







汉语拼音:yòu miàn







  1. 右边。



  1. And, slipping out of Gaston's grasp, Marguerite sat him on her right, me on her left, and then said to Nanine.


  2. the magistrate sits behind a raised bench and the witness box is usually to one side ( left or right ) , near the front of the court.


  3. Even as the thought flashed through his brain he received a heavy blow on the side of his head that nearly knocked him down.


  4. In the right frame, click the name of the project with which you want to work.


  5. She crossed to the bed and rolled him over onto his right side before he could pass into a nightmare.


  6. Let the level of a star be an amount of the stars that are not higher and not to the right of the given star.


  7. Not far away from the bridge was a six-storied building. To its right was a second-hand bookstore.


  8. Corina Alamillo is lying on her right side in an operating room in the UCLA Medical Center.


  9. There is a very important person I would like to introduce - Jack Neo (Down pic, the man of the right hand side).


  1. 蛋糕的右面

    The right side of the cake.

  2. 在我的右面

    at my right hand.

  3. 右面人太多了!

    Too many on the right!

  4. 右面人太多了!

    Too many on the right!

  5. 它在花园的右面。

    It is on the right of the garden.

  6. 右面带台座办公桌

    Desk with Drawers at Right

  7. 你在走廊的右面。

    You are on the right side of the corridor.

  8. 电影院在你的右面。

    The cinema is on your right.

  9. 你搜右面, 我搜左面。

    You both search the right side, and I'll take the left.

  10. 你搜右面,我搜左面。

    You both search the right side, and I'll take the left.

  11. 从右面包抄敌军

    outflank the enemy on the right

  12. 你在航迹的右面。

    You are right of track.

  13. 葛强在我的右面。

    To my right is Ge Qiang.

  14. 葛强在我得右面。

    To my right is Ge Qiang.

  15. 在你右面的柜子里

    In the cabinet on your right.

  16. 切记只可在右面超车。

    Overtake only on the offside.

  17. 神父傲慢地走到右面。

    The priest proudly stepped over to the right.

  18. 走右面的第二条街。

    Take the second street on the right.

  19. 就是教堂右面的大房子。

    It's the big house to the right of the church.

  20. 我们从右面包抄敌军。

    We enveloped the enemy on the right.

  21. 你稍偏在中心线右面。

    You are drifting out to the right.

  22. 点击右面的按钮开始游戏。

    Click on the start button to the right side of the game.

  23. 点击右面的锅开始煮面。

    Click on the right side of the pan started cooking.

  24. 而且, 右面的选项卡为灰色。

    Pin not swappable, swap code is zero.Pick again.

  25. 从左做假动作后从右面突破

    fake left drive right

  26. 右面哪个男孩是谁, 是我吗?

    Who's the boy on right? is it me?

  27. 新节加入到列表的右面。

    Insert the new bolt into the list right after the head.

  28. 右面板包含两个网格。

    The right pane contains two grids.

  29. 点击右面的粉红按钮开始游戏。

    Click on the right side of the pink button to begin the game.

  30. 在元素的右面绘制一个边框。

    Draws a border to the right of the element.


  1. 问:右面拼音怎么拼?右面的读音是什么?右面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:右面的读音是yòumiàn,右面翻译成英文是 the right side; the right