











汉语拼音:jīng shén huǎng hū








  • 【解释】:恍忽:糊里糊涂的样子。形容神思不定或神志不清。
  • 【出自】:战国·楚·宋玉《神女赋〉》:“精神怳忽,若有所喜。”
  • 【示例】:在大姐失踪之后,我~。领导上这时又要我写个大姐的简历,要进行追功。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;形容精神不集中


  1. He seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him.


  2. And Kutuzov began, as old people often do, gazing abstractedly about him, as though forgetting all he had to say or do.


  3. Sometimes they believed they must still be delirious and these things had not happened at all.


  4. After he finished the drink, he laid his head down, and before sleep claimed him, wondered driftingly, Soon enough for what?


  5. he had been walking around in a dream all day.


  6. It seemed as if the starlings had been hypnotised because they acted as if they were not being chased.


  7. He could desire such a thing only in a temporary transport .


  8. i ' m sorry , i keep screwing everything up . i ' m so out of it today.


  9. Insomnia is excuse me much dream, absentminded , boy old age, what medicine still can be recuperated besides taking sleeping pill?


  1. 精神恍惚。出神

    Top fall into a trance

  2. 我爸已经已经精神恍惚了。

    Father is is he's not himself.

  3. 有个精神恍惚的女友

    Well, that's when having an absentminded girlfriend.

  4. 那些日子他常常精神恍惚。

    He often mooned about those days.

  5. 精神恍惚,不知道你是什么。

    Wandering, not knowing who or what you are.

  6. 地震令大家变得精神恍惚。

    After the earthquake most people were left in a state of stupor.

  7. 她看上去精神恍惚,吓得够呛。

    She looked dazed and frightened.

  8. 受药片跟酒精影响, 她精神恍惚。

    She was high on pills and alcohol.

  9. 她老是精神恍惚地想念那小子。

    She was always mooning over that bloke.

  10. 受药片跟酒精影响,她精神恍惚。

    She was high on pills and alcohol.

  11. 你独自地吃着,看起来精神恍惚。

    You eat by yourself, seemingly in a daze.

  12. 因想念死去的父亲而精神恍惚。

    Moon over one's dead father.

  13. 她精神恍惚地听着他的话语。

    Her mind only vaguely grasped what he was saying.

  14. 她好像精神恍惚,没认出我们来。

    Her mind seemed to be wandering and she didn't recognize us.

  15. 她悲痛得精神恍惚,怎麽安慰也没用。

    She was distracted with grief and refused to be solaced.

  16. 她悲痛得精神恍惚, 怎么安慰也没用。

    She was distracted with grief and refused to is solaced.

  17. 事故过去了好几个星期, 你都精神恍惚。

    For many weeks after the accident you were not yourself.

  18. 于是,到了白天,我就精神恍惚的在街上走

    So I would walk around in a daze during the day.

  19. 这些天来他似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他谈谈。

    He seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him.

  20. 我精神恍惚了,一下子撞上了前面车子的后部。

    I got dazed and slammed into the bumper of the car in front.

  21. 服用迷幻药而精神恍惚的孩子们由志愿医师加以诊治。

    Kids on bad trips were treated by volunteer physicians.

  22. 服用迷幻药而精神恍惚得孩子们由志愿医师加以诊治。

    Kids on bad trips were treated by volunteer physicians.

  23. 约翰这些天来似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他谈谈。

    John seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. Youd better have a talk with him.

  24. 他只能在一种临时的精神恍惚的状况下作这种希望。

    He could desire such a thing only in a temporary transport.

  25. 我只知道我可不想浪费生命, 不想像她那样整天精神恍惚。

    All I know is that I don't want to waste my life getting high like she did.

  26. 由于严重的睡眠不足, 丈夫开始明显消瘦憔悴, 上班精神恍惚。

    Because of the serious lack of sleep, her husband started wasting haggard, work spirit trance.

  27. 李尔这位身心交瘁,精神恍惚的老人在痛苦中死去。

    Lear, a broken, confused ole man, died in anguish

  28. 一到周末,那些大学男生就喜欢喝酒吸毒,搞得精神恍惚。

    The college boys liked to get stoned every weekend.

  29. 不出他所料,他碰见斯坦纳正走出来,面色苍白,精神恍惚。

    Here he was not surprised to meet Stener just coming out, looking very pale and distraught.

  30. 恍惚的精神飘离身边。

    Drifting away into a trance.