


1. 夸 [kuā]2. 夸 [kuà]夸 [kuā]说大话,自吹:~口。~张。~耀。~嘴(夸口)。浮~。~~其谈。用话奖励,赞扬:~赞。~许。奢侈:“贵而不为~”。夸 [kuà]古同“跨”,兼有。……


1. 夸 [kuā]2. 夸 [kuà]夸 [kuā]说大话,自吹:~口。~张。~耀。~嘴(夸口)。浮~。~~其谈。用话奖励,赞扬:~赞。~许。奢侈:“贵而不为~”。夸 [kuà]古同“跨”,兼有。……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:kuā kuā ér tán







  • 【解释】:形容说话浮夸不切实际。
  • 【出自】:清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第十一回:“进了书房门,听见杨执中在内咶咶而谈,知道是他已来了,进去作揖同,同坐下。”
  • 【示例】:吴蒸甫先不发表意见,任听唐云山在那里~。


  1. Putting on airs, the bombastic orator used a bunch of big words that basically said nothing at all.


  1. 我们围炉款款而谈。

    We had a quiet fireside chat.

  2. 娓娓而谈不能作为才智的证明。

    A flow of words is no proof of wisdom.

  3. 我走在他的旁边,听着他娓娓而谈。

    Walking beside him, I listened.

  4. 而谈到烹饪, 一如其它的技巧, 好的成果并非偶然天成的。

    But with cooking, as with any other skill, good results don't happen by accident.

  5. 而谈到股票, 在支付高额股息的同时同样有可能大幅下挫。

    Stocks, on the other hand, can fall hard even when they pay high dividends.

  6. 罗近溪的经典诠释及其思想史意义 就克己复礼的诠释而谈

    The Classics Interpretation of Luo Jinxi and Its Significance in Ideological History

  7. 在报道语言上,它采用了一种娓娓而谈、讨论式的风格。

    In report language, it uses one kind of sounds and talk, to discuss the type of style.

  8. 然后转而谈了另一个对他人看法的偏向,基本归因错误。

    We then turned to talk about a bias and how we see other people, the fundamental attribution error.

  9. 他宁愿听别人谈而不愿自己说。

    He would listen to others rather than talk himself.

  10. 对自己的希望闭口不谈而她却闭口不提走的事。

    Reticent about one's hope She won't talk about going.

  11. 我希望你别谈大概而谈细节。

    I wish you would come down from generalities to particulars.

  12. 但这是又一个将货币与资本混为一谈而得出的结论。

    But this is just another product of the conflation of money and capital.

  13. 但这是又一个将货币与资本混为一谈而得出的谬论。

    But this is just another product of the conflation of money and capital.

  14. 我引导他谈他的话题, 他侃侃而谈, 我极力跟上。

    I make him talk his talk, he rattle on, I strike to follow you.

  15. 我们不能撇开这个问题, 而去谈其它次要问题。

    We cannot bypass this issue to discuss other question of minor importance.

  16. 我们围炉而坐,谈笑着。

    We sat around the fire, talking and laughing.

  17. 而我们现在谈得是大单节约得问题。

    And we are talking big savings.

  18. 而我们现在谈的是大单节约的问题。

    And we are talking big savings.

  19. 谈谈他做对了什么, 而不要谈他们没有做的。

    Talk about what he has done right, not about what he has not done.

  20. 他有本领谈半天而毫无内容。

    He had the ability of talking at length and talking nothing.

  21. 我宁愿同他母亲谈,而不愿同他父亲谈。

    I would rather talk with her mother than with her father.

  22. 新科状元与朋友相向而坐, 谈诗论词, 把酒言欢。

    The new number one scholar sits with his friends face to face, talking and drinking.

  23. 新科状元与朋友相向而坐,谈诗论词,把酒言欢。

    The new number one scholar sits with his friends face to face, talking and drinking.

  24. 所以不要以牺牲整体图景而拘泥于只谈各种事实和日期。

    So don't getdown in taking in all the facts and dates, at the expensethe big picture.

  25. 我们不喜欢转弯抹角地谈问题而不作任何决定。

    We don't like talking round things without coming to any decision.

  26. 有没有什么问题我们没有谈到而你又想问的?

    Are there any questions we haven't covered that you want to ask ?

  27. 我与他手谈数局而难分胜负, 真是遇到对手了。

    We've drawn several times in chess. He is really a match for me!

  28. 我与他手谈数局而难分胜负,真是遇到对手了。

    We've drawn several times in chess. He is really a match for me!

  29. 而我在这里谈的是纯粹的设计。

    And I'm really here to talk about design.

  30. 啊, 她多想同他款款而谈!

    Oh, how she longed to win him to converse!

