




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:biàn shuō







  1. 长于雄辩,游说。

    《管子·任法》:“世无请謁任举之人,无间识博学辩説之士,无伟服,无奇行,皆囊於法以事其主。”《荀子·非十二子》:“辩説譬諭,齐给便利,而不顺礼义,谓之姦説。”《韩非子·外储说左上》:“今世之谈也,皆道辩説文辞之言,人主览其文而忘有用。” 明 方孝孺 《与郑叔度书》:“ 屈原 之《离骚》,忧世愤戚呼天目鬼神自列之辞,其语长短舒纵、抑扬闔闢、辩説诡异,杂错而成章。”

  2. 指雄辩的辞采。

    章炳麟 《文学总略》:“至于辞命,则有草创润色之功, 苏 张 陈説,度亦先有篇章,《文选》録《易水》、《大风》二歌,而独汰去辩説,亦自相鉏吾矣。”

  3. 犹雄辩。

    《荀子·君道》:“其辩説足以解烦、其知虑足以决疑、其齐断足以距难,不还秩、不反君,然而应薄扞患足以持社稷,然后可,夫是之谓国具。” 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·高祖纪一》:“ 梁 好为辩説,阴有大志。” 唐 胡曾 《咏史诗·番禺》:“不是大夫多辩説, 尉他 争肯筑朝臺。” 清 顾炎武 《谒孟子庙》诗:“辩説千秋奉,精灵故国歆。”



  1. GM will argue it needs the additional government funds to stay out of bankruptcy court, people familiar with the matter said.


  2. "But I didn't start it, mother, " said the boy protestingly. "He hit me first. "


  3. In her "Science Digest" article, writer Ashley Montagu argued that crying not only contributes to good health, but it also builds community.


  4. the recent changes in the tax system and will then go on to argue that these changes are unfair and impracticable.


  5. Covers all countries between employment, and the nobles, divides its share, said, deal with words and local historical things and rumours.


  6. XUN Zi, with "Name" as the core, establishes a logical thought system of rectifying name with name, phraseology and disputation.


  7. She contended that sheep do as much damage to the countryside as kangaroos.


  8. As for exhortation, he argues that in practice, religion is not a legitimate source of morality.


  9. Some might argue he needs to make it tough on them.


  1. 文章语言的主要特点辩说

    Main Characteristics of Article Language

  2. 他们辩说,追求正义与追求和平是冲突的。

    They argue that the pursuit of justice clashes with the pursuit of peace.

  3. 这个标题问题一向辩说到很晚的时辰。

    The subject was debated till a late hour.

  4. 英国辩说伊朗已经签订了约束性商业协议。

    Britain argued that Iran had entered the binding commercial agreement.

  5. 在思虑和辩说的过程中进行自我反思和评价。

    In the process of thinking and contradicting I have recollections and appraisal of myself.

  6. 南希虽然很想参加辩说,但腼腆得不敢开口。

    While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.

  7. 这个需要别人解答的题目我们同他们辩说了很长时间。

    We argued with them about this problem for a long time.

  8. 至于劝解, 他辩说到, 在实际中宗教并非道德得正统来源。

    As for exhortation, he argues that in practice, religion is not a legitimate source of morality.

  9. 至于劝解,他辩说到,在实际中宗教并非道德的正统来源。

    As for exhortation, he argues that in practice, religion is not a legitimate source of morality.

  10. 照我说的去做,不要争辩。

    Do what you are told and don't argue with me.

  11. 聂,你说什么我要说的,但更雄辩。

    Nik, You said what I wanted to say, but more eloquently.

  12. 要是连想念也不曾有,他无论说什么,听起来都像强辩。

    If she is not in his mind, then he knows whatever he says, they will only sound sophistic.

  13. 诗之志辩说

    The Aspiration of Poetry.

  14. 扮演演说者, 雄辩者。

    To play the orator derisive Dickens.

  15. 演说家今天格外雄辩。

    The speaker is exceptionally eloquent today.

  16. 她争辩说她不该去。

    She argued that she should not go.

  17. 他分辩说, 他没有这种看法。

    He protested that he had no views of that sort.

  18. 神甫说不许争辩,只许信仰。

    The clergyman Dont argue, believe!

  19. 演说的辨别力不止是雄辩。

    Discretion in speech is more than eloquence.

  20. 中西思维方式差异说辩难

    Questioning the Theory of the Different Thinking Manners between China and the West

  21. 嫌疑犯争辩说证人是在撒谎。

    The suspect contended that the witness was lying.

  22. 他争辩说,那是个错误答案。

    that is a wrong answer. he argued.

  23. 他能言善辩,胜过最好的演说家。

    He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator.

  24. 夸张的演说以雄辩,夸张的方式发表的演说

    A speech delivered in a highflown or pompous manner.

  25. 他论辩有力,把对方说得哑口无言。

    His forceful arguments silenced his opponent.

  26. 那人争辩说这不是他的过错。

    The man contend that it was not his fault.

  27. 如果说雄辩是银,那么沉默便是金!

    Speech is sliver, silence is gold!

  28. 打某甲小报告的家伙自辩说

    All I did was tell some guy that you think your boss should be fired.

  29. 安东尼是一位能言善辩的演说家。

    Antony was a silvertongued orator.

  30. 他是个能言善辩的人, 你说不过他的。

    He is glib and quicktongued so you cannot win in arguing with him.