







汉语拼音:xuàn làn








  1. 光彩炫目。

    宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十三:“巧女之刺绣,虽精妙绚烂,纔可人目,初无补於实用,后世之文似之。” 明 宋濂 《寂照圆明大禅师璧峰金公舍利塔碑》:“禪师在定中见一山甚秀丽,重楼杰阁,金碧绚烂。” 清 黄景仁 《春日和容甫》:“绚烂亦云极,但觉意萧森。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二十章:“他凝视着 罗大方 那张宽阔而又异常慈祥的大脸,忽然觉得这个人是这样的高大、这样的雄伟,在黑夜中,他的浑身好像发着绚烂的光。”

  2. 谓文辞华丽富赡。

    宋 周紫芝 《竹坡诗话》:“ 东坡 尝有书与其姪云:‘大凡为文,当使气象峥嶸,五色绚烂,渐老渐熟,乃造平淡。’” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·苏东坡诗》:“ 放翁 古诗好用儷句,以炫其绚烂。” 柯灵 《香雪海·散文--文学的轻骑队》:“我们这时代是产生鸿篇巨著的时代,是产生诗的时代,也是产生绚烂多采、争妍斗胜的散文的时代。”



  1. Your color scheme radiates the rays of the summer sun, so make it a point to wear yellow, orange, and gold.


  2. When the night curtain falls, the ice lanterns gently glow, with a spectrum of gorgeous colors glistening against the dark sky.


  3. This year, the holiday decorating theme at the White House is "All things bright and beautiful. "


  4. During the hot summer, its colorful feathers, gorgeous texture, so his call and said: "Phoenix than I (Phoenix could not outdo me). "


  5. You realize what it means to be a Beijinger, and you begin to see your life in your city as part of a long and wonderful history.


  6. It is a world crowed with idols and stars, some are just like a meteor across the sky, shining for a while, but then dims.


  7. That's never been a season of one does not belong to real life belongs only to a dream season, there is no seasonal gorgeous color.


  8. I'm trying to brew the most gorgeous color all the time. I truly believe that it is about to penetrate outwards and spread around.


  9. Love, filled with passion, is beautiful like fireworks, but it goes out in a snuff like a meteor.


  1. 绚烂的晚霞

    a spectacular sunset.

  2. 绚烂的朝霞

    gorgeous morning clouds.

  3. 爱是绚烂的事。

    Loving a splendid thing.

  4. 爱是绚烂得事。

    Loving a splendid thing .

  5. 昨天的朝霞很绚烂。

    There was a spectacular sunrise yesterday.

  6. 鲜花锦簇,色彩绚烂。

    The flowers mingle together to form a blaze of colour.

  7. 春天,山谷里春色绚烂。

    In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.

  8. 邂逅,像烟花般绚烂美丽。

    Encounter, such as gorgeous as beautiful fireworks.

  9. 我们看着秋叶日渐绚烂,

    We saw leaves go to glory

  10. 晚上绚烂的烟花布满了夜空。

    The night sky is full of fireworks displays.

  11. 我女儿绚烂的婚礼要使我破产。

    My daughters fancy wedding is going to break me!

  12. 双眼如万花筒般绚烂的女孩

    A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

  13. 在包围我的她的绚烂光中。

    Surround me in Her radiant light.

  14. 这样的孩子前途将是一片绚烂!

    Such child future will be a brilliance!

  15. 妙曼的歌声总是悠扬,璀璨的灯火总是绚烂。

    Wonderful and graceful song is melodious, the bright lights are always splendid.

  16. 你会发现他们的生活一点都不绚烂。

    that the answer turns out not to be that being in the gang was a glamorous life.

  17. 首页风景名胜亦真亦幻是绚烂的梦境!

    Real as well as unreal be splendid dreamworld!

  18. 遇见你,将是我生命中最绚烂的时刻。

    Met you, my life would be the most gorgeous moment.

  19. 春花嫣然, 夏花绚烂, 秋花娴静, 冬花得傲然。

    Spring flower beautiful, xia Huaxuan is sodden, qiu Huaxian is static, the winter spends loftily.

  20. 春花嫣然,夏花绚烂,秋花娴静,冬花的傲然。

    Spring flower beautiful, xia Huaxuan is sodden, qiu Huaxian is static, the winter spends loftily.

  21. 地面似乎泛起温柔的光芒, 如烟花般绚烂。

    The ground seems to float to the surface soft light, such as fireworks flowers.

  22. 一英亩见方的花园生长出一大片绚烂的杜鹃花。

    The acre of garden is host to a splendid bank of rhododendrons.

  23. 那冬季里坚强的樟树叶落樱一样的绚烂

    Laying a strong camphor tree leaves in winter Lane that the same gorgeous

  24. 我给你一个全新的世界,闪光,耀眼,绚烂。

    I can show you the world, wonderful, shinning and splendid.

  25. 我给你一个全新得世界,闪光,耀眼,绚烂。

    I can show you the world, wonderful, shinning and splendid.

  26. 生如夏花之绚烂。死若秋叶般精美。

    Shengruxiahuas gorgeous. dead autumn leaves as if exquisite.

  27. 色彩绚烂的花朵再一次迎着太阳绽放。

    Once again, flowers of every color you can imagine unfold to greet the sun.

  28. 色彩绚烂得花朵再一次迎着太阳绽放。

    Once again, flowers of every color you can imagine unfold to greet the sun.

  29. 是生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。

    Let like be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

  30. 使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。

    Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and flowers and death like autumn leaves.


  1. 问:绚烂拼音怎么拼?绚烂的读音是什么?绚烂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绚烂的读音是xuànlàn,绚烂翻译成英文是 splendid

  2. 问:绚烂的拼音怎么拼?绚烂的的读音是什么?绚烂的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绚烂的的读音是,绚烂的翻译成英文是 gorgeous

  3. 问:绚烂舞踏祭拼音怎么拼?绚烂舞踏祭的读音是什么?绚烂舞踏祭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绚烂舞踏祭的读音是,绚烂舞踏祭翻译成英文是 Kenran Butohsai



1. 光彩耀眼 光彩炫目。 2. 谓文辞华丽富赡。