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兄弟排行次序最小的:~弟(小弟)。~父(小叔叔)。末了:~世。~春(春季末一月)。明~(明代末年)。~军(体育运动竞赛的第三名)。一年的四分之一:一年分春夏秋冬四~。~度。~风。一段时间:~节。~候。~相(xiàng )(某个地区在某个季节……
汉语拼音:yuè jì
宋 宋祁 《益都方物略记》:“月季花:此花即东方所谓四季花者,翠蔓红蘤。” 宋 杨万里 《久病小愈雨中端午试笔》诗:“月季元来插得成,瓶中花落叶犹青。” 清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·时品》:“至於梅萼争妍,草木萌动,迎春、探春、水仙、月季,百花接次争艷矣。” 老舍 《赶集·微神》:“门前有一架细蔓的月季,满开着单纯的花,全是浅粉的……月季花对于我是有些端阳前后的暗示。”
With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs like the wind and rain!
与其将自己的内心紧紧包裹,还不如如月季花大起大落般任凭风吹雨打!My commutation ticket came back to me with a dark stain from his hand.
我的月季票递还给我时上面留下了他手上的黑汗渍。An easy-to-grow variety this floribunda rose is vigorous and and produces a bountiful supply of large porcelain-pink flowers.
多花月季栽种容易,品种多样,生机勃勃,朵大花繁,是一种瓷粉红色花。If your bare root rose order arrives in a period of heavy frost it is going to be very difficult to plant it.
如果你的裸根月季苗在一段时间的冰冷天气中到达,在这个天气里是很难种植的。Therefore, PA could prolong the vase life of cut rose flowers, and it would be widely used in fresh-keeping of rose cut flowers.
因此,植酸能够有效延长月季切花的瓶插寿命,可应用于月季切花的瓶插保鲜。And Rose, apart from the beginning of winter frost cold days, open their hearts to it selfless decorate it with our lives!
而月季,除了数九寒天,它都敞开心扉,无私地装点着我们的生活呀!In the plant kingdom, I do not like dainty peony and do not like the fragrance of the rose, I only like ordinary fairy mountain.
在植物的王国里,我不喜欢娇艳的牡丹,不喜欢芬芳的月季,我只喜欢平凡的仙人山。Propagation of rose is carried out in grafting generally. Using resistant rootstock is a good method for the control of this disease.
嫁接是月季繁殖的主要方法之一,筛选抗根癌病的砧木是防治该病害的一种很好的途径。If purchased early in the summer season (before June) it is wise to leave the rose in it's pot to give the roots time to establish.