







汉语拼音:yě zé






  1. 亦是。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷七:“但道我擢高第,教他休更许别人,俺也则不曾聘妻。”



  1. In the flexible packaging products develop, folding carton market in recent years there have been atrophy. It is worthy of our attention.


  2. If your body-weight stays the same & you build muscle, your body fat goes down.


  1. 同时也则食吕交换表有了一定的了解。

    Simultaneously also ate Lu to exchange the table to have certain understanding.

  2. 如果我们移动了清晰预兆,我们则也会修改整个野性天赋。

    If we ever moved Omen around, we would also juggle Feral talents.

  3. 原是特来瞧瞧嫂子你二则也请请 姑 太太的安。

    I came specially to see you, sister, and also to inquire after Her ladyship's health.

  4. 也谈不平则鸣

    Discussion on Where There is Injustice, There Will Be an Outcry.

  5. 是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。

    Is a bird, shipping will be resettlement in the southern Ming.

  6. 有些则再也回不来

    And some of them don't.

  7. 而另一边的岛上则什么也没有。

    But on the other side of the island, there was nothing.

  8. 而另一边得岛上则什么也没有。

    But on the other side of the island, there was nothing.

  9. 若净围压改变, 则孔隙度也将变化。

    If net confining pressure does not change, porosity does not change, and vise versa.

  10. 若生产成本增加, 则价格也要相应提高。

    If production costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in pricesprices will increase pro rata.

  11. 如果所作假定完全相同, 则结果也应一致。

    Had the assumption been strictly compatible, the results would have been identical.

  12. 而局外人则永远也无法真正触及事情的核心。

    And the outsider can never really reach the core.

  13. 但是即使是这则指示也遭泄露并挂到了网上。

    But even that command leaked and appeared on the Internet.

  14. 鱼类的脑部侧化现象则似乎也能带来一些生存优势。

    Lateralization seems to confer an advantage for some fish as well.

  15. 其他评论员不久也报道了这则消息。

    Other commentators soon took up the theme.

  16. 风之积也不厚,则其负大翼也无力。

    Wind plot is not thick, its wings a big enough.

  17. 如果它们也有问题,则可能是网络出现了问题。

    If they also have problems, you probably have a network problem.

  18. 其用战也贵胜,久则钝兵挫锐

    When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then mens weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped.

  19. 是不是英语里也有越聪明则越痛苦这个意思?

    Does it allude the meaning that more smart, more smart one will suffer from?

  20. 且夫水之积也不厚,则其负大舟也无力。

    If there is not sufficient depth, water will not have the power to float large ships.

  21. 屠夫的经纪人目前既没有确认也没有否认这则报价。

    Turiaf a restricted free agent. The Lakers have seven days to match the Warriors' offer.

  22. 此则余之过也。

    This is my fault.

  23. 学习不中断, 哪怕每天挤出10分钟也可以, 早晨则是大好时机。

    No stop. At least 10 m one day esp on mornings.

  24. 也就是说每则新增的讣文会在报纸上连续刊登七个版。

    Any obituary added runs through the next six editions until the publishing cycle has been completed.

  25. 而猫则对什么也不在乎。

    And CAT did not care one way or the other.

  26. 对这则消息一点也不要更改。

    Stress the word on the second syllable.

  27. 政治家剪羊毛,政客则连羊皮也剥掉。

    The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them.

  28. 相反, 如果抽样强度过高, 则估计值也偏高。

    On the contrary, as Sl was too high. the estimated wold be high.

  29. 由力得平行四边形法则作, 也可用力得三角形来作。

    By the parallelogram rule or constructing a force triangle.

  30. 由力的平行四边形法则作,也可用力的三角形来作。

    By the parallelogram rule or constructing a force triangle.