


具有杰出才能的人:~杰。英~。文~。自~。气魄大,直爽痛快,没有拘束的:~放。~爽。~迈。~气。~情。~兴(xìng )。~举。~语。~华。强横的,有特殊势力的:~强。~门。~族。~绅。巧取~夺。古同“毫”,极小。……





汉语拼音:háo mài








  1. 气魄大;豪放不羁。

    《世说新语·言语》“ 桓公 北征” 刘孝标 注引《桓温别传》:“ 温 少有豪迈风气,为 温嶠 所知。” 唐 独孤及 《唐故特进太子少保郑国李公墓志铭》:“公聪朗奇伟,豪迈旷达,率性忠孝,临节有勇。”《明史·岳正传》:“ 正 素豪迈,负气敢言。”《长江大桥纪念碑碑文》:“﹝ 中国 工程科学﹞正以豪迈的步伐向着世界水平前进。”

  2. 指豪放不羁的人。

    明 谷子敬 《醉花阴,豪侠》曲:“吾儕,尽都是 五陵 豪迈。”



  1. We must try to open and bold, from the bottom of their hearts, and bringing one of the men happy.


  2. Proud to see the success or failure in life, we should start all over again, to feel proud of you.


  3. Man will have had the wolf in Ming Aowan the honorable person CS same heroic, to be likely wild, to be bold.


  4. The sounds of the machines seemed to be proud music in her ears.


  5. The buck-a-year salary is a grand gesture, intended to broadcast the CEO's confidence in the future of the business.


  6. Just as the sea, precisely because it is a very humble to accept all the rivers, only the vast world of the most spectacular and bold!


  7. Total write some sad and beautiful poetry, the total number of naive and heroic hair sighs.


  8. Anyway Afa is a boss with momentum while Xia Hong's bold and generous cold down in the end.


  9. The LiuLanFang ballad, a voice said, god, after gas capable of a heroic, very suitable for and play heroes that story.


  1. 豪迈的誓言

    a bold pledge.

  2. 超级豪迈固定座


  3. 他年轻, 豪迈, 引人注目。

    He was young, ambitious, and totally focused.

  4. 豪迈电子开料机床

    HOMAG Electrical Material Trim Machine Tool

  5. 一曲豪迈忠贞与亡灵

    A heroic song for the undead

  6. 我是威力虎, 豪迈又威武。

    I am Tommy Tiger, bounteous and bossy.

  7. 即使跌倒,也要豪迈地笑。

    Even though down, you should still laugh bravely.

  8. 创造流行, 展示潇洒豪迈之气概

    create fashion, show the natural, unrestrained and heroic manner

  9. 即使跌倒了也要豪迈的笑。

    Laugh loudly even you fall down.

  10. 以豪迈的步伐跨入新的一年

    stride into the new year with pride and confidence

  11. 我希望你有这样的豪迈情杯。

    I hope you have such a feeling of heroic.

  12. 即使跌倒了,姿势也会非常豪迈!

    Evenif the fall, and posture will be very bold!

  13. 一个人是不能永远英勇豪迈的。

    Human beings couldnt be heroic all the time.

  14. 琼斯得性格里颇有几分豪迈。

    Jones had some heroic ingredients in his composition.

  15. 琼斯的性格里颇有几分豪迈。

    Jones had some heroic ingredients in his composition.

  16. 这真是豪迈的话语,尤蒂丝,真是豪言壮语。

    Stagy heroics; These are brave words, Judith; they're downright brave words.

  17. 苹果牌牛仔裤,男性豪迈性格的充分体现。

    A pair of apple jeans on your Body, a full show of man's heroic character.

  18. 各民族的兵器之舞, 刀光剑影, 英勇豪迈。

    The dances of minority nationalities using weapons as stage props always appear brave and heroic.

  19. 多少男生希望能和你一样英勇豪迈, 你死?

    How many boys want to be like you, you die bravely heroic?

  20. 我们将以豪迈的步伐跨入新的一年。

    We will stride into the new year with pride and confidence.

  21. 上海消防事业开始了激情如火的豪迈跃进。

    The Fire Services in Shanghai started great leaps with fiery passion.

  22. 这里的女士如此高雅, 那么这里的绅士也当然豪迈!

    The ladies of my motherland are so courtlike, and the gentlemen of my motherland are so forthright certainly!

  23. 轻快悠扬的曲风,表现出侠客洒脱豪迈的性格。

    A lively and melodious music genre displays a chivalrous mans free and heroic character.

  24. 玛曲, 天苍苍野茫茫的豪迈冬季女装色彩预测

    Ma qu, Heroic Color in the Boundless Sky and Endless Weald

  25. 就算死了, 也要像鬼不理先生那样, 潇洒豪迈!

    Even in death may you all, like Mr Crepsley, be triumphant!

  26. 梦赋予他豪迈的宣言,梦也引领他走向光明的大道。

    The dream gives him heroic declaration, the dream also guides a bright big way of his alignment.

  27. 幼年学书,十分刻苦。他的书法热情奔放,豪迈恣肆

    He studied calligraphy diligently while a child, and his style was mannerly and bold.

  28. 总写一些忧伤而美丽的诗歌,总发一些幼稚而豪迈的感叹。

    Total write some sad and beautiful poetry, the total number of naive and heroic hair sighs.

  29. 幸福的环境要有雄厚豪迈的精进,才能谛造我成功。

    The environment of the happiness wants to is strong and heroic aggressive, then can construct me successful.

  30. 哦, 豪迈的, 半是天使半是飞鸟, 合起来便是事业和的希望。

    O lyric love, half angel and half bird And a wonder and a wild desire.


  1. 问:豪迈拼音怎么拼?豪迈的读音是什么?豪迈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豪迈的读音是háomài,豪迈翻译成英文是 heroic

  2. 问:豪迈尔利拼音怎么拼?豪迈尔利的读音是什么?豪迈尔利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豪迈尔利的读音是Háomài'ěrlì,豪迈尔利翻译成英文是 Hamerli

  3. 问:豪迈特苏格拼音怎么拼?豪迈特苏格的读音是什么?豪迈特苏格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豪迈特苏格的读音是,豪迈特苏格翻译成英文是 Houmt Souk




注音: háomài英语:himile(bold and generous ) 基本


近义词:豪放 豪爽

反义词:狭隘1. 气魄大;豪放不羁。《世说新语·言语》“ 桓公 北征” 刘孝标注引《桓温别传》:“ 温 少有豪迈风气,为 温峤所知。” 唐 独孤及 《唐故特进太子少保郑国李公墓志铭》:“公聪朗奇伟,豪迈旷达,率性忠孝,临节有勇。”《明史·岳正传》:“ 正 素豪迈,负气敢言。”清 汤之旭《皇清州同知尹思袁公(袁可立曾孙)墓志铭》:“舅氏天性豪迈,喜施与,无世俗龌龊态,而交结知名,座客常满。”《长江大桥纪念碑碑文》:“﹝ 中国工程科学﹞正以豪迈的步伐向着世界水平前进。”