







汉语拼音:biàn bái







  1. 说明事实真相,用来消除误会或受到的指责。

    宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷中:“ 蔡 於五诗中辩白,引证 甑山公 事尤苦,卒不能免。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“两个甲科与 闻参将 辩白前事,世间情面那有不让縉绅的,逐件赃罪得以开释,只处得他革任回卫。”一本作“ 辨白 ”。《儒林外史》第三六回:“你既然寃枉,我原该替你辩白。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第五幕:“你叫我辩白什么?有什么可辩白的?我心里是亮堂的,‘水清石自见’。”



  1. He cleared his throat, and said defensively, "I wanted him to have the best. . . "


  2. No, she was in a conversation with a group of people and talking back and forth. And. . . I'll let Governor Palin speak for herself.


  3. Anticipating such a crisis is "more than anybody is capable of judging, " Mr. Greenspan said.


  4. The company gave him an opportunity to clear himself.


  5. there she heard a different voice , with which she argued , pleaded , excused.


  6. Don't apologize for the one brave decision of your life! I admire you for it!


  7. Singer James Blunt's mother has defended her son against "harsh criticism" from British critics over his public school background.


  8. Moreover, official publications have expressed caution about putting the sweeping rules into effect.


  9. An alibi is the fact of being elsewhere, not a false explanation.


  1. 他辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑。

    He exculpate himself from a charge of theft.

  2. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。

    In that case youll have to clear yourself.

  3. 你的过失不容辩白。

    Your fault does not admit of any excuse.

  4. 他不得不为自己的行为辩白。

    He had to justify himself for his conduct.

  5. 这是一个为自己辩白的机会。

    It's an opportunity to clear oneself.

  6. 她自称无辜的辩白显得空洞乏力。

    Her protestation of innocence had a hollow ring to it.

  7. 公司给了他一个辩白的机会。

    The company gave him an opportunity to clear himself.

  8. 愿人得与上帝辩白,如同人与朋友辩白一样。

    On behalf of a man he pleads with God as a man pleads for his friend.

  9. 伯1621愿人得与神辩白,如同人与朋友辩白一样。

    O that a man might plead with God As a man with his neighbor!

  10. 事态一旦平息,贝克就为他的决定辩白。

    Once the dust had settled Beck defended his decision.

  11. 这是最好的奶油了!三月兔辩白地说。

    It was the BEST butter,'the March Hare meekly replied.

  12. 刷白自己的网球鞋。那样,你只得自行辩白了。

    In that case you'll have to clear yourself.

  13. 在这种情况下, 王皓决定站出来为自己辩白。

    In this case, Wang Hao decided to step forward offer an explanation for their own.

  14. 我就在他面前将我的案件陈明, 满口辩白。

    I would state my case before him and mouth with arguments.

  15. 那我什么时候才有机会从我的角度辩白呢

    But when do I get a chance to tell my side of the story?

  16. 在一次广播访谈中他得到了辩白的机会。

    He was given the chance to answer back in a radio interview.

  17. 官方出版物正在对这项扫荡计划的出台做着辩白。

    Moreover, official publications have expressed caution about putting the sweeping rules into effect.

  18. 辩白是指在其他地方的事实,而不是一项错误解释。

    An alibi is the fact of being elsewhere, not a false explanation.

  19. 证明。无辜, 为。辩白她正直的行为, 证明她和这件丑闻无关。

    WORD OF THE DAY vindicate to clear from all blame or suspicion. Her upright behavior vindicated her from criticism in the scandal.

  20. 几星期来,我从你那儿听到的只是辩白之词。

    I have received nothing but excuse from you for weeks.

  21. 可是我一点也不想辩白,由于我今朝仍旧死而无憾了。

    But I do not want to provide an explanation at all, having no regret because I have already die now.

  22. 新闻界发表文章抨击女王是不对的,因为她不能辩白。

    Its wrong of the press to publish articles attacking the Queen when she cant answer back.

  23. 批改了一些小题目同时许可你保存显示辩白率的设定。

    Fixes a few small issues and allows you to save display resolution.

  24. 不用为你生命中勇敢的决定辩白!因为那件事我很欣赏你!

    Don't apologize for the one brave decision of your life! I admire you for it!


  1. 问:辩白拼音怎么拼?辩白的读音是什么?辩白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辩白的读音是biànbái,辩白翻译成英文是 plead innocence



biàn bái 辩白 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

◎ 辩白 biànbái [offer an explanation;try to defend oneself;justify] 申辩,说明事实真相,以事实道理来消除误会或受到的指责。 例:不必~了,大家没有责备你的意思,也作辨白。 《现代汉语词典》(第5版)商务印书馆2008年.北京.86.