


1. 血 [xuè]2. 血 [xiě]血 [xuè]人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大多为红色,主要成分为“血浆”、“血细胞”和“血小板”。味咸而腥:~型。~脂。~压。~糖。~迹。~汗。~泪。~洗。~书。~雨腥风。~海深仇。人类因生育而……





汉语拼音:xuè jì







  1. 见“ 血迹 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 血跡 ”。血在物体上留下的痕迹。

    《水浒传》第四五回:“老子摸得起来,摸了两手血跡。”《镜花缘》第二一回:“带着许多怪兽,浑身血跡,攛了进去。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十八:“没有一点点声音,不留一星星血迹地把一口猪杀了。”



  1. He took the pulse of the man with blood all over him and directed a nurse to do something.


  2. Narrator: morning, B, C and opened his eyes, and suddenly found A up on the bed and full blood, put the XieYin photo.


  3. The animal fled the scene and police found a blood trail leading to its living quarters inside the house, where he died.


  4. Legal medical expert still found a bloodstain of the murdered in his clothes although the suspect had washed it.


  5. There was blood on the painted feet, as though the thing had dripped-blood even on the hand that had not held the knife.


  6. First it was dark as a shoal in the blue water that was more than a mile deep. Then it spread like a cloud.


  7. John went to grab towels out of the bathroom to mop up the blood. When he returned she was at the man again with her knife.


  8. Traces of blood found on his wife's clothing and the back seat of the 4x4 showed she had died as a result of violence, said the prosecutor.


  9. Usually, he adds with a laugh and a nod at his bloody fingers, "it involves a little bit of blood. "


  1. 滴落状血迹

    drip bloodstain.

  2. 殷红的血迹

    blackish red bloodstains.

  3. 布满血迹。血迹斑斑

    be bathed in blood

  4. 那是血迹吗?

    Is that blood?

  5. 那是血迹吗?

    Is that blood?

  6. 血迹斑斑的人

    a gory figure

  7. 有血迹吗,没有。

    Any blood?No.

  8. 护士洗去血迹。

    The nurse washed away the blood.

  9. 血迹斑斑的衬衫

    a bloodstained shirt

  10. 墙上血迹斑斑。

    The walls were splattered with blood.

  11. 桌子上有血迹。

    The desk was marked with bloodstains.

  12. 学生血迹管理系统

    Student bloodstain management system management system

  13. 细致地检验了血迹。

    The blood was examined microscopically.

  14. 论现场血迹的应用

    On the Application of Bloodstain at the Scene of Crime

  15. 用显微镜作血迹检查。

    microscopic examination of traces of blood

  16. 墙上有一片血迹。

    There was a smear of blood on the wall.

  17. 一块血迹斑斑的布

    a cloth stained with blood

  18. 她双手沾上了血迹。

    Her hands were bloodstained.

  19. 鹿死总有血迹留。

    Where the deer is slain, some of her blood will lie.

  20. 他们采集血迹进行分析。

    They collected blood scrapings for analysis.

  21. 新洁尔灭祛除血迹

    Removing the Bloodstain Using Bromogeramine

  22. 犯罪现场血迹形态分析

    Bloodstain Morphological Analysis of the Crime Scene

  23. 脚垫上有泥土和血迹。

    Soil and blood on the carpet.

  24. 雪地沾满了斑斑血迹。

    The snow was stained with blood.

  25. 检查任何离群的血迹。

    Check for any stray blood trails.

  26. 检查任何离群得血迹。

    Check for any stray blood trails.

  27. 快!把血迹全遮盖起来。

    Be quick, cover the blood stains over.

  28. 上面到处是溅落的血迹。

    It has blood spatter all over it.

  29. 我们的祭坛是血迹斑斑。

    Our altars are stained with blood.

  30. 犯罪现场到处都是血迹。

    Blood was all over the crime scene.


  1. 问:血迹拼音怎么拼?血迹的读音是什么?血迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血迹的读音是xuèjì,血迹翻译成英文是 bloodstain; blood-stained

  2. 问:血迹芋螺拼音怎么拼?血迹芋螺的读音是什么?血迹芋螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血迹芋螺的读音是,血迹芋螺翻译成英文是 Conus sanguinolentus

  3. 问:血迹蛙螺拼音怎么拼?血迹蛙螺的读音是什么?血迹蛙螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血迹蛙螺的读音是xuèjìwāluó,血迹蛙螺翻译成英文是 Blood-stain Frog Shell; Bursa cruentata Sowe...

  4. 问:血迹鉴定拼音怎么拼?血迹鉴定的读音是什么?血迹鉴定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血迹鉴定的读音是xuèjìjiàndìng,血迹鉴定翻译成英文是 bloodstain verification

  5. 问:血迹斑斑地拼音怎么拼?血迹斑斑地的读音是什么?血迹斑斑地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血迹斑斑地的读音是,血迹斑斑地翻译成英文是 bloodily



词目:血迹 拼音:xuè jì 词义:(血 口语读法:xiě):血在物体上留下的痕迹。

基本解释 [bloodstain] 血留在物体上的痕迹,法医学概念:血迹又叫血痕,血痕分六种,分别是:滴状、流注状、喷溅状、擦拭状、血印痕、血泊 详细解释 1. 见“ 血迹 ”。

2. 亦作“ 血痕 ”。血在物体上留下的痕迹。《水浒传》第四五回:“老子摸得起来,摸了两手血迹。”《镜花缘》第二一回:“带着许多怪兽,浑身血迹,撺了进去。”周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十八:“没有一点点声音,不留一星星血迹地把一口猪杀了。”