







汉语拼音:qīng xiù








  1. 清异秀出;美好不俗。

    《世说新语·方正》“ 罗君 章 曾在人家,主人令与坐上客共语” 刘孝标 注引《罗府君别传》:“此 江 左之清秀,岂惟 荆楚 而已。”《魏书·济阴王小新成传》:“ 元参军 风流清秀,容止闲雅,乃宰相之器。” 宋 张淏 《云谷杂记》卷三:“ 郁 诗虽清秀,然意在试其学问。” 郭沫若 《我的童年》第一篇一:“大约就是因为山水比较清秀的原故罢,一般的人之风尚比起邻近的村镇也觉稍有不同。”



  1. She looks very delicate and pretty, a pair of big eyes, with quiet eyes are staring at me.


  2. He ( Kant ) had a crooked nose, but a fine brow and his color was fresh.


  3. he had all the best part of beauty -- a fine countenance , a good figure, and very pleasing address.


  4. He was very tall, with a dark, Spanish complexion, fine , expressive black eyes, and close-curling hair , also of a glossy blackness.


  5. Her face is too thin; her complexion has no brilliancy; and her features are not at all handsome.


  6. As it was sunrise, sunlight sprinkled on the surface of the lake, revealing a kind of hard to explain Road, delicate and pretty unknown.


  7. She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth.


  8. His unit had just a university graduate female colleagues, who looked very fair, extraordinary temperament.


  9. Groups of small in size of two square metre shop with a young and comely , handsome features sells sesame seed cake.


  1. 她面目清秀。

    Her face was handsome.

  2. 清秀的面貌

    delicately modelled features.

  3. 小巧清秀的脸庞

    an elfin face

  4. 轮廓清秀的鼻子

    A finely chiseled nose.

  5. 她那清秀的容貌。

    the delicacy of her features

  6. 他面目清秀, 体格强壮。

    In person he was handsome, strong and healthy.

  7. 她是个清秀的女孩。

    She is a delicate girl.

  8. 他面目清秀,跟女性差不多。

    He had fdelicate, almost feminine, features.

  9. 她的清秀美丽使他倾倒。

    Her comeliness overwhelmed him.

  10. 他的文风清秀,笔致流畅。

    His writing style is clear, elegant and smooth.

  11. 她遗传了她母亲的清秀面容。

    She has inherited her mother's fine features.

  12. 这个姑娘身材佼好, 面容清秀。

    The girl has a good figure and comely appearance.

  13. 这个姑娘身材佼好,面容清秀。

    The girl has a good figure and comely appearance.

  14. 其米红而不艳、清秀细长。

    The rice is red but not bright, nice and slender.

  15. 他是一个干净清秀的小孩儿。

    He was a clean-cut kid.

  16. 戴在姑娘清秀的前额很适宜,

    A girlond for her dainty forehead fit,.

  17. 这小伙子相貌清秀,可有失检点。

    He was a handsome reckless boy.

  18. 她长得眉目清秀, 前额很高。

    Her forehead was high, and her eyebrows marked with beautiful clearness

  19. 个个塑造得, 面目清秀, 从容自若。

    All, however, have fine features and calm expressions.

  20. 多么清秀的女孩,她实在很可爱。

    What a cute girl. she's indeed adorable.

  21. 他那清秀的脸如今显得十分可憎。

    His handsome face was green snow.

  22. 他面色光红,双目清秀,容貌俊美。

    He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.

  23. 这个演员天资清秀,很符合我们的要求。

    The actress is very beautiful, she is exactly what we are looking for.

  24. 丝绒面层, 清秀隽永, 回归生活自然本性

    Silk matte layer, delicate and pretty and meaningful, return to the natural instinct of life

  25. 屏幕上出现了一个清秀的女孩的脸。

    On the screen appeared a girl of comely face.

  26. 游戏介绍明哞流转, 眉目清秀的异国少女

    Moo illustrate that the transfer Meimuqingxiu an exotic girl..

  27. 多彩的罩壳部件,自由组合,或清秀或奔放

    The color combinations available for the awning framefrom subdued to adventurous.

  28. 这小男孩儿长了一副女相, 真清秀啊。

    The boy looks like a girl, he has fine and delicate features.

  29. 这小男孩儿长了一副女相,真清秀啊。

    The boy looks like a girl, he has fine and delicate features.

  30. 他那清秀光滑的脸上浮现出严肃的表情。

    A serious expression came to his fair smooth face.


  1. 问:清秀拼音怎么拼?清秀的读音是什么?清秀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清秀的读音是qīngxiù,清秀翻译成英文是 delicate

  2. 问:清秀佳人拼音怎么拼?清秀佳人的读音是什么?清秀佳人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清秀佳人的读音是,清秀佳人翻译成英文是 Anne of Green Gables

  3. 问:清秀龙属拼音怎么拼?清秀龙属的读音是什么?清秀龙属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清秀龙属的读音是,清秀龙属翻译成英文是 Qingxiusaurus

  4. 问:清秀复叶耳蕨拼音怎么拼?清秀复叶耳蕨的读音是什么?清秀复叶耳蕨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清秀复叶耳蕨的读音是qīngxiù fùyè ěrjué,清秀复叶耳蕨翻译成英文是 Arachniodes spectabilis



清异秀出,美好不俗。《世说新语·方正》“罗君章曾在人家,主人令与坐上客共语。” 刘孝标注引《罗府君别传》:“此江左之清秀,岂惟荆楚而已。”《魏书·济阴王小新成传》:“元参军风流清秀,容止闲雅,乃宰相之器。” 宋张淏《云谷杂记》卷三:“郁诗虽清秀,然意在试其学问。” 明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“今番见蒋世泽带个孩子到来,问知是罗家小官人,且是生得十分清秀,应对聪明,想着他祖父三辈交情,如今又是第四辈了,那一个不欢喜。”郭沫若《我的童年》第一篇一:“大约就是因为山水比较清秀的原故罢,一般的人之风尚比起邻近的村镇也觉稍有不同。”