







汉语拼音:shēn biàn








  1. 亦作“ 申辨 ”。申述辩解。

    《宋史·韩琦传》:“ 琦 又恳奏, 安石 下之条例司,令其属疏駮,刊石颁天下。 琦 申辨愈切,不克从。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录三》:“问官申辩百端,终以为 南山 可移,此案不动。”《清史稿·礼志十》:“时总理各国事务 恭亲王 以拜跪仪节往復申辨,而各使坚执如初。” 叶紫 《夜哨线》:“半晌,他才忸忸怩怩地申辩着。”



  1. Come after the owner, rather than defense, and a note of alarm the police, claiming that the taxpayer's identity to his complaints.


  2. Meanwhile, Ally and Georgia defend a woman suing for the right to marry a convicted felon with a life sentence.


  3. President Clinton made a strong case for how the U. S. government's commitment to global health helps to strengthen national security.


  4. Well, Mr Lockwood, I argued and complained, and flatly refused him fifty times; but in the long run he forced me to an agreement.


  5. I have never wanted to withhold anything, but until now, it has not been constitutionally possible for me to speak.


  6. The tragically -dead child already has no ability to explain or defend himself, so these teachers can say whatever they want.


  7. The five men had pleaded not guilty at the opening of the trial last month, saying they had been on a simple fishing trip.


  8. I cannot defend, despite all of the company's people know this customer DiaoMan ignorance.


  9. The deputies to be recalled shall have the right to attend the meetings for recalling them to make arguments or written arguments.


  1. 被告方申辩精神失常。

    The defence entered a plea of insanity.

  2. 法官同意允许犯人申辩。

    The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak.

  3. 是我出头帮你申辩的

    I went to bat for you.

  4. 替自己申辩, 就等于控诉自己。

    He who excuses himself accuses himself.

  5. 行政处罚申辩权三题

    Three Problems on the Right of Defence in Administrative Punishment

  6. 你不能为这种行为申辩。

    You can't explain such conduct for yourself.

  7. 不懂法律不是申辩的理由。

    Ignorance of law is no excuse.

  8. 她申辩说她没有偷这些东西。

    She pleaded she did not steal the things.

  9. 请在陈述申辩书上签字。

    Please sign the letter of statement and averment.

  10. 他可以在下级法院申辩他的案子。

    He could argue his case in the lower court.

  11. 他们一致申辩他们没有干那件事。

    They protested with one accord that they had not done it.

  12. 我们如何对这种指控进行申辩呢?

    How shall we reply to the charge?

  13. 我们不是,那么,你想怎么申辩呢?

    We did. So. . . What do you have to say for yourself?

  14. 她为她的缺席申辩,说是病了。

    She excused her absence by saying that she was ill.

  15. 伯特伦先生提出减轻罪责的申辩。

    Mr Bertram tendered a plea in mitigation.

  16. 我申辩,抱怨,干脆拒绝他五十次。

    I argued and complained, and flatly refused him fifty times.

  17. 我的委托人希望撤回他的无罪申辩。

    My client wishes to withdraw his not guilty plea.

  18. 他们只能做出建议并为其申辩。

    They can only make recommendations and argue for them.

  19. 比尔申辩时教师训斥他, 不许他响。

    When Bill talked back, the teacher slapped him down.

  20. 他们向州长提出了宽刑的申辩书。

    They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency.

  21. 所有人都同意, 除了贞德, 她申辩着。

    Everybody agree them, without Joan, she is having averment.

  22. 国家行为学说是实体法的一个申辩。

    An act of State doctrine is a plea to the substantive law.

  23. 陪审团驳回他的申辩, 判他犯有谋杀罪。

    The jury dismissed his story and convicted him of murder.

  24. 陪审团驳回他的申辩,判他犯有谋杀罪。

    The jury dismissed his story and convicted him of murder.

  25. 陪审团驳回他得申辩,判他犯有谋杀罪。

    The jury dismissed his story and convicted him of murder.

  26. 根据法律规定您有陈述和申辩的权利。

    By the law, you have the right to present and defend.

  27. 根据法律规定您有陈述和申辩得权利。

    By the law, you have the right to present and defend.

  28. 我知道他们会给你一个机会叫你申辩。

    I know they give you a fair hearing.

  29. 审判官拒绝再给他一次申辩的机会。

    The judge refused to give him another hearing.

  30. 申请人、利害关系人有权进行陈述和申辩。

    The applicant and the interested parties have the right to state their views and argue.


  1. 问:申辩拼音怎么拼?申辩的读音是什么?申辩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:申辩的读音是shēnbiàn,申辩翻译成英文是 defend oneself

  2. 问:申辩权拼音怎么拼?申辩权的读音是什么?申辩权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:申辩权的读音是shēnbiànquán,申辩权翻译成英文是 right to defend oneself

  3. 问:申辩无罪拼音怎么拼?申辩无罪的读音是什么?申辩无罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:申辩无罪的读音是shēn biàn wú zuì,申辩无罪翻译成英文是 plead not guilty

  4. 问:申辩材料拼音怎么拼?申辩材料的读音是什么?申辩材料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:申辩材料的读音是shēn biàn cái liào,申辩材料翻译成英文是 justificatory material

  5. 问:申辩通知拼音怎么拼?申辩通知的读音是什么?申辩通知翻译成英文是什么?

    答:申辩通知的读音是shēn biàn tōng zhī,申辩通知翻译成英文是 notice of defense



(动词).(对受人指责的事)申述理由,加以辩解。 申辩,亦作“ 申辨 ”。申述辩解。《宋史·韩琦传》:“ 琦 又恳奏, 安石 下之条例司,令其属疏驳,刊石颁天下。 琦 申辨愈切,不克从。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录三》:“问官申辩百端,终以为 南山 可移,此案不动。”《清史稿·礼志十》:“时总理各国事务 恭亲王 以拜跪仪节往复申辨,而各使坚执如初。” 叶紫 《夜哨线》:“半晌,他才忸忸怩怩地申辩着。”