑亮的眼睛,长长的睫毛,正吃惊地看着她。the very pretty , curly - headed child , with eyes like the christ with the sistine madonna , had been portrayed playing cup and ball.
这个非常俊秀的,鬈发,眼睛都具有西克斯丁圣母像中基督的神态的孩子,正在玩一个球。Looking at forceful and vigorous brush strokes and characters in the letter, Kayo Fukushima was full of joy on her face.
望着信纸上苍劲俊秀的毛笔字体,福岛佳代的脸上满是喜悦。Maybe if she just knocked on the door a beautiful Sri Lankan boy would answer, and she'd lean down and whisper her story.
也许,如果她敲门的话会有一个俊秀的斯里兰卡男孩来应门,然后她会俯身贴着他的耳朵讲述她的故事。He is so handsome, so that each girl had met him deeply in love with him, yet there is no one girl can lead to his interest.
他是那样俊秀,使每一个见到他地姑娘都深深地爱上啦他,但是却没一位姑娘能够惹起他地兴味。Handsome brother, when coming to China? ? Oh to be a little faster, waiting for you.
俊秀哥哥,什么时候再来中国呢??要快一点哦,等着你、、。Red columns, doors and windows painted with a colorful beams appear handsome and ambitious.
红色的圆柱,配着五光十色的门窗画梁,显得俊秀而雄伟。仪容俊秀, 举止大方
pretty and poised
Her husband is handsome and charming.
His charming expression attract my attention.
你健壮而俊秀, 前程无限。
You are strong and fair, and life is all before you.
She has her father's good looks.
关中平原和俊秀的秦岭, 巴山
The extensive central Shan Xi plain and magnificent Qinling and Ba Shan Mountain
像往常一样, 王俊秀保证遵守规定。
As usual, Wang assured them he would comply.
He's managed to preserve his boyish good looks.
简约而时尚的设计, 小巧精致, 飘逸出俊秀的气质。
The brief and fashion design is little and exquisite, shedding elegant and pretty temperament.
Junsu also showed his close friendship with his twin brother by saying.
Red columns, doors and windows painted with a colorful beams appear handsome and ambitious.
Xiah Junsu has been busy with recording schedules, and as a result he continued getting a high fever and fatigue.
在好莱坞, 英俊秀貌比才能和刻苦更能卖出好价钱。
Good looks a more profitable commodity in Hollywood than talent and hard work.
Surrounding the small village are graceful mountains, emerald green layers of forests, and with clear streams and rivers wiggling by.