







汉语拼音:shuǐ gāng







  1. 贮水的缸。

    明 沉榜 《宛署杂记·经费上》:“大铁锅三口,银九分;水缸三口,银九分。”《儿女英雄传》第七回:“靠东柴垛后面合着装煤的一个大荆条筐,上面扣着一口破鐘也有水缸般大小。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第三一章:“道士们烧了几锅开水,盛在木桶和水缸里,摆在山门外。” 凌力 《星星草》第二三章二:“ 小兰 把这几尾 黄河 大鲤鱼往水缸里一放, 田柱子 、 铁山 、 小牛 他们都围过来看稀罕。”

  2. 指汽缸。

    清 末把锅炉、蒸汽机都叫做水缸。 清 沉葆桢 《机器到工已齐并船厂现在情形疏》:“船厂以内,已成者曰转锯厂,安十五匹马力水缸於中。” 清 沉葆桢 《机器到工已齐并船厂现在情形疏》:“轮船水缸,凹凸累砢,高若重楼。”



  1. In playing hide-and-seek with my little playmates, I would conceal myself behind one of the vats, which were taller than I was a moon gate.


  2. Mother always filled things up -- cups, water jugs, vases, boxes, arms -- as if colour and weight equalled a superior quality of life.


  3. He stepped towards the new Mrs. Hak-Tak to put her back in the pot, and his wife swung the new broom and hit him on the head.


  4. Sina Guang found a stone near the vat, and he lifted the stone very high and threw it towards the vat.


  5. Mr. Hak-Tak came in and saw his wife's legs kicking above the rim of the pot.


  6. The jar was full of water and the little child was too short to keep his head above the water.


  7. Everytime, after fetched the water to his house and poured into the big crock, he digged the ground near the crock a few minutes by the way.


  8. He got a stone and knocked the jar with it on the side.


  9. Unique open reservoir tank made of stainless steel, easy cleaning & maintenance.


  1. 消防栓水缸

    fire hydrant tank.

  2. 排头食水缸

    Pai Tau Fresh Water Tank.

  3. 莲澳食水缸

    Lin Au Fresh Water Tank.

  4. 深屈食水缸

    Sham Wat Fresh Water Tank.

  5. 深井食水缸

    Sham Tseng Fresh Water Tank.

  6. 大浪坳食水缸

    Tai Long Au Fresh Water Tank.

  7. 泗和园食水缸

    Sai Wo Yuen Fresh Water Tank.

  8. 麒麟山食水缸

    Ki Lun Shan Fresh Water Tank

  9. 花心坑食水缸

    Fa Sam Hang Fresh Water Tank

  10. 白虎山食水缸

    Pak Fu Shan Fresh Water Tank.

  11. 木棉山食水缸

    Muk Min Shan Fresh Water Tank.

  12. 汉文村食水缸

    Hon Man Tsuen Fresh Water Tank

  13. 沙田岭食水缸

    Sha Tin Height Fresh Water Tank.

  14. 蓄水池。贮水池。贮水缸

    storage cistern

  15. 和宜合食水缸

    Wo Yi Hop Fresh Water Tank

  16. 白加道食水缸

    Barker Road Fresh Water Tank.

  17. 黄毛应食水缸

    Wong Mo Ying Fresh Water Tank

  18. 黄泥涌食水缸

    Wong Nai Chung Fresh Water Tank

  19. 东丫村原水缸

    Tung Ah Village Raw Water Tank.

  20. 白田北食水缸

    Pak Tin North Fresh Water Tank.

  21. 黄竹洋食水缸

    Wong Chuk Yeung Fresh Water Tank

  22. 水缸的冷进水管

    the cold feed to the water cylinder

  23. 岭南上村食水缸

    Ling Nam Upper Village Fresh Water Tank

  24. 大水缸里的水是满的。

    The big water jar was full.

  25. 我们在这水缸前干什么?

    What are we doing in front of this tank?

  26. 干粮所剩无几, 水缸已经空了。

    The food supply is almost gone, the water urn is empty.

  27. 他们看着鱼在水缸里游着。

    They watched the fish swimming in the aquarium.

  28. 雨未下就先别清空水缸。

    Don't empty the water jar until the rain falls.

  29. 但不同的是今晚用大水缸。

    But the difference tonight is that we have dump tanks.

  30. 请检查水缸水位感应棒是否清洁。

    Make sure that the water level sensor is clean.


  1. 问:水缸拼音怎么拼?水缸的读音是什么?水缸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水缸的读音是shuǐgāng,水缸翻译成英文是 water vat; water jar