







汉语拼音:yě gē







  1. 网络
  2. S. Juan Diego;St. Juan Diego

  1. 兔八哥也是我的钟爱。

    Bugs Bunny is my muse.

  2. 哥也做过同样的梦。

    Costa Rica also has the same dream.

  3. 我哥也攒够了足够的现金

    Brother gotta keep enough lettuce

  4. 不,我爸和我哥也在这里 什么?

    No, my father and brother were here, too What?

  5. 我也知道罗德里哥依然爱着你。

    And I know Rodrigo still loves you.

  6. 海绵宝宝也把章鱼哥当成自己的好朋友。

    Spongebob has also as his brother octopus of good friends.

  7. 因此, 这个收购对甲骨文来说部分上也是一哥软件收购。

    The takeover is in part, therefore, another software acquisition for Oracle.

  8. 布基纳法索和多哥总统也呼吁政府与安盟之间进行对话。

    The Presidents of Burkina Faso and Togo also appealed for dialogue between the Government and UNITA.

  9. 也可以抓他哥了。

    Pick up the brother, too.

  10. 哥帕拉当然也陪着她,把他的头搭到她的肩膀上。

    Of course Gopala accompanied her, resting His head on her shoulder.

  11. 女人跟着丈夫的尊称而系以哥字,也是他们贵族的通例。

    Even the women folk are honored with the same honorific title of Elder Brother,in the same manner as their husbands are addressed. This is a custom among their nobility.

  12. 哥印拜陀的实业家们也表示感到愤怒与错愕。

    Industrialists in coimbature have also expressed anger and dismay.

  13. 墨西哥也在第二张表上。

    Mexico is also on List 2.

  14. 蒂亚哥也在同一个车站下了车。

    Diego had to get off at the same stop.

  15. 同时它在加拿大和墨西哥也有三家工厂。

    It also operates three plants in Canada and one in Mexico.

  16. 墨西哥也庆祝这个节日,只不过是在12月28日。

    In Mexico they celebrate it, too, but on December 28.

  17. 赫斯特先生在丹佛有一套房子, 在墨西哥也有一套。

    Mr Hirst owns a home in Devon and another in Mexico.

  18. 我以为你哥发生了那样的悲剧,你也会

    I thought with what happened to your brother, you'd be.

  19. 但墨西哥也显示了不平等和排斥可能反弹和复原的力量。

    But Mexico also shows how resilient inequality and exclusion can be.

  20. 于是四阿哥也不管喉结那的疼痛,紧跟着就追了上去。

    Hence four the elder brother also ignore Adam apple that of rankle, Doudoune Moncler Femme, close behind made trace for up.

  21. 二哥早没了影,手机关机,谁也不知去了哪儿。

    This is no longer the shadow, mobile phone shutdown, who knows where.

  22. 我什么时候也挣几千的时候,就该我请哥他们啦!

    When when I also struggle for several thousands, be my turn to invite an elder brother right away they!

  23. 之后,哥嫂将他带到北京来工作,也一直关怀备至。

    Afterward, the elder and his wives lead him to Beijing to work, also has cared.

  24. 加拿大、墨西哥和哥斯达黎加代表也发了言。

    Statements were also made by the representatives of Canada, Mexico and Costa Rica.

  25. 格拉斯哥警方说,集会没有事件发生,也没有人被逮捕。

    Glasgow police said the gathering passed without incident and no arrests were made.

  26. 哥伦比亚、摩纳哥和摩洛哥也开展了周年纪念宣传活动。

    Information campaigns marking the anniversary were also developed in Colombia, Monaco and Morocco.

  27. 哥白尼的前辈和同时代人也因为这个问题而反对他。

    This question was the objection of Copernicus' contemporaries and predecessors.

  28. 奴哥也来了。别急,坐低喝杯茶食个包先,招呼不到,请勿见怪啊!

    Brother Nu you come,too.No hurry,have a seat and have a cup of tea.

  29. 哥辖族中有几家在以法莲支派的地中也得了城邑,

    And the residue of the families of the sons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out of the tribe of Ephraim.

  30. 我飞快地逃离了格拉斯哥,而且老实说我再也不会回去了。

    I got the hell out of Glasgow and I can honestly say I will never go back.