







汉语拼音:bīn fēn








  1. 繁盛貌。

    《楚辞·离骚》:“佩繽纷其繁饰兮,芳菲菲其弥章。”《后汉书·班固传上》:“红罗颯纚,綺组繽纷。” 清 刘大櫆 《<皖江酬唱集>序》:“予唱汝和,无往不復,鏤氷斸雪,纂组繽纷。”

  2. 纷乱貌。

    晋 陶潜 《桃花源记》:“芳华鲜美,落英繽纷。” 唐 李山甫 《惜花》诗:“一年今烂熳,几日便繽纷。” 杨沫 《永远难忘的友情》:“撒向我们身上的缤纷的玫瑰花瓣,像一颗颗炽热的心。”

  3. 引申为时局或思想混乱。

    《楚辞·离骚》:“时繽纷其变易兮,又何可以淹留。” 汉 张衡 《思玄赋》:“私湛忧而深怀兮,思繽纷而不理。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·买父》:“莫怪人心诧异,只因世局繽纷。儿子既可买父,臣子合当卖君。”

  4. 众疾貌;多貌。

    《汉书·扬雄传上》:“羽骑营营,昈分殊事,繽纷往来,轠轤不絶。” 唐 韩愈 《送陆畅归江南》诗:“鸞鸣桂树间,观者何繽纷。” 明 沉璟 《义侠记·除凶》:“道傍车马日繽纷,行路悠悠何足云?” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·凤仙》:“过数日,果有三十餘人,齎旗采酒礼而至,舆马繽纷,填溢堦巷。”

  5. 纷飞貌。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《拟魏太子邺中集诗·刘桢》:“唯羡肃肃翰,繽纷戾高冥。”《西游记》第六六回:“满山头大雨繽纷。” 苏曼殊 《断鸿零雁记》第十八章:“此日大雪繽纷,余紧闭窗户,静坐思量。”

  6. 形容歌舞交杂并进。

    《汉书·司马相如传上》:“ 鄢 郢 繽纷,《激楚》、《结风》。” 王先谦 补注:“ 鄢 郢 繽纷,谓 楚 歌 楚 舞,交杂并进。” 唐 薛用弱 《集异记补编·叶法善》:“所居院异香芬鬱,仙乐繽纷。”



  1. The colorful EXPO brings me a lot, brings me a full of vigour and vitality hope, a broad breadth of mind and a fiery state of mind.


  2. The four seasons, will put my colourful hand gently rub out with their heart, and a peaceful and happy 365 gift you and deeply bless you!


  3. Or, to be more accurate, she turned the dullness of gray, from dove to anthracite, into a shaded palette.


  4. At this point, I felt the ancient home of the pure and beautiful, colorful clouds weave a wonderful story of his hometown.


  5. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.


  6. Most importantly, Thank you so much for offering me a great health to let me enjoy my wonderful life all the time.


  7. There was no separation between you and the tree and the varying, astonishing colours of the sparkling light on the holly.


  8. The color is riotous, the style changes much, believing that this summer had to embellish purely will more versatile.


  9. Perhaps tired of the mind that would fall on a piece peach habitat, let peach colorful dyed pink, and then open into a jump in childhood.


  1. 彩旗缤纷。

    a panoply of colorful flags.

  2. 彩旗缤纷。

    A panoply of colorful flags.

  3. 缤纷的色彩

    gay colors.

  4. 缤纷海鲜什锦

    Seafood Parillada with salmon, sea bream, trubot and prawns with a saffron sauce.

  5. 缤纷炫彩眼影

    Colour Surge Eye Shadow Soft Shimmer.

  6. 亮丽缤纷的彩虹。

    To have sight of such a rainbow.

  7. 业务缤纷谁最靓?

    Listing Highlights in Telecom Service Development?

  8. 我的人生缤纷灿烂。

    You're beautifulMy life is brilliant.

  9. 和风送爽,小雨缤纷。

    Warm winds blow and gentle rains fall.

  10. 芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。

    On scented grasses fresh and pleasing to the eye lay fallen blossoms in gay profusion.

  11. 花园里色彩缤纷。

    The garden was a riot of colour.

  12. 花坛里色彩缤纷。

    The flowerbeds were a riot of colour.

  13. 生命中的色彩与缤纷。

    You will find the colours in your life.

  14. 多情的春季,梨花缤纷。

    The pear flowers blossom in amorous spring.

  15. 送给她缤纷的遐想

    Give her an active imagination

  16. 园花竞艳, 五色缤纷。

    The garden was a riot of colour.

  17. 园花竞艳,五色缤纷。

    The garden was a riot of colour.

  18. 芳草香美,落英缤纷。

    On scented grasses fresh and pleasing to the eye lay fallen blossoms in gay profusion.

  19. 用混乱缤纷我的人生。

    Color my life with the chaos of trouble.

  20. 缤纷炫彩眼影闪光系列

    Colour Surge Eye Shadow Super Shimmer.

  21. 勤奋也像彩虹美丽缤纷。

    Beauty, like diligent colorful rainbow.

  22. 新款缤纷炫彩眼影套装

    NEW Clinique Eye Colour Combo with Colour Surge Eye Shadow

  23. 倩碧缤纷炫彩四色眼影

    Colour Surge Eye Shadow Quad

  24. 鸟儿张开缤纷的翅膀。

    The bird fanned colorful tail.

  25. 广东深圳缤纷商业中心店

    Binfen Franchise Store of Commercial Center of Shenzhen, Guangdong

  26. 迷失爱之符,缤纷彩翼

    I am lost in love, I have kaleidoscopic wings

  27. 缤纷的数字电位器世界

    World of colourful digital potentiometers

  28. 同一个世界,缤纷的梦想。

    juese loves u but i think u r a cunt.

  29. 从一一重温的缤纷旧梦里,

    And among the dreams of the days that were

  30. 缤纷的色彩充满了花的世界。

    The panorama of color fill the world of flower!


  1. 问:缤纷拼音怎么拼?缤纷的读音是什么?缤纷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缤纷的读音是bīnfēn,缤纷翻译成英文是 gay with all colors



bīn fēn 繁多而杂乱的样子:彩旗~;落英~。