







汉语拼音:xiù měi








  1. 秀丽美好。

    宋 司马光 《知永兴军谢上表》:“维此 咸秦 ,昔为畿甸,山川秀美,土地膏腴。”《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“ 月香 虽然年小,容貌秀美可爱。” 清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·述异·左侯相之梦》:“其始旌麾所蒞,皆山水灵淑,人物秀美。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》十七:“这个小国的风景秀美绝伦,人民都衣冠整洁。”



  1. Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate.


  2. and here in a silk dress, is the lady of the manor, gazing from her balcony at the beautiful starry night and the lovely sleeping lake.


  3. Thy lips [are] like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech [is] comely: thy temples [are] like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.


  4. It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting on powder blue stationery with a little flower in the left-hand corner.


  5. The Fairy Temple, the clock milk is plentiful full, extremely keen, just as just pretty fairy maiden of a bath .


  6. An elderly lady, though not very FAR advanced in years, with a proud carriage and a handsome face, was in the doorway as we alighted.


  7. Just to know: women are those who have been Yuet Yung, she put her youth, beautiful face buried in that bloody battlefield, do not hesitate.


  8. Qingdao, known as the " Switzerland of the Orient" , is situated on the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula.


  9. Oujiang hanging in the middle of the river among the islands, beautiful scenery, is one of China's four isolated yu.


  1. 上饶山川秀美。

    Shangrao has lofty mountains and pretty rivers.

  2. 你的嘴也秀美。

    And comely is thy mouth.

  3. 据说她姿容秀美,年方20。

    It is said that she is sweet and twenty.

  4. 生物起源地, 秀美青海湖!

    Biological origin, beautiful Qinghai Lake!

  5. 清晨江畔的景色非常秀美。

    The scenery of the riverside in the morning is really beautiful.

  6. 风格质朴厚重,劲健秀美。

    The patterns were also drawn on the stones to add to their attraction and beauty.

  7. 她秀美的, 红棕色头发闪闪。

    Her lovely copper hair shone bright.

  8. 再造秀美山川, 重攀农业高峰

    Reforgering the Graceful Land of Country, Climbing the Agriculture Pinnacle

  9. 凝采雪之秀美白润肤霜

    new complexion whitening cream

  10. 她容貌秀美, 举止优雅, 很吸引人。

    Good looks ans elegant manner.

  11. 凝采雪之秀美白精华素

    new complexion whitening essence

  12. 她容貌秀美, 举止幽雅, 很吸引人。

    Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive.

  13. 她容貌秀美, 举止优雅, 很吸惹人。

    Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive.

  14. 凝采雪之秀美白润肤乳液

    new complexion whitening lotion

  15. 从你的房子可以看到秀美的山景。

    Your house has a fine view of the hills.

  16. 这些纤细秀美的柱子叫爱奥尼柱。

    These slender columns are called ionic columns.

  17. 知识经济与建设山川秀美的新西部

    Knowledge Economy and the Construction of a New Curvaceous West China.

  18. 第二, 拉开了再造秀美山川的序幕。

    Start to rebuild beautiful environment.

  19. 开发利用水资源润泽云南秀美山川

    To Develop and Utilize Water Resources to Nurture and Moisten Elegant Mountains in Yunnan

  20. 跳舞会使年轻的女子更秀美更健康。

    Danc can make young girls more slender and healthy.

  21. 玩具小熊身上的绒毛十分纤柔秀美。

    The fuzz of the toy bear is very soft and pretty.

  22. 玩具小熊身上的绒毛十分纤柔秀美。

    The fuzz of the toy bear is very soft and pretty.

  23. 维护土壤水库确保黄土高原山川秀美

    Keeping Soil Moisture and Ensuring the Beauty of Rivers and Mountains of the loess Plateau

  24. 这里风景秀美,真让人留连忘返。

    The picturesque view here is a great attraction to me.

  25. 这里风景秀美,真让人留连忘返。

    The picturesque view here is a great attraction to me.

  26. 虽然上了年纪,但她依然容姿秀美。

    Although aged, she still looks beautiful.

  27. 虽然上了年纪,但她依然容姿秀美。

    Although aged, she still looks beautiful.

  28. 让那紫杉木花环, 装饰你秀美的卷发。

    Let garlands of sad yew Adorn your dainty golden tresses.

  29. 这里真不愧是旅游胜地, 山光水色异常秀美。

    It is a tourist mecca. The water and mountains are marvelous.

  30. 这里真不愧是旅游胜地,山光水色异常秀美。

    It is a tourist mecca. The water and mountains are marvelous.


  1. 问:秀美拼音怎么拼?秀美的读音是什么?秀美翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美的读音是xiùměi,秀美翻译成英文是 elegant

  2. 问:秀美古蚖拼音怎么拼?秀美古蚖的读音是什么?秀美古蚖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美古蚖的读音是xiùměigǔyuán,秀美古蚖翻译成英文是 Eosentomon belli

  3. 问:秀美壳虫拼音怎么拼?秀美壳虫的读音是什么?秀美壳虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美壳虫的读音是xiùměikéchóng,秀美壳虫翻译成英文是 Euchitonia elegans

  4. 问:秀美花鱂拼音怎么拼?秀美花鱂的读音是什么?秀美花鱂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美花鱂的读音是,秀美花鱂翻译成英文是 Amazon molly

  5. 问:秀美千手螺拼音怎么拼?秀美千手螺的读音是什么?秀美千手螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美千手螺的读音是,秀美千手螺翻译成英文是 Chicoreus saulii

  6. 问:秀美柄锈菌拼音怎么拼?秀美柄锈菌的读音是什么?秀美柄锈菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美柄锈菌的读音是xiùměi bǐngxiùjūn,秀美柄锈菌翻译成英文是 Puccinia morata

  7. 问:秀美蟹守螺拼音怎么拼?秀美蟹守螺的读音是什么?秀美蟹守螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美蟹守螺的读音是,秀美蟹守螺翻译成英文是 Rhinoclavis aspera

  8. 问:秀美象法螺拼音怎么拼?秀美象法螺的读音是什么?秀美象法螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀美象法螺的读音是,秀美象法螺翻译成英文是 Ranularia exilis




