




1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……



汉语拼音:háo máo







  1. 人或鸟兽身上的细毛或长毛。


  2. 犹丝毫。极小或很少。

    《庄子·山木》:“故朝夕赋歛,而毫毛不挫。”《史记·项羽本纪》:“今 沛公 先破 秦 入 咸阳 ,毫毛不敢有所近,封闭宫室,还军 霸上 ,以待大王来。” 唐 韩愈 《张君墓志铭》:“观察使使剧吏案簿书,十日不得毫毛罪。” 宋 苏轼 《上梅龙图书》:“差之毫毛,輒以摈落。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二八:“二三十两是朝奉的毫毛,小人得了却一生一世受用不尽了。”



  1. If he was in my sporran, and your belly full of shillings, I would not hurt a hair upon his body.


  2. I don't care, it's of no interest to me. It costs me nothing, not even a little skin off my nose.


  3. The father wouldn't lay a finger on the children.


  4. But the resulting water droplets, propped up by your body hair, poolside, could turn you from lounger to lobster.


  5. He says it's all in the hairs on its toes - two million of them, each with hundreds of tiny split ends.


  6. If you harm a hair of my daughter's head, you'll get yourself into trouble.


  7. Shandong faction remains with paint pen to the screen slim, beautiful win.


  8. Then a spirit passed before my face; The hair of my flesh stood up.


  9. Marston: I won't let anything happen to her, sir.


  1. 谁敢动他一根毫毛?

    Who would dare touch a hair of his?

  2. 你敢碰他一根毫毛!

    Don't lay a glove on him!

  3. 你们敢动我一根毫毛。

    You lay one hand on me.

  4. 不准你动他一根毫毛。

    Don't you dare do him the slightest harm!

  5. 那父亲不动孩子们一根毫毛。

    The father wouldn't lay a finger on the children.

  6. 那些诬蔑无损于我们一根毫毛。

    Those slanders can't harm a single hair of our head.

  7. 不许你动我女儿一根毫毛。

    You shall not put a finger on my daughter.

  8. 我到达之前别动她一根毫毛。

    You are not to touch her until I get there.

  9. 但塔利班没动我一根毫毛。

    But the Taliban never touched me.

  10. 有灵从我面前经过, 我身上得毫毛直立。

    A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body stood on end.

  11. 有灵从我面前经过, 我身上的毫毛直立。

    A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body stood on end.

  12. 尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛

    a bristle or seta, especially of an annelid worm

  13. 刚毛尤指环节动物毛虫类的毫毛或刚毛

    A bristle or seta, especially of an annelid worm.

  14. 他的诽谤触动不了我一根毫毛。

    His slander can't do me the slightest harm.

  15. 损某人一根毫毛在盆土内生出毛根。

    Harm a hair of sb.'s head Root the bulbs in potting soil.

  16. 没有得到我得同意谁敢动他一根毫毛?

    Nobody shoots at that target without going through me.

  17. 没有得到我的同意谁敢动他一根毫毛?

    Nobody shoots at that target without going through me.

  18. 如果你敢动我的儿子一根毫毛, 你会后悔的!

    If you lay a finger on my son you'll regret it!

  19. 如果你敢碰我的女朋友一根毫毛, 我宰了你。

    If you lay a finger on my girlfriend, I will kill you.

  20. 一旦毫毛变成了终毛, 通常是不可逆的。

    Once a vellus hair has changed to a terminal hair, it usually does not change back.

  21. 侯店毛笔的主要原料是动物的毫毛和尾毛。

    Hou shop brush is the main raw material for animal remains and tail hair.

  22. 经加工得茶芽毫毛银白如雪,茶汤清澈持久。

    Processed Chayahaomao silvery white snow, clear tea and lasting.

  23. 经加工的茶芽毫毛银白如雪,茶汤清澈持久。

    Processed Chayahaomao silvery white snow, clear tea and lasting.

  24. 如果你碰她一根毫毛, 我也同样会回敬你的。

    You'll have me to answer to if you harm a hair of her head.

  25. 我得说清楚,我可没有动过她一根毫毛。

    I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her.

  26. 你要是动我女儿一根毫毛,你可就自找麻烦了。

    If you harm a hair of my daughter's head, you'll get yourself into trouble.

  27. 如果你敢伤他一根毫毛, 我发誓非杀死你不可。

    If you harm a hair on his head, I swear I'll kill you.

  28. 上方真皮层中含有毫毛囊, 皮脂腺及汗腺。

    Vellus hair follicles, sebaceous glands and eccrine glands inthe overlying dermis were also noted.

  29. 就此而言,他剃掉的脸上的毫毛是由别的细胞生产出来的。

    For that matter, the facial hairs he chops off were produced by other cells.

  30. 至少你也可以同你的助手打个招呼,这不会伤着你一根毫毛!

    You could at least say hello to your assistant. It's no skin off your nose.


  1. 问:毫毛拼音怎么拼?毫毛的读音是什么?毫毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毫毛的读音是háomáo,毫毛翻译成英文是 body hair



本意即皮毛。人体皮肤上的汗毛。《素问·玉机真脏论》:“风寒客于人,使人毫毛毕直。” 引伸①指人体最浅表部位。《素问·汤液醪醴论》:“其有不从毫毛而生,五脏阳以竭也。” ②眉中的长毛。《枢灵·阴阳二十五人》:“血气盛则美眉,眉有毫毛。”