


疏忽,不周密:~心。~疏。~略。~率(shuài )。不精致,工料毛糙:~糙。~劣。~料。~纸。~粮。~制滥造。去~取精。长条东西直径大的:~大。~壮。~重。~实。~线条(a.指毛道粗的线条:b.喻粗率的性格、作风,亦喻文章的粗略的构思)。……





汉语拼音:cū guǎng









  1. 粗鲁强横。

    《北史·耿豪传》:“ 豪 少粗獷,有武艺,好以气陵人。”《资治通鉴·晋安帝隆安二年》:“ 佺期 及兄 广 、弟 思平 、从弟 孜敬 皆粗獷,每排抑之。” 清 恽敬 《与陈宝摩书》:“ 敬 质性粗獷,又埋没风尘之中,此事输大兄一百筹矣。”

  2. 粗率豪放。

    《北史·邓至传》:“﹝诸 羌 国﹞风俗粗獷,与 邓至国 不同焉。” 王闿运 《湘绮楼论唐诗》:“《北征》犹不免粗獷处。” 秦牧 《<长河浪花集>序》:“题材既是多种多样,我们又必须努力具备几套笔墨,有时应该粗犷雄浑,有时可以细腻隽永。”



  1. Karen: Who asked you? ! Look at him: he's got dark eyes and a strong chin. I'll bet he's got a cute smile, too.

  2. The face gazed up at him, heavy, calm , protecting: but what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache?

  3. A lot of times, you'll try to judge a bull by how his bugle sounds - if it's deep and gnarly sounding. . . but this time, not so much.

  4. It was a swanky address with a glass-enclosed garden where skinny rich girls rubbed shoulders with the rougher crowd from the East Village.

  5. So I really like her songs with a magnetic and rugged, and her voice makes people feel good, people feeling the heart!

  6. Messy or pristine, the visual nature of words can be an implicature, "anything that is communicated but is not explicitly stated. "

  7. As a matter of fact, she looks a bit scary, more mature than her true age, awkward and perhaps slightly masculine in the face.

  8. But surely Lord Coe does not advocate adopting such a robust management style with every employee?

  9. Rough in manner but withal a noble, tender-hearted man, he suddenly saw a three-year-old girl toddling out of an alley accompanied by a dog.


  1. 他面容粗犷。

    He had a craggy face.

  2. 粗犷, 雄浑的线条

    bold and vigorous lines

  3. 一张粗犷的脸

    a rugged face

  4. 粗犷而朴实的态度

    rugged manners

  5. 粗犷牛仔装, 风靡世界。

    Rugged jeans are the rage worldwide.

  6. 他有着粗犷的口音。

    He had a rough accent.

  7. 他作品中粗犷的一面。

    An elemental aspect of his work.

  8. 请原谅他的粗犷态度。

    Please forgive his rugged manners.

  9. 他的画笔锋粗犷、凌厉。

    He paints with harsh, slashing brushstrokes.

  10. 颜色很鲜亮,线条却很粗犷

    The colors are bright, but the lines are rawr angry.

  11. 所有的支柱,都是粗犷的岩石。

    All the pillars are rough rock.

  12. 我觉得这种色彩出奇地粗犷。

    The color seemed to me extraordinarily crude.

  13. 我童年时的粗犷情趣, 和活泼的,

    The coarser pleasures of my boyish days

  14. 他有一张黝黑而粗犷的脸。

    He had a rugged face.

  15. 我童年时得粗犷情趣,和活泼得,

    The coarser pleasures of my boyish days.

  16. 在这雄伟粗犷的太行山中。

    In the craggy Taihang Mountains.

  17. 麻纤维织物外光朴素,自然,粗犷。

    Ma fabric, light and simple, natural, wild.

  18. 以其粗犷美而出名的男演员

    an actor famous for his rugged good looks

  19. 粗犷雄浑的西藏建筑环境色彩艺术

    Straightforward and Imposing Environmental Color Art of Tibetan Buildings

  20. 他用的色彩我也觉得出奇地粗犷。

    The color seemed to me extraordinarily crude.

  21. 远处,似乎传来了牧人粗犷的牧歌。

    Now I am seemingly hearing pastoral songs afar.

  22. 构图饱满, 完整连贯, 形象生动, 粗犷洒脱。

    Full composition, coherent, vivid image, the rough free and easy.

  23. 琢工粗犷有力,表现了汉玉特色。

    It is rough and strong to chisel workers, has displayed Chinese jade characteristic.

  24. 简洁自然, 粗犷怀旧, 风格独特, 浪漫情调

    simple and natural, rugged and reminiscent of past times, unique in Style and romantic in sentiment

  25. 它的外貌是那么粗犷, 不屈不挠, 十分强壮

    And its look, rude, unbending, lusty,

  26. 整个建筑给人以一种粗犷的感觉。

    The whole building gives a person with a straightforward feeling.

  27. 粗犷, 生硬得音符, 像墓地围墙上得石头般。

    Rough angular notes, like stones in the wall of a churchyard.

  28. 粗犷,生硬的音符,像墓地围墙上的石头般。

    Rough angular notes, like stones in the wall of a churchyard.

  29. 他是个长得粗犷的男人,但举止温文尔雅。

    He was a bear of a man, but kind and gentle.

  30. 古罗马这些粗犷质朴的古迹散布在她的周围。

    The rugged relics of the Roman past lay scattered about her.


  1. 问:粗犷拼音怎么拼?粗犷的读音是什么?粗犷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粗犷的读音是cūguǎng,粗犷翻译成英文是 crude; forthright




【拼音】cū guǎng




【部首】粗:米 犷:犭
