


天刚黑的时候:黄~。~晓(朝夕。亦指明暗)。~定晨省(xǐng )(人子侍奉父母的日常礼节,晚上服侍就寝,早上省视问安)。暗而无光:~暗。~黑。惑乱:~愦。~聩。~庸。神智不清楚或失去知觉:发~。~厥(亦称“晕厥”)。~乱。古同“婚”,婚姻……




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:hūn mí bù xǐng







  • 【解释】:神志昏沉,不省人事。
  • 【出自】:清·石玉昆《三侠五义》第一回:“谁知早有人将信暗暗透于冷宫,秦凤一闻此言,胆裂魂飞,忙忙奏知李娘娘。李娘娘闻听,登时昏迷不醒。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;指不省人事


  1. He began to tell me how, as he lay there comatose , he could hear me talking to him and could feel me holding his hand the whole time.


  2. If he took his exomask off he would be unconscious after the first few breaths, with irreversible lung damage in less than a minute.


  3. Guided by his daughter on the shore, he found the unconscious boy floating just below the surface of the dirty water.


  4. She had 416mg of alcohol per decilitre in her blood, enough to make her comatose and depress her respiratory system.


  5. He ended up in the hospital and was in a coma all night.


  6. He remained unconscious for a week after the accident.


  7. had an attack and ended up in the hospital unconscious.


  8. Two days after that visit, my dad, who had heart problems, but didn't tell me, had an attack and ended up in the hospital, unconscious.


  9. A tiny monkey was left momentarily dazed after being struck by a moped while scampering across the road.


  1. 他被击后昏迷不醒

    He was in a daze after the blow.

  2. 我以为是我害你昏迷不醒。

    I thought I put you in a coma.

  3. 她们都倒地昏迷不醒了。

    They both slump to the ground unconscious.

  4. 她始终昏迷不醒, 活不长了。

    She was unconscious all the time, and it did not take her very long to die.

  5. 这个醉鬼昏迷不醒, 倒在地上。

    The drunken man fell to the floor in a stupor.

  6. 我打开门, 发现你正昏迷不醒。

    I opened the door, and found you unconscious.

  7. 马修在生病卧床期间昏迷不醒。

    Matthew was unconscious when he was taken to bed.

  8. 马修在生病卧床期间昏迷不醒。

    Matthew was unconscious when he was taken to bed.

  9. 你把一个女人撞得昏迷不醒

    You put a woman into a coma.

  10. 你太幸运了,这会儿能昏迷不醒。

    You are so lucky you're in a coma right now.

  11. 我旁边躺着昏迷不醒的利奥。

    Near to me lay Leo, still lost in a swoon.

  12. 她撞了头,有几分钟昏迷不醒。

    She hit her head and was unconscious for several minutes.

  13. 他在事故后, 连续一周昏迷不醒。

    He remained unconscious for a week after the accident.

  14. 他刚做完手术, 现在仍昏迷不醒。

    He just went under the knife and is now still in coma.

  15. 知道我节目里那个演昏迷不醒的?

    You know that guy on my show thats in a coma

  16. 这名伤员由于失血过多而昏迷不醒。

    This wounded soldier was unconscious from his loss of blood.

  17. 瞧,是你找到了那个昏迷不醒的的卫星。

    Look, you're the one who had to find the stupid satellite.

  18. 他昏迷不醒地躺在那里。他从昏迷中醒过来了。

    He's come out of his coma.

  19. 亲爱的,你把一个女人撞得昏迷不醒。

    Honey. You put a woman into a coma.

  20. 结果他被送到一个医院, 整夜昏迷不醒。

    He ended up in the hospital and was in a coma all night.

  21. 她到达医院时昏迷不醒,处于生命垂危状态。

    She arrived at the hospital in a critical condition and comatose.

  22. 当时打得就有一个女的基督徒就昏迷不醒。

    When there is a play on the unconscious Christian woman.

  23. 脑出血患者手术后一直昏迷不醒。到底要怎么办?

    After operation of cerebral hemorrhage patient unconscious all the time. How should do all?

  24. 差不多整整一星期他昏迷不醒, 不能开口说话, 也不能行走。

    For nearly a week he lay in a coma, unable to speak or walk.

  25. 当醉鬼获救后,它在地上躺了一会,昏迷不醒。

    When the inebriated elk was freed, it lay for a while on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

  26. 而且他也昏迷不醒的倒在地上, 还流着血。

    It was a direct hit. The jug shattered into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious and bleeding.

  27. 马克躺在那儿昏迷不醒,但看不出受伤的迹象。

    Mark was lying unconscious but with no outward sign of injury.

  28. 据政府消息灵通人士说, 萨达特受伤后就昏迷不醒。

    According to one government source, Sadat was unconscious moments after being wounded.

  29. 天那,弗莱德昏迷不醒很久了。我希望医生快点到。

    Gee, Fred's been out for a long time. I wish the doctor would get here.

  30. 但是他上任两个礼拜以后就因车祸而昏迷不醒了。

    But he was put in a coma just 2 weeks after his inauguration.