


1. 虎 [hǔ]虎 [hǔ]哺乳动物,毛黄褐色,有黑色条纹,性凶猛,力大。骨和血及内脏均可入药(通称“老虎”):~口(a.喻危险境地;b.手上拇指和食指相交的地方)。~穴(喻危险境地)。~符(古代调兵的凭证,用铜铸成虎形,分两半)。~狼(……





汉语拼音:hǔ láng






  1. 比喻凶残或勇猛的人。亦以喻凶残或勇猛。

    《左传·哀公六年》:“及朝,则曰:‘彼虎狼也。’”《三国演义》第五回:“ 温侯 吕布 挺身出曰:‘父亲勿虑, 关 外诸侯, 布 视之如草芥;愿提虎狼之师,尽斩其首,悬於都门。’”



  1. A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe, as meek as a lamb after a long stay by the seashore.


  2. Many people believed that the forest was a foreboding and dangerous place and never set foot in it.


  3. Afraid to do afraid or, just before the two sides of the knife.


  4. A person with a vicious heart becomes a wolf or a tiger.


  5. I have studied your election team led philosophy, you bring the team must be full strength, are members of the Hulangcheng year;


  1. 优柔寡断的人总是前怕狼后怕虎。

    An indecisive man always sees a lion in the way.

  2. 前门打虎, 后门打狼

    just and honorable approach

  3. 前怕狼,后怕虎。

    Fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesitate in doing something.

  4. 要大胆实验,不要前怕狼,后怕虎。

    We must make the experiment boldly and must not fear the wolves ahead and tigers behind.

  5. 想完整祛斑,还怕受骗受骗,前怕狼,后怕虎的!

    To complete freckle, afraid cheated cheated, the former fear of the wolf, scared tiger!

  6. 你这样“前怕狼,后怕虎”的,能做成什么大事?

    How can you achieve great success if you fear wolves ahead and tigers behind?

  7. 这真是前面遇狼, 中间遇虎, 最后还得遭逢吃人的恶魔。

    This is really a wolf in front of the event, between when a tiger, end of the day people encounter monsters eat.

  8. 前门拒狼, 后门进虎

    Let the tiger in through the back door while repelling the wolf at the front gate

  9. 美食不应狼吞虎。

    A good meal should never be hurried.

  10. 吃东西不要狼吞虎。

    Don't wolf down your food.

  11. 他狼吞虎地大吃火腿。

    He tucked into the ham hungrily.

  12. 别这麽狼吞虎 你会消化不良的!

    Don't bolt your food you'll get indigestion!

  13. 他狼吞虎嚥地吃完午餐就出去了。

    He wolfed his lunch and went out.

  14. 他狼吞虎嚥地吃完晚饭就出去了。

    He wolfed his supper and went out.

  15. 我真希望狼爸与虎妈能在一起。

    I really hope a wolf dad and tiger mother can be together.

  16. 是故原来的虎、龙图腾也随之演变为狼、鹿图腾。

    The former totems of tiger and dragon became totems of wolf and deer.

  17. 同时美国儿童仍狼吞虎咽下糖和脂肪。

    Meanwhile, American children continue to gobble up sugar and fat.

  18. 他一到家就狼吞虎烟地吃起东西来。

    The moment he got home, he lit into the food.

  19. 凶如虎狼, 恶似魔鬼

    more savage than a tiger or wolf and as evil as the devil

  20. 国家有此一群虎狼, 无怪乎国事不可收拾。

    With such a pack of wolves running wild, no wonder the country's affairs are in chaos.

  21. 满族人为保人丁平安,平时进山,敲击木棒,以震虎狼。

    Paul spawned Manchu people safe, usually into the mountains, mallets, to shock tigers.

  22. 凶恶的人,虎狼之徒被认为是有野心,卤莽或凶残的人

    A person regarded as aggressive, audacious, or fierce.


  1. 问:虎狼拼音怎么拼?虎狼的读音是什么?虎狼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虎狼的读音是hǔláng,虎狼翻译成英文是 tiger and wolf-bandit

  2. 问:虎狼山拼音怎么拼?虎狼山的读音是什么?虎狼山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虎狼山的读音是Hǔlángshān,虎狼山翻译成英文是 Hulangshan



“虎狼”是个多义词,它可以指虎狼(灰熊猫所著小说), 虎狼(汉语词目)。